Monthly Archives: August 2009

Ausstellung „Was damals Recht war… Soldaten und Zivilist_innen vor Gerichten der Wehrmacht“, 01.09-15.10.2009, Wien

::: Ausstellung „Was damals Recht war… Soldaten und Zivilist_innen vor Gerichten der Wehrmacht“ :::
Eröffnung am Dienstag, 1.9.2009, 19.00 Uhr
Ort: Theater Nestroyhof Hamakom, Nestroyplatz 1, 1020 Wien
Die Ausstellung wurde von der Stiftung Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas für Deutschland entwickelt, durch den Verein Personenkomitee »Gerechtigkeit für die Opfer der NS-Militärjustiz« in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Verein Gedenkdienst für Österreich aktualisiert und wird vom 1. September bis zum 15. Oktober erstmals hierzulande zu sehen sein.
Die Ausstellung erinnert an weit mehr als 20.000 Soldaten und Zivilist_innenen aus nahezu ganz Europa, die durch Unrechtsurteile der Wehrmachtsgerichte umkamen.
Ausführliche Informationen, Folder zur Ausstellung sowie das Begleitprogramm (Diskussionen, Vorträge, Symposium, Film- und Literaturveranstaltungen) unter oder
::: Aktions-Stadtspaziergang / 5. Stadtspaziergang der AK Denkmalpflege :::
Zeit: 6.9.2009, 15.00 Uhr
Treffpunkt Votivkirche (zu Fuß begehbar)
In einem diesmal aktionistischen Stadtspaziergang sollen nicht nur die Orte besucht, sondern auch kurzfristige Gedenk-Installationen angebracht werden. Dies soll eine Intervention darstellen um die jahrzentelange Nicht-Thematisierung der Verfolgung durch die NS-Militärjustiz aufzuzeigen. Continue reading

CfA: Feminist Methodologies: Situated Knowledge Practices (8-10.12.09, Umeå Sweden); DL: 23.10.09

Nordic Research School in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies (Funded by NorFA/NordForsk: Nordic Academy for Advanced Study). The School is a joint venture between NIKK (Nordic Institute for Women’s Studies and Gender Research, Oslo) and Dept. of Gender Studies, Linköping University, Sweden, and 36 Gender Studies units at universities in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and North-West Russia.
Date: December 8-10, 2009
Deadline for application: October 23, 2009
Venue: University of Umeå, Umeå, Sweden

  • Dr. Katie King, Associate professor of women’s studies, University of Maryland, USA,
  • Dr. Ulrika Dahl, Assistant professor of gender studies, Södertörn University College, Sweden
  • Dr. Malin Rönnblom, assistent professor of gender studies, Umeå University, Sweden.

Course description:
Feminist methodologies are all about critical, reflexive and visionary ideas about knowledges being made, shared, used, demonstrated, patterned and organized. This course attends to some themes related to how, in a global era, feminists/gender scholars labor to participate in a universe in which we are only some of the objects, devices, things, processes and trial and error reassemblages in self-organizing „learning“.
We begin by considering some methodological dilemmas connected to understanding global academic restructuring, networking knowledge economies, and transdisciplinarity. Next we hone in on reconsiderations of two „classic“ methods: ethnography and policy analysis. Continue reading

CfP: Women’s and Gender History in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (Publication: ASPASIA 5); DL: 15.10.2009

ASPASIA is an international peer-reviewed yearbook that aims to bring out the best scholarship in the field of interdisciplinary women’s and gender history focused on – and produced in – Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe. ASPASIA is published by Berghahn Books.

ASPASIA 5 will be an open issue, without a special theme. We invite submissions on all topics and historical periods. For more information, please visit the website or contact one of the editors.

The Forum of ASPASIA 5 will focus on the discipline of Women’s and Gender History in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. The main aim of this Forum is to bring together specialists in women’s and gender history from the region in order to explore and discuss their experiences with creating and developing historical research on women and gender and the institutionalization of the field. Topics can include the establishment of new programs and intra-European collaborative projects, the foundation of new journals, the appearance of important publications and other professional achievements. Continue reading

Konferenz: Die sieben Todsünden in der Frühen Neuzeit, 14.-16.10.2009, Wien

Internationale Tagung anlässlich des 20-jährigen Jubiläums des Institut für die Erforschung der Frühen Neuzeit (IEFN), Wien
Mittwoch, 14.10.2009
Ort: Altes Rathaus, 19.00 Uhr
Abendveranstaltung im Rahmen der Wiener Vorlesungen:

  • Hubert Ch. Ehalt: Eröffnung
  • Karl Vocelka: 20 Jahre IEFN
  • Helmut Puff (Ann Arbor, Michigan): Wollust lernen

