Monthly Archives: August 2010

Amsterdam Conference of the International Federation for Research in Women’s History, 25.-27.08.2010, Amsterdam

Main Theme: Unequal Sisters: Women, Gender, and Global Inequalities in Historical Perspective / La sororité à l’épreuve. Femmes, genre et inégalités mondiales: perspectives historiques
Program Committee: Chair: Francisca de Haan (Central European University, Hungary/Aletta, Institute for Women’s History, Amsterdam). Members: Margaret Allen (University of Adelaide, Australia), Avital Bloch (University of Colima, Mexico), Carolyn Eichner (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, United States), Jacqueline Van Gent (University of Western Australia), and Rumi Yasutake (Konan University, Japan).
Venue: Amsterdam
Time: 25-27 August 2010
Website, Program etc.

  • Panel 1: Unequal Motherhood: Transnational Perspectives
  • Panel 2: Exploring Women’s Relationships Across Racialized Hierarchies Continue reading

CFP: Calling the Law into Question: Confronting the Illegal and Illicit in Public Arenas (Publication: Radical History Review); DL: 01.09.2010

Radical History Review (Web), Issue Number 113

The Radical History Review is planning a special issue that explores how historians, activists, curators, historic site and museum administrators, as well as other creators and managers of historical content, address public audiences around issues of the illicit or the illegal. With the goal of „calling the law into question,“ the editors seek research-based and reflective pieces that examine how engagement with histories of the illicit or the illegal can challenge normative representations of how laws and moral customs have been constructed, upheld, and discursively supported. We seek contributions that examine why publicly engaged work should confront histories of the illegal and illicit, which many people would rather avoid, ignore, or forget. We are also interested in how publicly engaged work can explore the social and cultural contexts that define and police what is illegal or illicit, in a manner that provokes different publics to rethink how these categories are created. Continue reading

46. ITH: The Memory of Labour / Arbeiterbewegungen in globalen Erinnerungsprozessen, 09.-12.09.2010, Linz

ITH: International Conference of Labour and Social History / Internationale Tagung der HistorikerInnen der Arbeiter- und anderer sozialen Bewegungen / Conference internationale d’histoire ouvriere et sociale
Zeit: 9.-12. September 2010
Ort: Bildungshaus Jägermayrhof, Römerstraße 98, 4020 Linz
Anmeldung / Registration: 15. August 2010
Website mit Porgramm
46. Linzer Konferenz, veranstaltet von der International Conference of Labour and Social History und der Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte Oberösterreich, mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung, oberösterreichischer Landesregierung, Stadt Linz und Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung Bonn, Koordination: Jürgen Mittag (Bochum)