Monthly Archives: Oktober 2018

CfP: Rethinking Knowledge Regimes: Solidarities and Contestations (g19–conference, 10/2019, Gothenburg); DL: 07.01.2019

g19 – 2019 conference for gender studies (Web)

Venue: Gothenburg
Time: 7-9 October 2019
Proposals by: January 7, 2019

The g19 conference seeks to bring together the broad and interdisciplinary field that constitutes gender studies in Sweden today. It addresses the current societal challenges at both local and global levels and enquires about how gender studies can contribute to analysing the major events in the contemporary world.

The g-conferences is arranged every other year by the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research, in collaboration with different universities in Sweden. g19 – Knowledge Regimes: Solidarities and Contestations – is arranged in Gothenburg 7-9 October 2019, and gathers the entire interdisciplinary field of gender studies in Sweden. The conference will stimulate cooperation among gender researchers from various academic disciplines and targets scholars, students, practitioners and activists. The aim of the conference is to facilitate critical investigation, sharing of experiences and to inspire to the formation of new ideas and research constellations. Read more … (PDF)

CfP: Klasse und Geschlecht: Frauenbewegungen und soziale Kämpfe um Arbeit (ZS Arbeit – Bewegung – Geschichte); DL: 31.12.2018

Schwerpunktheft der ZS „Arbeit – Bewegung – Geschichte. Zeitschrift für historische Studien“ (Web)

Einreichfrist: 31.12.2018

„[…] jede Art der Ausbeutung und Unterdrückung, richte sie sich gegen eine Klasse, eine Partei, eine [sic!] Geschlecht oder eine Rasse“. So beschrieb die deutsche Sozialdemokratie im Erfurter Programm von 1891 die Strukturen, gegen die sich ihre Politik wandte. Das Dokument kann als eines der ersten intersektionalen Programme der politischen Linken gelten. Auch marxistische Klassiker wie Friedrich Engels „Der Ursprung der Familie, des Privateigentums und des Staats“ (1884) oder Bebels „Die Frau und der Sozialismus“ (1879) klammerten sich nicht an die vorgefundenen Geschlechterordnungen der proletarischen Zielgruppe. Stattdessen kritisierten sie diese und brachten sie mit anderen Diskriminierungsformen zusammen. Anstatt populistisch dem Volk aufs Maul zu schauen, bemühte sich die Arbeiterbewegung des 19. Jahrhunderts „Klasse“ – und damit sich selbst – als Bewegung zu formen. Ob sie deshalb bereits als ArbeiterInnenbewegung gelten kann, ist eine der Fragen, denen wir uns im Rahmen unseres Sonderheftes widmen wollen.

Trotz der Berufung auf objektive Gesetze der Geschichte war die Formierung einer proletarischen Klassenidentität, wie sie E. P. Thompson beschrieben hat, ein aktiver Prozess, der gelingen konnte, indem der bereits existierenden bürgerlichen Frauenbewegung von den Proletarierinnen und ihren Ideengeberinnen wie Clara Zetkin ein eigener Entwurf gegenübergestellt wurde. Weiterlesen … (Web)

CfP: Gender and Ethnonationalism. A New Era of Reproductive Choices and Constraints? (Event: 06/2019, Münster); DL: 31.12.2018

Isabel Heinemann, Verena Limper, and Mrinal Pande, SFB 1150 – Kulturen des Entscheidens, WWU Münster; Alexandra Minna Stern, American Culture, University of Michigan

Venue: Münster
Time: 27.-29.06.2019
Proposals by: 31.12.2018

Although in many “Western” and Central European States ultra-nationalist movements seem to be on the rise, there is limited historical research on their ideological and cultural appeal. Initial explorations suggest that their reliance on conceptions of traditional family, “homelands” and “human biodiversity” are key. To advance scholarly research as well as inform political understandings, we will host an international and interdisciplinary workshop at the University of Münster, Germany.

Focusing on gender norms, women’s roles and concepts of reproductive decision-making es-poused by these movements on their websites, in their media ventures, and in their publications, we will explore the objectification of women in these otherwise predominantly male organizations, examine the complexities of women’s agency, and discuss the effects of rising ethnonationalism on gender policies at large. To contribute to understanding the implications of „alt-right,“ „ultra-nationalist“ and „ethno-nationalist“ movements across Europe and the US, we seek to bring together an interdisciplinary group of historians, cultural anthropologists, and social scientists for an international workshop.

Conceived in the framework of the Collaborative Research Center of the German Science Foundation 1150 “Cultures of Decision-Making” and its … read more and source (Web).

