Manchester University Press: Nursing History and Humanities book series (Web)
Proposals by: Rolling call
The Nursing History and Humanities series is devoted both to historical approaches and humanities perspectives: work that explores nursing and health care cultures over time and place, in moments of pandemic and public health crisis and in creative and critical contexts. The series aims to capture the current challenges facing nurses and health care workers in local and global spaces, even as our books continue to document the long historical trajectories of the profession in structural and organisational terms.
The only book series devoted exclusively to nursing pursuits in the world, the editors welcome scholarly manuscripts within and across the fields of nursing history, nationally and internationally, the medical humanities and health studies of nursing practice, and the social histories of race, gender, and sexuality as they pertain to the nursing profession. Nursing is considered in a broad sense, and includes health care workers‘ and nurses‘ roles in midwifery, occupational health, physiotherapy, palliative care, among other areas. At the intersection of practice-based clinical nursing and rigorous cultural examinations of nursing, the series provides a forum for nurses, medical practitioners, historians, philosophers, and cultural critics to present new research.
The editors welcome approaches from established and emerging scholars. They look forward to reading fully formed submissions, providing preliminary advice on putting together a coherent edited volume or developing and framing a book based on PhD research, or generally to discuss ideas arising from a research project. The series takes a hands-on approach providing feedback at each stage, from the initial idea or dissertation through to the draft of the book manuscript. More details, including a full list of published titles … (Web).
Series editors: Christine Hallett, Univ. of Liverpool | Jane E. Schultz, Indiana Univ. | Kylie Smith, Emory Univ. | Alannah Tomkins, Keele Univ.
If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please contact Meredith Carroll, MUP Senior Commissioning Editor for Modern History (
Source: H-Net Notifications