Monthly Archives: Jänner 2022

CfP: Solidarity (Journal of Lesbian Studies); by: 15.04.2022

Special Issue Journal of Lesbian Studies (Web); Edited by Finn Mackay and Nikki Hayfield (Bristol)

Proposals by: 15.04.2022

The Journal of Lesbian Studies is inviting proposals for the theme of solidarity. It seeks to address the question: What does „solidarity“ mean to, and for, lesbians and wider LGBTQ+ communities? The editors welcome papers from a wide range of disciplines.

What does „solidarity“ mean to, and for, lesbians and wider LGBTQ+ communities? Throughout the global covid pandemic, what has been the role of lesbians specifically in mutual aid groups and networks of care? In countries with aging populations, how is solidarity fostered across generations of lesbians and what allyship and activist organising exists to provide care and sociality for lesbian elders in our communities? Black power and anti-racism movements have become more visible via the Black Lives Matter movement; women’s rights movements have moved further into the frame of public reference via the global MeToo movement; how is solidarity expressed in lesbian communities or activist organising across the social fractures of racism, classism, transphobia and disability discrimination for example? What does the current context in your locality mean for the potential, shape, visibility, impact or appeal of solidarity within lesbian groups and with and between other groups of marginalised sexualities and genders?

The editors acknowledge that they pose questions on solidarity at a time of backlash against the gains of the LGBTQ+ social justice movement, and particularly the increased visibility of trans rights movements; sometimes this backlash appears to include fractures within LGBTQ+ communities. The editors also welcome contributions that engage with this context. They seek a wide-ranging set of contributions from multiple disciplines and hope to represent a diversity of perspectives. The editors are committed to transgender inclusion and centering the voices of Black and global majority scholars and activists and non-U.S. thinkers. They also welcome considerations of this question from multiple historical perspectives. Additional suggestions for topics that authors may wish to contribute include, but are not limited to, the topics listed here (see more details below):

  • Solidarity between lesbians and wider LGBTQ+ community groups
  • Sexuality and solidarity between bisexual, pansexual, queer, and lesbian people Continue reading

CfP: Men, Masculinities, Intersectionalities: The Nordic Research Conference (Event, 11/2022, virtual space); by: 31.03.2022

Finnish Association for Men’s Studies in collaboration with Tampere Univ., Finnish Council for Gender Equality, and Tampere Centre for Childhood, Youth and Family Research (Web)

Time: 03.-04.11.2022
Venue: virtual space, via Tampere/FIN
Proposals by: 31.03.2022

The theme of the conference is intersectionalities with a focus on how intersectional perspectives can contribute to and enrich our understanding on men, masculinities and differences in the context of current globalocal hybrid-form challenges.

Complex globalocal problems involve a mix of material, social and cultural components. To address challenges these crises pose to diverse groups of individuals of various genders, we need a strong understanding of and engagement with various established and emerging categories of difference. It is also required to carry out intersectional analyses on political and institutional processes and practices as well as on cultural representations and value-making.

A relational understanding of the diversity of masculinities and manhoods has been a centerpiece of critical studies on men and masculinities since its establishment. Yet, many commentators have noted complications and awkwardness, and a sort of catch-up game that men and masculinity studies play in relation to the broader field of gender and feminist studies. This being said, vivid critical discussion, and emerging scholarship within the men and masculinity studies community, signals an increasing awareness of these complexities.

The conference calls for contributions that address both established (e.g. race, class, age, ability) and emerging categories (e.g. humans/other-than-humans, ’new materialisms‘) of difference in relation to men and masculinities. We encourage submissions from a wide range of research topics, methodologies and disciplines. Abstract submission will open 15 February 2022. The conference is free of charge, but registration is needed. Read more … (Web)

Klicktipp: ANNE FRANK — DER PODCAST: „Eine Kampagne gegen das Vergessen“ (Podcast)

Projekt des Designbüros „Büro Butter“ (Web)

Das audiovisuelle Projekt ANNE FRANK — DER PODCAST hat das Ziel, gegen Wissenslücken zu den NS-Verbrechen unter Jugendlichen zu kämpfen.

In dem Podcast wird das Tagebuch von Anne Frank neu als Quelle aufbereitet: Bekannte Persönlichkeiten lesen jeweils Auszüge daraus.

Dazu werden grundlegende Kontextinformationen zum historischen Hintergrund gegeben.

Unter den 46 Leser:innen sind Bundespräsident Alexander van der Bellen, Yasmo, Marie Lang, Thomas Brezina, Armin Wolf, Manuel Rubey, Martina Ebm, Josef Hader, Danielle Spera oder Thees Uhlmann und viele andere, insbesondere zahlreiche so genannte Influencer:innen.