Conference: Sexuality and Consumption – 18th Century to 21st Century, 23.-24.11.2018, Vienna

Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, University of Vienna; Franz X. Eder, Mario Keller, Johann Kirchknopf, Oliver Kühschelm, Karin Moser and Stefan Ossmann
Time: November 23/24, 2018
Venue: Alte Kapelle, Campus/AAKH, Hof 1, 1090 Vienna
In western societies today, it goes almost without saying that sex and consumption are closely related. Sexual lifeworlds are highly commodified. On the one hand, there is a plethora of commercial goods and services that shape sexual ideas, desires, and practices. On the other, there are scarcely any products or services that do not lend themselves to sexually charged advertising and mass media communication.
The conference “Sexuality and Consumption” will take a close look at how sex and consumption have interacted since the 18th century. It focuses especially on forms of hybridization. “Sex” and “consumption” are equally suggestive notions that warrant an in-depth discussion about which concepts have been at their core, which meanings have been associated with them and the ways in which they have converged.
Fr., 23.11.2018

  • 9.00 Open Doors; 9.15 Welcome Address
  • 9.30-10.30 Keynote: Pascal Eitler: Consuming sex, producing sex – recent interests and open questions in historical research
  • 10.30-11.00 Coffee break

11:00-12:20 Panel 1: Legal and social normalisation of homosexuality

  • Justin Bengry: “Get a Move On, Mr. Butler”: The Business of Homosexual Legal Reform
  • Fred Fejes: “Normalizing” Lesbian/Gay Identity Through Consumption: The American Experience in the 1990s
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CfP: Open Kinship? Social and Legal Practices from Gender Perspectives (1450–1900) (Event: 09/2019, Vienna); DL: 15.12.2018

10th Conference of the European network “Gender Differences in the History of European Legal Cultures”; Margareth Lanzinger, Julia Heinemann, Johannes Kaska, and Janine Maegraith

Venue: Wien
Time: 26.-28.09.2019
Proposals by: 15.12.2018

Over the past 20 years, historical kinship research has opened up numerous new perspectives: with regard to kinship as a concept and practice, to chronologies and transitions between differing logics of kinship, to kinship positions, figurations, and spaces, to kinship as a network of relationships and as an arena of conflict, and above all to kinship as a category of inclusion and exclusion.

A central question is therefore: Who was actually included? Belonging was neither a fixed quantity nor a permanent status, but much rather situative. Belonging had to be repeatedly updated and renewed – and the perception of belonging could vary between those who defined it and those who claimed it. Belonging could be of differing strength, be limited to only certain contexts, be temporary and changeable, and/or be ambiguous and contested. Belonging was a matter of negotiation and was also fought over. And in structures of kinship, belonging is situated between claims, continuities, and all manner of conceivable breaking points. Furthermore, belonging – as well as inclusion and exclusion – was socially, legally, and gender-specifically coded.

In light of all the above, the objective of this conference is to ask as to the openness of kinship as a concept and practice across … read more and source (Web).

CfP: Staging the Space Between, 1914-1945 (Event, 05/2019, Brookings/SD); DL: 01.12.2018

21st Annual Conference of The Space Between Society: Literature and Culture, 1914-1945

Time: May 30-June 1, 2019
Venue: South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD
Proposals by: December 1, 2018

What is the role of staging in The Space Between? What does it look like, where does it occur, and how does it function?

Staging is an essential part of how we conceptualize history, literature, culture, and art. The concept of staging naturally invokes performance and invites us to examine this period’s performing arts: its theatre, dance, and music, its art and artists, celebrities and entrepreneurs, its practices and innovations. Staging expands the realm of performance to include more diverse arts, media, and productions, such as fashion, literature, performance art, and interior design. Technical innovations extended modes of performance to radio, cinema, television, staging the voice and the body in new and provocative ways to different and diverse audiences.

However, staging extends beyond the arts into other realms of society. We can observe how staging operates within consumer culture, from the department store to the popular periodical, and we can track the growth of industries that relied on mass production. The term embraces other registers of performance and enables us to consider the performativity of language and gender, warfare and nationhood, politics and protest. Staging shapes the way we remember the present and the past, both as individuals and as a society. Continue reading

International Federation for Research in Women’s History (IFRWH): NEWSLETTER, Summer 2018, Issue 64 (Publication)

International Federation for Research in Women’s History/Federation Internationale pour des Femmes (Web) Newsletter Summer 2018/Issue 64, online (PDF)

The IFRWH/FIRHF was founded in April 1987. The first meeting of national committee representatives was held in 1989, in Bellagio, Italy, with the assistance of the Rockefeller Foundation.

