Monthly Archives: Juli 2011

Portal: Oral History Collection: Dust, Drought, and Dreams Gone Dry: Oklahoma Women and the Dust Bowl – online!

Oklahoma Women and the Dust Bowl Oral History Project (Website)

This oral history collection from Oklahoma State University Library includes interviews with women who lived through the Dust Bowl, primarily in the seven western-most counties of Oklahoma where the Dust Bowl hit the hardest. Some of the topics covered include the WPA, President Roosevelt, the challenges of domestic life, experiencing dust storms as a child, rabbit drives, gypsies, and Saturday evenings in town. The site also offers an excellent Bibliography of the Dust Bowl Era.

Between 2000 and 2001 interviews were conducted with more than one hundred women individually and in groups who lived through the Dust Bowl, primarily in the seven western-most counties of Oklahoma, where the Dust Bowl hit the hardest.

Looking Back – Looking Forward: Women’s History Network Conference 2011, 09-11.09.2011, London

20 Years of the Women’s History Network: Looking Back – Looking Forward (Website)
Time: Friday 9th to Sunday 11th September 2011
Venue: The Women’s Library, London Metropolitan University
The conference will look at the past 20 years of writing women’s history; asking the question where are we now? We will be looking at histories of feminism as well as contemporary research in progress, current areas of debate such as religion, and perspectives on national and international histories of the women’s movements. Some of the current research networks will attend to present their findings.
Keynote speakers:

  • Kathryn Gleadle: Are We Nearly There Yet? Women’s History in 2011: Current Challenges and Future Agendas | Caroline Bressey: Geographies of Belonging: White Women and Black History Continue reading

CfP: New Debates on Gender, Migration and Development: Linking Production and Reproduction Chains in Contemporary Mobility (Event: Menorca, 10/2011); DL: 01.08.2010

ESOMI- Sociology of International Migrations Research Team – Universidade da Coruña; organised by: Laura Oso and Natalia Ribas-Mateo (Web)
Venue: Maó, Menorca (Balearic Islands), Spain
Time: 6-8 October 2011
Deadline: 1 August 2011 (CfP/PDF)
The main objective of this event is to articulate the debate surrounding issues of gender, migration and development. The specific aim of the conference is to combine the disciplines, approaches and perspectives that analyse the various societies affected by international migrations, focusing on the question of gender. Our work will be based on the analyses of global production and reproduction chains (and the so-called ‘global care chains’ in particular) and the new models put forward for the study of emerging trends played out by women in contemporary mobility flows. Read more (PDF)

Jane Austen Conference: 200 years of Sense and Sensibility, 09.-10.2011, St Andrews

Venue: University of St Andrews
Time: 9-10 Sept 2011
Keynote Speakers: Kathryn Sutherland St Anne’s College, Oxford | Paula Byrne author of the new Harper Collins Jane Austen biography
‚I am never too busy to think of S&S‘, Jane Austen wrote to her sister, Cassandra in April 1811. The year saw the publication of her first novel and to mark the event, we are hosting a conference that reflects upon two hundred years of readership and opens up new interpretations of the novel.
Topics may include: Social and historical context | Reception of the novel | Tradition of Sensibility/contemporary aesthetic theory | Literary influences | Sibling relationships | Feminist readings of the novel | Adaptations of the novel | Re-writings, sequels and appropriations | The novel’s place in the canon

Portal: Women’s Encampment for a Future of Peace and Justice – online!

Women’s Encampment for a Future of Peace and Justice (WEFPJ) (Web)

HeRSToRieS, SoNGS, PHoToGRaPHS, NeWSPaPeR aRTiCLeS etc. since 1983 available in the Online archive.

Description: WEFPJ was an all-women’s community of protest and challenge to violence and militarism housed on 52 acres bordering the Seneca Army Depot in upstate New York.

Commonly known as the Seneca Women’s Peace Camp or Seneca, the encampment was modeled after the Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp in England (1981-2000) where hundreds of British sisters were creating nonviolent protest in the face of the scheduled deployment of U.S. Cruise missiles. Though the U.S. military steadfastly refused to either “confirm or deny” the presence of nuclear weapons at the Seneca Depot, the base was uniformly regarded as a storage site and departure point for both the Cruise and Pershing II weapons bound for Europe.

In the summer of 1983, 12,000 women from around the world participated in nonviolence trainings Continue reading

Portal: Digital Archives about French Feminism – online!

L’association Archives du Féminisme, University of Angers (Web)

The website offers a collection of online exhibits and digital documents, as well as a searchable guide to sources.

Description: L’association Archives du Féminisme préserve les archives des associations et des militantes féministes. Elle développe aussi la documentation et la recherche dans ce domaine.

