Dear Users,
A merry christmas and a successful year 2010!
With best wishes and regards from Vienna,
Li Gerhalter
(Editorial Office)
Veranstaltung mit Antke Engel und Elahe Haschemi Yekani
Date: Sonntag, 10. Jänner 2010, 12.00 – Open End
Location: w23, 1010 Wien, Wipplingerstraße 23
Die Veranstaltung verbindet anti-rassistische/postkoloniale und feministische/queere Positionierungen mit Kritiken an neoliberal-kapitalistischen Verhältnissen. Im Zuge von 3 Blöcken sollen deren Verwobenheiten und gegenseitige Bedingungen diskutiert werden.
Vorrangig ruft diese Veranstaltung Dissertant_innen der Sozialwissenschaften an, die für ihre Diss-Projekte – in welchem Stadium auch immer – Inputs erhalten und/oder darüber hinaus thematisch-orientierte Netzwerke knüpfen möchten.
Für nähere Infos, siehe bitte_queer_postcolonial_interventions_(PDF); um Anmeldung wird ersucht.
In celebration of Mother’s Day, The Association for Research on Mothering (ARM) and MAMAPALOOZA are hosting our 3rd annual conference in NYC.
Time: May 20-22, 2010
Place: Nola Studios, New York City
Deadline: January 5, 2010
We welcome submissions from scholars, students, activists, artists, community agencies, service providers, journalists, mothers and others who work or research in this area. Cross-cultural, historical, and comparative work is encouraged. We encourage a variety of types of submissions including academic papers from all disciplines, workshops, creative submissions, performances, storytelling, visual arts, and other alternative formats.
Topics can include (but are not limited to):
Representing the Maternal in Film, Video, Art, Music, and Theater; Theorizing Motherhood and Representation; Race, Representation and Motherhood; Continue reading
Minerva Journal of Women and War (Web)
The Minerva Journal of Women and War seeks to provide informative and timely reviews of books and films which focus on any aspect of women’s relationships with wars, conflicts and militaries, from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. In addition to reviews of single items (or reviews of up to three items), longer review articles are also welcome.
Books for Review
Universität Bielefeld, Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology (Web); Organisation: Levke Harders, Julia Herzberg, Axel Huentelmann, Dominique Schröder; In Kooperation mit dem Zentrum für Biographik, Wuppertal Bielefeld
Zeit: 21.-23.01.2010
Ort: Universität Bielefeld
Nur wenige Forschungsfelder haben sich in den letzten Jahren so dynamisch entwickelt wie die Biographik. Obgleich dieser Trend in unterschiedlichen Disziplinen feststellbar ist, werden Fragen des Vorgehens und der Methode weiterhin kaum disziplinübergreifend diskutiert. Dabei bietet die Biographik die einzigartige Chance, unterschiedliche Fragestellungen und Methoden zu bündeln und über Fächergrenzen hinaus anbindungsfähig zu machen.
Daher werden auf dem Workshop der Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology methodische und theoretische Reflexionen biographischen Arbeitens interdisziplinär zwischen Soziologie, Neuerer Geschichte, Wissenschaftsgeschichte und Literaturwissenschaft diskutiert. Der Workshop greift zentrale Fragestellungen aktueller Debatten auf: Continue reading
SHESVIE (Société d’histoire et d’épistémologie des sciences de la vie) in partnership with the University of Strasbourg (IRIST/DHVS) (Web)
Zeit: 24.-25.03.2010
Ort: Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Pathological Anatomy
In recent decades, the remarkable expansion of postcolonial studies has triggered new approaches in the field of colonial history. Instigated by Edward Saïd’s Orientalism (1978), these studies have challenged the idea that knowledge produced in colonial settings did not follow linear diffusion from imperial powers to local systems of norms, beliefs and discourses. Rather, the production of scientific knowledge could be described in terms of accommodation and relational processes transpiring with the circulation of scientific tools, concepts and scientists. Regarding Saïd’s book as a milestone, authors such as Homi K. Bhabha, Gayatri Spivak and David Arnold have contributed to the postcolonial project by respectively developing a colonial theory, balancing colonial biases with subaltern discourses, and relocating the conflictual economy of knowledge production and its circulation.
If the proponents of the postcolonial project have emphasized the role of colonial discourse, historians Continue reading
Queer-feministisches Wochenende im Zuge der Audimax-Besetzung
Samstag, 19.12.2009
Audimax der Universität Wien, Dr. Karl Lueger-Ring 1
F_L_I_T_Flat, Universität Wien, Stiege 10, 1. Stock
Sonntag, 20.12.2009
Audimax der Universität Wien, Dr. Karl Lueger-Ring 1
Center for Eighteenth-Century Studies at Indiana University: ninth Bloomington Eighteenth-Century Workshop
Time: May 12-14, 2010
Place: Bloomington
Deadline: 08.01.2010
The workshop is part of a series of annual interdisciplinary events that has been running since 2002, with 12-15 scholars presenting and discussing papers on a broad topic in a congenial setting.
Our topic for 2010 is „The Forms of Life“. We’d like to consider the implications of the 18th-century debate about the nature of life and the turn to vitalist proposals of an animating force, broadening beyond the discourses of physiology and the natural sciences, where many of these ideas originate, to consider their connections elsewhere in the period. Why does the idea of a life force emerge (or re-emerge) at this moment? How are living forms distinguished from each other?
What sorts of decisions create the hierarchies of animate forms (and, for instance, what gets called „animal“)? Which lives matter and which don’t? How might we reconsider eighteenth-century answers to these questions in light of twenty-first-century rethinking of life and animality? How is the line drawn distinguishing the living and the non-living, animate being and thing? Continue reading
Place: Copenhagen
Time: 16-18 August 2010
Deadline: 01.03.2010
This joint Ph.D. course and conference sets out to investigate the nexus between processes of subjectivation and various forms of colonial and postcolonial governance. Subjectivation refers to processes whereby new moral subjects are coming into being via practices of the self. Within dissimilar colonial and postcolonial projects, however, subjectivation took many different forms, happened on different levels, and can be examined and understood in multiple ways. In colonies and metropoles, for example, states, educational and scientific institutions, missionary societies, philanthropists and many other agents used various educational techniques to mould the bodies and minds of children, men and women so as to fit the roles considered appropriate to their particular gender, race, or class.
Questions of childrearing, childhood, and education in colonies, metropoles, and postcolonial societies figured centrally in these processes of subjectivation. Continue reading
Organizers: Malgorzata Mazurek (Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam) in conjunction with Sandrine Kott (Université de Genève), Paul Betts (University of Sussex), Andreas Eckert (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) and Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann (ZZF)
Time: 2-4 December 2010
Place: Berlin/Potsdam
Deadline: 15.02.2010
Keynote: Frederick Cooper (New York University)
By examining competing traditions and shifting meanings of human rights, this conference seeks a critical understanding of social rights in the making of the contemporary world. It explores historically the ways in which regimes of social rights converged with the concept of human rights as a result of wartime and postwar experiences. At the same time it seeks to understand when, how and why social rights were defined, pursued and applied as a concept on its own terms in diverse political orders and spaces (democracies, dictatorships, empires and nation-states).
The conference aims to explore the multiple uses of the concept of rights in the context of the internationalization of the social, and throughout such key moments of social rights institutionalization as, for example, the ILO Declaration of Philadelphia in 1944 or the adoption of the UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in 1966. Continue reading