Monthly Archives: Dezember 2007

Panel Discussion: „Trafficking in Human Beings“, Research Findings and New Approaches, 21.01.08, Vienna

University of Vienna / Faculty of Law / Department of Criminal Law and Criminology
When: January 21st, 2008, 3.00 p.m.-5.00 p.m.
Where: Juridicum, DG, Schottenbastei 10-16, 1010 Vienna
Information & Registration until January 15th, 2008
+) Fabrizio SARRICA and Michael JANDL (UNODC): „Difficulties of Data Collection Related to Human Trafficking“

+) Riikka PUTTONEN, Chairwoman (UNODC)
+) Ingrid NOWOTNY (Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour)
+) Daniela PETERKA-BENTON (Expert on human smuggling)
+) Stephanie REITER (Dep. of Criminal Law, University/Vienna)
+) Helmut SAX (Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights)
+) Michaela SCHNELL (Public Prosecution Service, Vienna)
+) Karin TERTINEGG (Institute of Human Sciences)
+) Erich ZWETTLER (Criminal Intelligence Service Austria)
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CfP: Breaking Boundaries, Forging Connections: Feminist Interdisciplinary Theory and Practice (Conference), Deadline: 04.01.08

A conference sponsored by the Nancy’s Chair in Women’s Studies
Where: Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
When: April 11-13 2008

The host of this conference, the Nancy’s Chair in Women’s Studies, was endowed by well-known Toronto-based feminist and philanthropist Nancy Ruth, to raise awareness of women’s issues by bringing to campus distinguished scholars in women’s studies and activists who have contributed to the advancement of women. Mount Saint Vincent University, the home of the Nancy’s Chair, has a proud history as a leader in innovative and creative learning approaches with an emphasis on women, academic excellence, distinctive programs, and a personal approach to education. Women’s studies and feminist theory are boldly, creatively interdisciplinary in establishing strong connections between scholarly inquiry and women’s lives. Continue reading

Seminar: Bortom rösträtten: Nordisk workshop om kön, politik och medborgarskap, 12.06.08, Huddinge

Kvinnor i Norden har varit politiska medborgare i cirka 100 år och rösträttsrörelsen var den första feministiska massmobiliseringen av kvinnor i historien. Men vad hände sedan? Vad kom reformen att innebära för ”framtiden”? Vilka nya perspektiv kan läggas på frågor om medborgarskap, representation och politikens genus när jämförelser görs med processer efter och bortom rösträtten? Har kvinnor som grupp blivit den politiska kategori som vissa rösträttskvinnor drömde om? Continue reading

CfP: Gender and the Long Postwar: Reconsiderations of the United States and the Two Germanys, 1945-1989 (Conference), Deadline: 15.04.08

Conference date: 30.05.2008 – 31.05.2008, Washington
From the perspective of gender, we would argue, the war opened up possibilities for women and men on both sides of the Atlantic. But the extent to which those possibilities were realized varied considerably across societies. This conference will bring together a group of scholars to explore why this was so.
Comparing gender developments in the United States and the two Germanys during “the long postwar” will allow us to examine these variations and, in particular, to see how gender developments intersected and were affected by the trajectories of market democratic and communist regimes as well as the impact of idiosyncratic cultural continuities. By extending the investigation to 1989, we will be able to trace both continuities and change over a long expanse of gender relations, sorting out the impact of the war itself from other factors that came into play during the period. Continue reading

CfP: Sexing Travel. Intimacy and Subjectivity in Women’s International Tourism (Publikation), Deadline: 15.01.08

Edited by Susan Frohlick and Jessica Jacobs. Abstracts accepted until January 15, 2008. Full chapters due by July 1, 2008

