Monthly Archives: Juni 2010

CfP: Past and present African experiences everywhere in the world (Framework)

African Views Framework, Launch on Juni 15th, 2010

Our goal is to provide proper and fair representation of past and present African experiences. We need you – if you are passionate about the country you live in, country of origin, or a country that you are familiar with – to write a few pages about historical and contemporary African experiences in that country. Take a few minutes to visit: to see necessary information and writing guidelines. See samples of our country pages and writing guidelines. See what’s in it for you and how you can participate.

A beta version of the much awaited African Views framework was launched on June 15th, 2010. Please visit to assess the framework. You will gain instant access to over 100 indicators including the African Views indicator, which uses a factor of 100 current vital indicators to create a unique index. The AVI (African Views Index) ranks each country’s capacity to Continue reading

CfP: 6th EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON GENDER & ICT. Feminist Interventions in Theories and Practices, (Umeå, 03/2011); DL: 01.10.2010

Pre-conference workshop on Gender and Technology Curricula
Place: Umeå University, Sweden
Time: March 8th -10th 2011
Deadline: 01.10.2010
Information Technology is everywhere, shaping the way we experience our lives, the world and each other. Some digital transformations reveal new possibilities for improving social conditions, while others suggest that social inequality may be increasing. In a changing society, understandings of digitalization and politics become important. Also, the performative and co-constructive nature of gender-technology-work relations points to the importance of paying attention to many kinds of actors (elements) in understanding ICT. As such one of the pressing questions to contemporary gender and feminist research is: How does gender and feminist research intervene in and contribute to new directions and sustainable futures of ICT-based practices?
Further Information, Program, etc. (PDF)

Conference: Equality and Diversity in Europe: Tackling Multiple Discrimination against Migrants, 15.07.2010, Bruessels

Centre for Parliamentary Studies, Brussels (Web)
Time: 15th July 2010
Place: Brussels
As part of longer-term strategies around migration and integration policy within the EU, tackling multiple discrimination is a complex process. It is imperative to address all dimensions in a comprehensive and constructive manner in order to trigger effective dialogue at all levels of governance in Europe. Historically, discrimination based on gender, religion and race has posed challenges for many years. However, with the latest financial crises and a greater fluidity in the migration landscape in Europe, this phenomenon appears to be even more challenging in terms of discrimination against migrants – discrimination that manifests itself on many levels and seriously undermines efforts to promote equality and diversity.
Further Information, Program

CfP: Marc Bloch Prize in Modern European History (15th -21st centuries); DL: 01.11.2010

The Department of History and Civilisation at the European University Institute in Florence is proud to announce the Marc Bloch Prize in Modern European History (15th -21st centuries).

The European University Institute (EUI) in Florence offers one of the world’s leading Ph.D. programmes in European history. The Department attracts and provides grants to graduate students from all over Europe and other parts of the world. More information is available at:

The Prize for 2010 will be awarded to the author of the best new MA thesis in early modern or modern European history and in the history of Europe in the world. In keeping with two central aspects of Marc Bloch’s historical oeuvre Continue reading

Symposium: Migrations: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 01.-03.07.2010, Vienna

Symposium, IDee, Organisers: Renée Schroeder and Ruth Wodak; Coordinator and Contact: Michaela Messer
Time: 1-3 July 2010
Venue: University of Vienna
Programm (Web)
Misson: Nowadays in Europe, migration has acquired different meanings and has been reacted to in various ways. Reactions depend on the country of origin (migrants from Germany or the USA are treated differently than migrants from Turkey), and on the symbolic capital (how educated are they? Which professions do they have?); moreover reactions depend on language proficiency (how well do migrants speak the language of the host country?), and lastly, on gender (Turkish women are treated differently than Turkish men; Nigerian women are treated differently than Nigerian men, related to stereotypes and prejudices as well as to values and norms of the respective women and their cultures of origin).
Various new laws on citizenship and employment are debated and implemented across Europe, fuelled by a Continue reading

Masculine Identifications: An Interdisciplinary Conference, 10.-11.07.2010, Huddersfield/UK ; DL: 30.06.2010

Date: 10.-11.07.2010
Location: Huddersfield/UK
Closing date for registration: 30.06.2010
This conference aims to explore the significance of ideas of identity and identification in the contemporary study of masculinities. Plenary speakers:

  • Dr. Paul Baker, Lancaster University
  • Dr. Dawn Hadley, University of Sheffield
  • Professor Andrew Smith, University of Glamorgan

The development of masculinities as a distinctive area of research coincided with the prominence of identity politics in the 1990s and the growth of the fields of gender studies and queer theory, which spread across a variety of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. These developments not only have complicated our understanding of masculine norms but also raise questions about how these norms have been sustained and/or transformed by various discourses, practices and texts, ranging from spectacular public interventions to everyday domestic performances.
Further Information, Program etc.