  • Link zu den Einträgen (Web)

Beschreibung: „Die Erinnerung an die Verbrechen des Nazi-Regimes beginnen mittlerweile zu verblassen. Junge Menschen wissen immer weniger über den Holocaust. Als Kommunikator:innen sehen wir es als unsere Aufgabe, einen zeitgemäßen Beitrag zur Erinnerungskultur zu leisten. Mit digitalen Medien wollen wir junge Menschen an die Verantwortung, die aus unserer gemeinsamen Geschichte resultiert, heranführen. Der Podcast der Anne Frank soll das möglich machen. Eine Kampagne gegen das Vergessen. Das Projekt soll einen einfachen Überblick über die letzten Jahre des Krieges geben. Der Podcast entstand während der Corona-Pandemie. Um die Gesundheit der Mitwirkenden zu gewährleisten wurden viele Aufnahmen zuhause aufgenommen.“

CfP: Words, Contention, Memory: „Remembering Activism“ – Expert Meeting (Event, 10/2022, Utrecht); by: 01.03.2022

ERC research project Remembering Activism: The Cultural Memory of Protest in Europe; Ann Rigney and Sophie van den Elzen (Web)

Time: 19.-21.10.2022
Venue: Utrecht University
Proposals by: 01.03.2022

In 1903, British suffragettes adopted the motto „Deeds not words“ to signal their tactical shift from peaceful protest to a more direct and violent repertoire of action. Despite the popularity of this refrain over the century that followed, it is clear that words play a pivotal role in political activism. They are used to frame injustice, establish worthiness and authority, connect chanting crowds, and claim new speaking positions. Moreover, investigations into the „significant, binding words“ of modern discourse have frequently focused on the language of political change and dissent (Williams 1983, 15), as the Keywords projects following in the footsteps of Raymond Williams‘ seminal publication attest (Rodgers 1987, Jeffries and Walker 2018, Leary 2019).

This expert meeting seeks to gather scholars across disciplines to investigate a key aspect of the power of words which is frequently overlooked or left implicit: the way in which words mediate actors‘ relationship to the past, and to canonical events in the transnational history of political activism. In doing so, it looks to make a significant contribution to the study of the „memory-activism nexus“ (Rigney 2018), and to respond to the contemporary sense of urgency around the politics of language (see, for instance, Modest and Lelijveld 2018).

The gathering is organized around the hypothesis that keywords, slogans, and historical shorthands play a key role in structuring traditions of political activism. Slogans like ¡No Pasarán! („they shall not pass“) travel across time and place to mobilise crowds. Shorthands like the soixante-huitards or Forty-Eighters function as proud monikers to cement generational unity and import particular narrative frames into debates. Retrospective realignment, or „rhetorical redescription“ of canonical events in modern vocabulary (Skinner 1999, 67), such as the recent relabeling of the Tulsa Race Massacre in the Library of Congress (OU, 2021), creates new narrative continuities.

Studying activist language use through the lens of cultural memory, this event seeks to advance recent work in social movement studies, memory studies, conceptual history, and discourse analysis. The meeting will Continue reading

CfP: Remembering Contentious Lives – Social movement, cultural memory, and auto/biography (Event, 09/2022, Utrecht); by: 31.01.2022

ERC research project Remembering Activism: The Cultural Memory of Protest in Europe; Ann Rigney, Clara Vlessing, and Duygu Erbil (Web)

Time: 12-14.09.2022
Venue: Utrecht University
Proposals by: 31.01.2022

What can studying life stories tell us about the relationship between memory and activism? Auto/biography studies has long been interested in the ways in which written lives construct subjectivities. Life writing itself has under certain conditions been theorised as a dissenting practice (Perkins 2000; Powell 2021): functioning as testimony in human rights activism (Schaffer and Smith 2004; Whitlock 2007), exemplifying textual forms with which to voice resistance (Harlow 1987; Harlow 1996) or constructing a repertoire of activist identities. Building on these discussions of the socio-political potential of representing lived experience, this conference looks specifically at the storying of contentious lives. How do we remember lived experiences of dissent? And how does life writing, as an act of cultural remembrance, play into the construction of collective identities? Can remembering past activist lives affect contemporary activism?

Bringing together social movement, cultural memory and auto/biography studies, this conference will consider the role of life stories in the memory-activism nexus (Rigney 2018). Auto/biography has a part to play in memory activism (Gutman 2017), in the mobilisation of memory in activism and in mediating the memory of activism: storying contemporary or recent lives saves a particular set of images or version of events for posterity; while the storying of past lives affects the changing memory of protest and protestors, and has the potential to mobilise activists in the present. Focusing on memories of change and the desire to change, it aims to bridge the gap between accounts of remembering selves and remembering collectives in social movements.