L’association est tournée vers la recherche historique. Elle n’a pas vocation à fournir des renseignements sur l’histoire des femmes et du féminisme. Nous remercions les internautes, et notamment le public scolaire, de ne pas nous adresser de demandes qui ne pourraient être satisfaites.

Une urgence: L’association permet de coordonner nos efforts pour mieux préserver les archives des associations et des militantes féministes Continue reading

Radiobeitrag: Käthe Leichter: Widerstandskämpferin und Pionierin der Sozialforschung, Ö1, 22.07.2011, 19.05 Uhr

Mit Jill Lewis von der Universität Swansea in Wales. Autorin: Marlene Nowotny

Radio Ö1, Sendung: Dimensionen – die Welt der Wissenschaft, Livestream
Freitag, 22. Juli 2011. 19:05 Uhr

Das Leben und Werk der Widerstandskämpferin, Sozialistin und Frauenrechtlerin Käthe Leichter ist also Thema des ersten Beitrages. 1895 wird sie als Tochter des Rechtsanwalts Josef Pick und dessen Frau Lotte in Wien geboren. Sie wächst in bürgerlich liberalen Verhältnissen auf. Sie ist früh politisch interessiert. Ihr „Bekenntnis zum Sozialismus“ formuliert sie allerdings erst im Jahr 1917. Zu Beginn des ersten Weltkriegs unterstützt sie diesen noch, akzeptiert ihn als Kampf gegen Russische Tyrannei. Doch durch ihre Arbeit als Erzieherin in einem Hort für bedürftige Kinder und Jugendliche und den Kontakt mit aktiven Kriegsgegnern während ihres Studiums in Deutschland ändert sie ihre Meinung und wird politisch aktiv. In der Zwischenkriegszeit wird sie zur Frauenpolitikerin, Gewerkschafterin und leitet das erste Referat für Frauenfragen in der Arbeiterkammer Wien. 1938 wird Käthe Leichter von den Nationalsozialisten verhaftet und 1942 in der Nähe des Konzentrationslager Ravensbrück ermordet.

CfP: C19 Conference (Event: Berkeley, 04/2012); DL: 01.10.2011

C19: The Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists; Second Biennial Conference (Website)

Time: April 12-15, 2012
Venue: Berkeley City Club
Deadline: October 1, 2011

Following upon the success of the first C19 conference at Penn State University in 2010, we invite individual papers or panels on any aspect of U.S. literary culture-broadly conceived-during the long nineteenth century, including those that bring insights from visual, sound, or performance studies into conversation with literary/textual studies.

Topics and approaches might include but are not limited to transnational, hemispheric, and oceanic studies; the impact of new media and digital technologies on research and teaching practices in the field; history of the book and print culture; critical race, ethnicity, indigeneity, border and diaspora studies; urban/rural studies and critical geography; gender, sexuality and queer studies; religion, belief, and secularization; democracy and citizenship; the body, Continue reading

Frauensommeruniversität Linz 2011, 23.-24.09.2011, Linz

Linzer Verein zur Förderung feministischer Wissenschaft und Praxis
Zeit: 23. – 24. September 2011
Ort: Kunstuniversität Linz / Hauptplatz / barrierefrei
Informationen und Anmeldung auf
Programm: 15 Workshops zu feministischen Themen | Frauenstadtrundgang | Film „gangster girls“ von & mit Tina Leisch | Verstrickungen | pimp my shirt | grrrl zines | Essen | Ausstellung | Diskussionen | Radio FRO | Vernetzen | PARTY | Büchertisch uvm.
Die Teilnahme am gesamten Programm der FSU ist kostenlos.
Veranstalterin: Linzer Verein zur Förderung feministischer Wissenschaft und Praxis
Scharitzerstraße 18/8, A-4020 Linz

Conference: Reframing Gender, Reframing Critique, 16.-17.09.2011, Basel/CH

Zentrum Gender Studies, Basel (Website)
Time: 16.-17.09.2011
Venue: Basel, Switzerland
The international conference “Reframing Gender, Reframing Critique” is interested in the present-day diagnostic potential of current research approaches and in broad interdisciplinary perspectives on contemporary challenges to be discussed in panels, lectures, and discussion forums. The key focus of the conference is to reevaluate to what extent our understanding of gender, gender relations and criticism needs to be reformulated or in reference to the title reframed.
Keynotes and Contributors: Lauren Berlant Chicago | Nikita Dhawan Frankfurt a.M. | Gabriele Dietze Berlin | Umut Erel London | Barbara Hobson Stockholm | Eveline Kilian Berlin | Margrit Shildrick Belfast | Lynn Staeheli Durham and others
Programme: From the beginning gender research understood itself as a critical project. It was, and still is, Continue reading