Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography; Ministry for Regional Development and Transport Saxony-Anhalt
Time: 14 March 2014
Venue: Berlin, Germany
Deadline: 30 October 2013
Economically weak and remote regions in Europe are often affected by selective migration leading to a shortage of young women. On the one hand these migratory movements are closely related to rural labour market structures which are offering fewer (career) options to women than to men. On the other hand traditional gender roles and certain lifestyles have an impact on the migration decisions of young women: Urban areas are often supposed to offer better possibilities for personal development, education, integration in the labour market and the reconciliation of family and work to young women. For the regions affected by selective out-migration negative impacts on the regional image, a thinning out of social networks and an unfavourable effect on the regional economy are conceivable. Read more and Source …