The Aim of IFRWH/FIRHF is to encourage and coordinate research in all aspects of women’s history at the international level, by promoting exchange of information and publication and by arranging and assisting in arranging large-scale international conferences as well as more restricted and specialized meetings. National Committees serve as liaison between communities of researchers and the Federation. Read more … (Web)

Newsletter Summer 2018/Issue 64 online (PDF)

Veranstaltungsreihe: Frauen und Macht – Kolloquium des Historischen Seminars der Bergischen Universität im WS 2018/2019, Wuppertal

Bergische Universität Wuppertal (Web)
Ort: Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Gaußstraße 20, 42119 Wuppertal
Zeit: jeweils dienstags von 18.00 bis 20.00 Uhr
Programm (Web)

  • 30.10.2018: Lehrende und Studierende des Historischen Seminars: Runder Tisch zu Mary Beards „Women & Power“
  • 13.11.2018: Amalia Fößel (Essen): Macht und Herrschaft der Königin im Mittelalter
  • 27.11.2018: Christina Schröder (Bochum): Handlungsspielräume einer aufgeklärten Herzogin im 18. Jh. Luise Dorothea von Sachsen-Gotha-Altenburg
  • 11.12.2018: Anja Busch (Hamburg): Spätantike Kaisermacherinnen
  • 15.1.2019: Eugenio Riversi (Bonn): Die Autorität der weiblichen Stimme. Fallbeispiele aus dem Hochmittelalter
  • 29.1.2019: Angelique Leszczawski-Schwerk (Dresden): Im Kampf um das Frauenstimmrecht. Ein Blick auf Galizien und die frauenbewegte Stadt Lemberg/Lwów/L’viv (Anfang des 20. Jh.)

CfP: Feminist Teaching Through Emotions, Feelings and Affects (ATGENDER Spring Conference: 05/2019, Gijón/Spain); DL: 11.01.2019

University of Oviedo; AUDEM; Espora; and ATGENDER

Venue: University of Oviedo, Gijón, Asturias, Spain
Time: 08.-10.05.2019
Proposals by: 11.01.2019

  • Keynote Speakers: Shirley-Anne Tate (Leeds Beckett Univ.) and María Socorro Suárez-Lafuente (Univ. of Oviedo)

The 2019 edition of the ATGENDER Spring Conference is dedicated to emotions, feelings and affects. Over the recent decades the impact of the „affective turn“ has reached well beyond humanities (Ahmed 2004, Berlant 2000; Damasio 1994, Ekman 2012, Massumi 1995). In the mid-1990s claims were made about the importance of return of emotions into the (feminist) research agenda, where the ‚affective‘ had been arguably suppressed by „theory“.

Among others, Elspeth Probyn underlines how „[o]ur talk of feelings is vacuous revealing a void in our comprehension of the ways bodies are supposed to make meaning“ (2004: 225). Feminist and gender studies open up a range of possibilities to both tackle emotions from various perspectives an d to rupture the logic of binary thinking (Derrida 1978). The focus on emotions, feelings and affects opens intersectional feminist studies to multitudinous bodies with all their diversity. Interrogating feminist theories and practices by posing questions such as: ‚what potentialities (but also risks) can studies of affect offer for political and social transformation?‘… read more (Web).

Ringvorlesung zum Gedenkjahr: Wien 1918-1938 – Von der Utopie einer besseren Gesellschaft in die zivilisatorische Katastrophe, WiSe 2018/19, Wien

Hochschüler_innenschaft an der Universität Wien (ÖH) (Web)
Zeit: montags, bis 21.01.2019, wöchentlich, 15:00-16:30 Uhr
Ort: Universität Wien, Hauptgebäude, Hörsaal 50, 2. Stock, Stiege 8
Nächste Termine im Programm  (Web)
Block: Das Rote Wien

  • 29.10.: Exkursion in den Karl Marx Hof – Anmeldung erfolgt für angemeldete Studierende via Moodle
  • 05.11.: Hanna Lichtenberger: Republikanischer Schutzbund/Februarkämpfe und Februarkämpferinnen
  • 12.11.: Georg Spitaler: Körperkultur: Sport, Körper- und Geschlechterbilder im Roten Wien
  • 19.11.: Wolfgang Maderthaner: Die Implementierung der Utopie des Roten Wiens

Block: Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus

  • 26.11.: Florian Wenninger: Heimwehren und Vaterländische Front

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