Regenbogenführungen im Universitäts-Hauptgebäude „Homosexualität in der Welt der Wissenschaft“, 23.06.-03.07.2010, Wien

Termine: Mi, 23.06; Mi, 30.06; Do, 01.07; Fr, 02.07; Sa, 03.07.2010
Ort: Hauptgebäude der Universität Wien, Dr. Karl Lueger-Ring 1, 1010 Wien
Nach dem Erfolg des Vorjahres gehen die schwul/lesbischen Führungen zum Thema „Homosexualität in der Welt der Wissenschaft“ im Hauptgebäude in die zweite Runde.
Start ist der Mittwoch, 23. Juni um 17 Uhr, die letzte Regenbogenführung für heuer findet am Samstag, 3. Juli, dem Tag der 15. Regenbogenparade, statt. Eine Führung dauert 60 Minuten und kostet drei Euro pro Person.
Weitere Informationen

Buchpräsentation – Vera Schwarz: Meine roten Großmütter, 23.06.2010, Wien

Präsentation der Diplomarbeit von Vera Schwarz, die als Band 18 der Reihe „Politik und Demokratie“ des Wiener Instituts für Politikwissenschaft (Hg.Innen Helmut Kramer/Eva Kreisky) im Peter Lang Verlag erschienen ist.
Zeit: Mittwoch, 23. Juni 2010, 19 Uhr
Ort: Republikanischer Club, Rockhgasse 1, 1011 Wien

  • Einleitende Worte: Eva Kreisky
  • Lesung: Vera Schwarz und Susanna C. Schwarz-Aschner (1. WrLT)
  • anschließend Diskussion
  • Moderation: Karin Kuchler

Das Thema der Untersuchung ist politische Aktivität von Frauen, die die Kommunistische Partei Österreichs (KPÖ) als Folge der Niederschlagung des Prager Frühlings verlassen haben. Basierend auf einem ausführlichen Hintergrundkapitel und fünf Interviews werden zwei Modelle politischen Engagements nach der KPÖ herausgearbeitet: „Basisaktivistinnen“ und „Interessenvertreterinnen“.
Die Interviewpartnerinnen Ilse M. Aschner, Hannah Fischer, Lisa Markstein, Maria Verber und Maria Zottl haben teilweise ihre Anwesenheit bei der Buchpräsentation angekündigt. Vera Schwarz ist Enkelin von Ilse M. Aschner.


Working Group “Gender and Politics” in co-operation with the Frankfurt Research Center for Postcolonial Studies, Cluster of Excellence “The Formation of Normative Orders”

Time: 27.-28. November 2010
Venue: Goethe-University Frankfurt
Deadline: 31. August 2010

Since its inception in the 1980s, the feminist perspective has increasingly established itself within Political Science. Research, located in the various sub-disciplines and research fields – be it in International Relations, in Political Theory and the History of Ideas or policy analysis – have challenged the respective dominant paradigms and concepts from a feminist perspective.

The analyses, which have emerged from this context, on the one hand investigate the differential impact of political regimes on men and women, and supplement these on the other hand by examining gender dynamics as well as the production and stabilization of gender(ed) norms and orders in their studies. Moreover, Continue reading

Konferenz: Die heile Familie – Familien zwischen Tradition und Moderne / Sacrée famille! Familles entre tradition et modernité, 22.06.2010, Bern

10. Familienforum der Eidgenössischen Koordinationskommission für Familienfragen
Zeit: 22.06.2010
Ort: Kursaal, Bern
Die heile Familie? Sacrée famille? Seit den 1970er Jahren haben sich die Rollen und das Verständnis von Familien grundlegend verändert. Heute gibt es eine Vielfalt an Familienformen und die Arbeits- und Rollenteilung zwischen Frau und Mann hat sich in Richtung einer größeren Gleichberechtigung entwickelt. In den letzten Jahren lässt sich aber auch eine Gegenbewegung beobachten. In der familienpolitischen Diskussion ist der Ruf nach einer stärkeren Berücksichtigung der traditionellen Familie lauter geworden.
Das 10. Familienforum der Eidgenössischen Koordinationskommission für Familienfragen macht dieses Spannungsfeld der Familien zwischen Tradition und Moderne zum Thema.
Programm als PDF