2009 publication target date. We are seeking ethnographically informed papers that focus on the multiple dimensions of women’s participation in sexual and intimate relationships with local men or women in international tourist destinations, to be included in an edited volume on transnational/cultural intimacy and sexual subjectivity in women’s travel. We are currently looking into various channels for publication, and are aiming for eight contributors. Scholarship on ‘ethno-sexual relations’ (Nagel, 2003) between tourists and locals is growing and reflects, in our view, the expansion of sex tourism in late capitalism from a predominantly masculine terrain (tied into ideas around the modern subject) and historical practice to a global phenomenon that includes the gendered consumption practices of First World women shaped by some women’s increasing economic power and mobility. Continue reading

CfP: TRIVIA – Voices of Feminism (Publikation), Deadline: 15.01.2008

/TRIVIA: Voices of Feminism/ is now accepting submissions for issue #7, an open issue: deadline January 15, 2008.

/TRIVIA,/ a free twice-yearly online literary journal, publishes literary essays, experimental prose, poetry, translations, and reviews. We encourage writers to take risks with language and form so as to give their ideas the most original and vital expression possible. /TRIVIA/’s larger purpose is to foster a body of rigorous, creative and independent feminist thought. See our submission guidelines for details:

/TRIVIA : //Voices of Feminism/ is an online relaunch of /TRIVIA: A Journal of Ideas/, an award-winning international feminist literary magazine published from 1982 to 1995. Continue reading

Event: Lust am Verrat. Stellungswechsel in Feminismus, Performance und Film, 11.-13.01.08, Wien

ZEIT: 11. 1., 22 Uhr / 12.1. und 13.1., 14 Uhr
ORT: brut im Künstlerhaus, Karlsplatz 5, 1010 Wien
TICKETS: oder per Mail an tickets[at]
Drei Tage Lectures, Konzerte, Installationen, Perfomances, Filmbeiträge betreiben Lust am Verrat – Stellungswechsel in Feminismus, Performance und Film. Das Lectureprogramm mit wissenschaftlichen Beiträgen, die sich auf „queere Positionen“ im feministischen Diskurs beziehen und mit „queeren Gesten“ der Geschlechterkonstruktion auseinandersetzen, wird in Zusammenarbeit mit Andrea B. Braidt vom Institut für Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft und der Vortragsreihe „Queere Interventionen. Gespräche zu Kulturwissenschaft und Kunst“ realisiert. Continue reading

Event: Orlanding the Dominant. Eine queere Burlesque, 01.2008, Wien

SV Damenkraft / Gustav / Sissy Boyz
ORT: brut im Konzerthaus, Lothringerstraße 20, 1030 Wien
ZEIT: 8.-12. Jänner und 15.-19. Jänner, 21 Uhr
TICKETS: oder per mail an tickets[at]
Die queere Burlesque Orlanding the Dominant ist eine Zusammenarbeit der Performanceband SV Damenkraft (Wien), der Musikerin Gustav (Wien) und einem Mitglied der Sissy Boyz (Bremen). Orlando – der Virginia Woolfs großer literarischer Erfolg – gehört zu den kanonischen Texten der Frauen- und Queerbewegung und der gender studies. Zugleich ist der Roman ein Klassiker der englischen Moderne, der surrealistisch geschickt die gesellschaftliche und persönliche Realität poetisch bricht und sich selbst als autonomes ironisches Kunstwerk ausgibt. Continue reading

CfP: The Transnationalization of Struggles for Recognition – Women and Jews in France, Germany, Poland in the 20th Century (Stip.), Deadline 15.01.08

WZB – Social Science Research Center Berlin

In April of 2007, the VW-Stiftung (Foundation) granted funding for the research project “The Transnationalization of Struggles for Recognition – Women and Jews in France, Germany, Poland in the 20th Century”. This project will be carried out at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) in cooperation with the University of Krakow, the University of Warsaw, and the University of Lausanne. In the project context, dissertation grants (for the duration of three consecutive years) will be awarded.From February 1, 2008 (to March 1, 2011), one dissertation grant is available and will be assigned to a researcher at the University of Lausanne (Prof. Dr. Jacques Ehrenfreund).

Tasks: Continue reading