Donnerstag, 15.10.2009
Tagungsort: Wiener Stadt- und Landesarchiv (Gasometer D)
10.00 Uhr
Karl Vocelka, Ferdinand Opll: Eröffnung
10.15-11.30 Uhr
Moderation: Christina Lutter

  • Erwin Pokorny (Wien): Hieronymus Boschs „Garten der Lüste“ – ein ironisches Lob des Lasters?
  • Brigitte Rath (Wien): „Die höchste Sünd auf Erden, liegt auf den Rücken von ….“ Continue reading

Konferenz des Arbeitskreis Geschlechtergeschichte der frühen Neuzeit, 05.-07.11.2009, Stuttgart-Hohenheim

Arbeitskreis Geschlechtergeschichte der frühen Neuzeit
Zeit: 05.-07.11.2009
Ort: Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Tagungszentrum Hohenheim
In den letzten Jahren lagen die thematischen Schwerpunkte der AKGG-FNZ-Tagungen u.a. auf Religion, Emotionen, Gewalt und Konflikten. Dieses Jahr steht die „Ökonomie“ im Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit. Damit tragen wir dem Umstand Rechnung, dass die kultur-, politik- und sozialgeschichtlich ausgerichteten Forschungen sich wieder vermehrt mit ökonomischen Problemen befassen und umgekehrt, die Wirtschaftsgeschichte sich in den letzten Jahren kulturwissenschaftlichen Zugängen geöffnet hat. Für die Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte stellte die Frage nach Arbeit und ihrer Bewertung schon früh einen wichtigen Interessenschwerpunkt dar. Zu nennen sind hier etwa die Forschungen zur (Mit-)Arbeit von Frauen und Töchtern im bäuerlichen Bereich, im städtischen Handwerk wie auch im gelehrten Bereich; zu Nonnen und ihrer (haus-)wirtschaftlichen Arbeit in Klöstern. Erinnert sei auch an umfassende Forschungskonzepte wie jenes des „Ehe- und Arbeitspaares“ von Heide Wunder. Es freut uns daher besonders, dass wir Heide Wunder für den Abendvortrag gewinnen konnten.
Langjährige Praxis des AKGG-FNZ ist es, Geschlecht sowohl als Gegenstand als auch als Analysewerkzeug zu verstehen. Bezogen auf den diesjährigen Schwerpunkt bedeutet dies, dass wir einerseits nach Frauen als Akteurinnen fragen und andererseits „Ökonomie“ als ein von geschlechterspezifischen Markierungen durchzogenes Handlungsfeld begreifen, welches kulturwissenschaftlich zu verstehen und zu untersuchen ist. Continue reading

CfP: Confronting the Politics of Racialized Sexualities: On Regulating Minority Gender Relations and Sexualities (Event: 07/2010, Gothenburg); DL: 01.10.2009

Call for papers for RC05/RC32 Joint Session at the 17th ISA World Congress of Sociology, 11-17 July 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden; RC05 (Racism, Nationalism and Ethnic Relations)/RC32 (Women in Society-host committee)
Session organizers: Sirma Bilge, Université de Montréal, Canada; Paul Scheibelhofer, Central European University, Hungary
Submission deadline: October 1st 2009
Questions of gender and sexualities are essential to understand politics of race and nation at different levels of analysis, whether the local, the national, or the global. Drawing on what David Goldberg called the ‚liberal paradox‘, i.e. how the commitment of modernity to idealized principles of liberty and equality goes hand in hand with a multiplication of racialized identities and the sets of exclusions they prompt and rationalize, enable and sustain (Goldberg 1993), the proposed session will tackle the ways in which ethnocultural exclusion and racialization processes in western liberal democracies currently operate through the problematization of minority/migrant gender relations and sexualities. We are particularly interested in the current mobilizations of women’s rights and gay rights to construe the ‚civilized‘ space of western freedoms and their ‚enemies‘. Besides the critique of these exclusionary discourses and practices, we welcome contributions engaging with questions of resistance/emancipation and counter-hegemonic practices, and providing frameworks for developing knowledge that lessen domination.
Identified thematic areas for papers include but not limited to:

  • Articulations of sexuality and nationalism: recent developments and historical legacies Continue reading

CfP: Feminism and Migration: Cross-Cultural Engagements (edited volume); DL: 30.08.09

