Dear Users,
A merry christmas and a successful year 2009!
With best wishes and regards from Vienna,
Li Gerhalter
(Editorial Office)
Research Platform Repositioning of Women’s and Gender History
Dear Users,
A merry christmas and a successful year 2009!
With best wishes and regards from Vienna,
Li Gerhalter
(Editorial Office)
Research Platform Repositioning of Women’s and Gender History
Zeit: 15.-16. Mai 2009
Ort: Université François-Rabelais
Deadline: 05.01.2009
Verbot und Geschlecht. Konstruktionen, Repräsentationen und Praktiken des Weiblichen und des Männlichen.
Internationale Tagung
Die Grundlage jeder Gesellschaft bildet die Aufteilung in geschlechtsspezifische Rollen und Räume, in der sich sowohl die «natürliche» Kraft der Sexualität als auch das soziale Gebot der Reproduktion zum Ausdruck gelangen : An den mannigfachen Überschneidungen der beiden Kräfte ensteht Geschlecht.
Gesetz und Verbot konstituieren die um Sexualität zentrierten Machtverhältnisse und Hierarchien. Verbote bringen die uns bestimmenden Lebens- und Verhaltensweisen hervor und werden in unterschiedlichen Diskursfeldern, Praktiken und Medien ausformuliert : Politik, Recht und Justiz, Familie, Wissen, Wirtschaft, Religion, usw. Verbieten bedeutet gebieten, wobei die Machtverhältnisse historisch und kulturell (Zeit und Raum) jeweils unterschiedlich artikuliert werden und bisweilen sakrale Charakter annehmen können. Continue reading
The Association for Research on Mothering (ARM) and MAMAPALOOZA are hosting the two-day conference MOTHERS GONE MAD: MOTHERHOOD AND MADNESS. OPPRESSION AND RESISTANCE
Thursday, May 28 – Friday, May 29, 2009 in New York City, venue TBA
Featuring keynote addresses by Phyllis CHESLER and Paula CAPLAN, Ph.D.: „Who Decides If Mothers Are Crazy? From Freud’s Mother to Today’s“
We welcome submissions from scholars, students, activists, artists, community agencies, service providers, journalists, mothers and others who work or research in this area. Cross-cultural, historical, and comparative work is encouraged. Continue reading
TU Braunschweig Zentrum für Gender Studies / Gleichstellungsbüro Gastprofessorin Dr. Jutta Weber, Braunschweig
Zeit: 08.-10.01.2009
Ort: Altgebäude der TU Braunschweig, Pockelsstraße 4, Neuer Senatssitzungssaal
While interdisciplinary exchange between cultures of knowledge has not been unknown to modern science, this exchange rapidly increased with the emergence of technosciences in the post World War II period. Many technoscientists but also social scientists as well as scholars from the humanities had and still have the feeling that the classical approaches can not provide answers to today’s demands, challenges and questions. Therefore interdisciplinarity comes out of a need for new methods and conceptional frames to find innovative solutions. For example, the emergence of the radical interdisciplinary field of cybernetics could be interpreted as an answer to the messy and uncanny complexity of the postmodern world. In the last decades, we find intense discussion between such diverse fields as philosophy, artificial intelligence and neurosciences, between ecology and the social sciences and a growing interest of technosciences in art.
The transfer of concepts, ideas and knowledge is Continue reading
Celebrating Intersectionality? Debates on a multi-faceted Concept in Gender Studies
Zeit: January 22 and 23, 2009
Ort: Goethe-University Frankfurt – Germany
Over the last decade, the concept of ‚intersectionality‘ has attracted much attention in international feminist debates. It was embraced as well as repelled by many scholars and at the same time, it has made an incredible international career. Twenty years after the concept was coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1989, it seems appropriate to bring together protagonists as well as critics and discuss the ’state of the art‘ with those that have been influential in this debate.
Speakers, amongst others: Helma Lutz (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt), Nira Yuval Davis (University of East London), Kathy Davis (University of Utrecht), Ann Phoenix (Institute of Education, University of London), Gloria Wekker (University of Utrecht), Dubravka Zarkov (Institute of Social Studies, The Hague), Jeff Hearn (Linköping University, Sweden; Swedish School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland; and University of Huddersfield, UK), Nina Lykke (University of Linkoeping), Gail Lewis (Open University, Milton Keynes).
Further information and registration
May , 18th – 22rd 2009
The Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, Rutgers (The State University of New Jersey), the Center for Women’s and Gender Studies, University of Belgrade, and the Department of Gender Studies, Central European University (Budapest) are pleased to announce the 10th annual postgraduate course in Feminist Critical Analysis entitled, Feminist Border Crossings Between Post-state Socialist and Postcolonial Studies. The course will be held at the Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik ( on May 18th – 22rd, 2009. The course will be co-directed by Dasa Duhacek of the Center for Women’s and Gender Studies, University of Belgrade, Ethel Brooks of the Women’s and Gender Studies Department, Rutgers University, and Allaine Cerwonka of the Gender Studies Department, Central European University. Continue reading
Under våren 2009 ger Amnesty International i samarbete med Sensus två olika kurser med fokus på genus, sexualitet och normkritisk pedagogik:
Kurserna ges i Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö och vänder sig framförallt dig till som är verksam i skolans äldre årskurser, men är användbara för alla som jobbar med barn och ungdomar.
För mer information om kurserna, vänligen se nedan.
Anmälan till båda kurserna sker via,, eller 08-729 02 00
Varmt välkomna! Continue reading
S-nodi. Public and Private in Contemporary History, Venedig – Scriptaweb
Deadline: 31.01.2009
This peer reviewed journal is a space which promotes and advertises research in progress concerned with the relationship between «public» and «private», and provides a space for explorations on the nature of these two categories and on the historical sources that document them. We chose the title “S-nodi. Public and private in contemporary history” with the aim of focusing on the dichotomies, the transitions, the junctions and crossroads between public and private. We believe that the boundaries between these two spheres are ephemeral and dynamic, and that they produce, in specific historical, geographical and political contexts, different geometries.
The first issue reflected on Continue reading
ELEVENTH EDITION – Submissions Due: 31st March 2009
Eras is an online journal edited and produced by postgraduate students from the School of Historical Studies at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. As a fully refereed journal with DEST status, Eras is intended as an international forum for current or recently completed Masters and PhD students to publish original research, comment and reviews in the following fields covered by the School’s teaching and research: History, Archaeology and Ancient History, Religion and Theology and Jewish Civilisation.
We are seeking papers from postgraduate students working in any of the fields listed above. Papers are also strongly encouraged from students in other disciplines, such as Cultural Studies, Indigenous Studies, Gender Studies, Philosophy, Sociology and Politics, provided such manuscripts are relevant to the journal’s primary fields of interest. We are also interested in papers relating to the history of women. Continue reading
The Folger Institute is now accepting applications for a late-spring seminar that will be directed by Phyllis Mack from mid-May to mid- June. The seminar is designed to appeal to scholars in different fields: religion, gender studies, cultural studies, the Enlightenment, popular and high culture, English history and literary studies. Please encourage faculty colleagues and advanced graduate students with relevant projects to apply by 5 January 2009. Forward any questions to
Seminar description: Secularization and Selfhood. A Late-Spring Seminar directed by Phyllis Mack
It is a historical commonplace that a process of secularization accompanies the transition from pre-modern to modern societies: a growing indifference to religion among elite and educated classes, a separation of piety and ritual from the worlds of politics and the marketplace, and a gendering of religious practice. This seminar analyzes Continue reading