Call for Papers for a proposed edited book on Feminism and Migration: Cross-Cultural Engagements
While feminization of migration is fairly recognized in contemporary migration discourse, the relationship between feminism and migration is not. The advancement of women through migration needs to be explored in the light of the increasing mobility of people across borders, both internal and international. The empowerment of (im) migrant women through the exercise of personal agency, collective action amongst diverse groups of women including First Nations/indigenous communities, and other ways to coalesce with mainstream women’s organizations to achieve common goals remains marginal in national discourses. More so, current trends in feminism(s) are still rooted in divisive categories such as race, class, and sexuality.
This collection aims to highlight the often ignored intersection between feminism and migration that occur along multiple sites of engagement. It will address the major question, “does migration contribute to advance feminism?” In particular, what are the existing practices of cross-cultural collaboration amongst diverse groups of women? To what extent does the “personal is political” experiential paradigm contribute to the potential involvement of immigrant/migrant women in certain modes of “feminist action”? Possible answers to these questions are encouraged from scholars and practitioners. Continue reading

CfP: Beyond Citizenship: Feminism and the transformation of Belonging (30.06-2.07.2010 Birkbeck, University of London); DL: 1.12.2009

The language of citizenship has, in recent years, been mobilized by feminists to articulate a wide range of claims and demands. The notions of economic, political, social, cultural, sexual/ bodily, and intimate citizenship, for example, have all been developed and explored in terms of their normative potential and their actual realization.
In Europe, in particular, there has been a strong steer from research funders and policy makers towards research agendas which address the question of citizenship in the context of increasingly diverse and multicultural societies. But, can the concept of citizenship encompass the transformations that feminist politics seek? What are the restrictions and exclusions of contemporary forms and practices of citizenship? How does the concept of citizenship deal with power, inequality, and difference? What are the problems with framing our desires and visions for the future in terms of citizenship in a globalizing world of migration, mobility, armed conflict, economic crisis and climate change? Does the concept of citizenship restrict our imaginations and limit our horizons within nation-state formations? Can it ever really grasp the complexity of our real and longed-for attachments to communities, networks, friends and loved ones? Is it able to embrace the politics of embodiment and of our relationships with the non-human world? How have feminists historically and cross-culturally imagined and prefigured a world beyond citizenship? Is a feminist, queer or global citizenship thinkable, or should we find a new language for new forms of belonging? Continue reading

CfP: Replacing the family? Civil society, social relations and urban growth, 14th-19th centuries (Event: Ghent, 09/2010); DL: 01.12.2009

European Association for Urban History (EAUH); Matthew Davies (Web), University of London: Centre for Metropolitan History; Bert De Munck (Web), University of Antwerp: Centre for Urban History; Maarten Van Dijck; Eric Piltz (Web), Technical University of Dresden: Sonderforschungsbereich 804 „Transzendenz und Gemeinsinn“ (Web)

Datum: 01.-04.09.2010,
Ort: Ghent
Deadline: 01.12.2009

This main session at the 10th International Conference on Urban History in Ghent (1-4 September 2010) fits in a broader field of research on civil society and associational life in an urban context. The idea is to link this type of research to research on kinship and family life. While most historians assume that family relations and kin-based support were less important in urban settings, only a few studies have focussed on the connection between urbanization, family relations and civil society.

Hence, this session will examine the possible links of associational life with domestic and private social relations.
The following questions may be tackled:

(1) Was membership of brotherhoods, guilds, clubs etc. limited to married men or could their wifes be a member as well? Did man and wife join Continue reading

Conference: Race, Class, Gender as categories of difference and inequality: Which perspectives arise from the concept of ‚intersectionality‘ for human and cultural sciences? 10.-12.09.2009, Paris

Ciera – Centre interdisciplinaire d’études et de recherches sur l’Allemagne (Web), Paris Deutsch-Französische Hochschule/Université franco-allemande, Saarbrücken (Web); Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), Paris (Web); Konzeption und Organisation: Vera Kallenberg, Jennifer Meyer, Johanna M. Mueller

Les hommes naissent et demeurent libres et égaux en droits. (Déclaration des Droits de l’Homme et du Citoyen 1789)

«In der That unterscheiden sich die Frauen in gewissen Grundzügen ihres Charakters, gerade wie die Männer, je nach ihrer Lebenslage, ihrer Klasse und ihrer Erziehung.» (Hedwig Dohm, Der Frauen Natur und Recht 1876)

„Ni putes, ni soumises.“ (Motto der «Marche des femmes des quartiers pour l’égalité et contre les ghettos» im Jahr 2003, die die Situation der Frauen in den französischen Banlieues anprangerte; Name des nach der Demonstration gegründeten Vereins)

Zeit : 10.-12.09.2009
Ort : Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), Paris
Register until: 06.09.2009
The recent paradigm of ‚intersectionality‘ reissues struggles about ‚identity,‘ ’subjectivity,‘ and ‚experience‘ as well as about ‚agency,‘ and structures of social inequalities that pervade theoretical and methodological discussions in the sciences humaines et socials and beyond. The metaphor ‚intersectionality‘ anticipates a multi-dimensional perspective. It aims Continue reading