Possible lines of enquiry include:

  • What can life writing help us understand about the role of cultural memory in social movements?
  • How can an individual’s storied life stand for a collective? What are the available subject positions or models for contentious subjectivities? Continue reading

CfP: Freethought in the Long Nineteenth Century: New Perspectives (Event, 09/2022, London); by: 01.03.2022

Clare Stainthorp (Queen Mary Univ. of London), Anton Jansson (Univ. of Gothenburg), and Madeleine Goodall (Humanists UK) (Web)

Time: 09.-10.09.2022
Venue: Queen Mary University of London
Proposals by: 01.03.2022

How did atheist, secularist, and humanist ideas circulate within and across nations in the long 19th century? This conference seeks to consider this question at both micro and macro scales, exploring the local, national, and international networks that enabled freethought to flourish. The 19th century was a period during which developments across physical and social sciences, politics and activism, technology and travel gave rise to new ways of conceiving the universe and humanity’s place within it. While it is abundantly clear that this did not lay an uncomplicated path towards secularisation, there were many individuals who through their lives, writings, and actions sought to establish a secular age.

The question of terminology is often fraught and, as Nathan Alexander (2019) observes, the terms used to frame the field of historical unbelief can often serve to reinscribe particularly Western concerns. Although the category of freethinker (or Freidenker, libre-penseurs, fritänkare etc.) is not exempt from such difficulties, we use it is a multivalent term that speaks more broadly to the freedom of thought, speech, and action that liberation from religious frameworks can instil. Furthermore, it was used in the 19th century to encompass a range of positions, from militant, antagonistic atheists to those with pantheist and deist beliefs that sit outside traditional religious frameworks, via many forms of doubt and agnosticism.

There has been a tendency for Anglophone freethought to be considered separately from European traditions, and both are often cut off from, and can overshadow, wider global currents. Recently, significant steps have been taken in making connections across such boundaries through edited collections such as the internationally orientated Cambridge History of Atheism, ed. by Stephen Bullivant and Michael Ruse (2021), and Freethinkers in Europe: National and Transnational Secularities, 1789-1920s, ed. by Carolin Kosuch (2020). This conference builds upon such publications, and as such the organizers warmly welcome proposals which explore how freethought discourses in the period c.1789-1914 operated on a global scale, and how the legacies of these persisted across the 20th century and through to the present. Read more … (PDF)

Arbeitstreffen „Leben machen“ des Netzwerks zur Erforschung der Geschichte der Bio- und Medizinethik, 24.02.2022, virtueller Raum

Netzwerk zur Erforschung der Geschichte der Bio- und Medizinethik (Web)
Zeit: 24.02.2022
Ort: virtueller Raum, via Jena
Bei dem Arbeitstreffen liegt der inhaltliche Fokus auf der Zeit ab den 1970er Jahren, als die Lebenswissenschaften als neue Leitwissenschaften wahrgenommen wurden. Mit den neuen Forschungsfeldern Gentechnik und Reproduktionsmedizin entwickelten sich konfliktträchtige Diskurse rund um das Thema der künstlich-technischen Herstellung und Manipulation von Leben, deren Anwendung – so schien es – unmittelbar bevorstand. Besonders der Überschneidungsbereich der Technologien wurde in Wissenschaft, Politik und Öffentlichkeit rege diskutiert.
Die einen taten die Kombination von Gen- und Reproduktions-Technologien als rein imaginär ab, andere sahen bereits erste Schritte von der Zurichtung der Natur hin zur Züchtung von Menschen. Das interdisziplinäre und abwechslungsreiche Programm des Arbeitstreffens wird dieses Spannungsfeld in den Blick nehmen.

  1. Ethik institutionalisieren; Chair: Christina Brandt
  2. Menschen normieren; Chair: Anna Maria Schmidt
  3. Entscheidungen verlagern; Chair: Lukas Alex
  4. Leben zurichten; Chair: Anna Klassen
  5. Forschungsfelder abstecken; Chair: Christina Brandt

Das Netzwerk dient insbesondere der Vernetzung von in dem Bereich forschenden Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen und Student:innen, die die Veranstalter:innen besonders zur Teilnahme ermutigen wollen. Weiterlesen und Quelle … (Web)

CfP: Children and Youth at Risk in Times of Transition (Edited Volume); by: 28.02.2022

Baard Herman Borge (Univ. of Tromsø, Norway), Elke Kleinau (Univ. of Cologne, Germany), and Ingvill Constanze Mochmann (GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for Social Sciences, Cologne & Univ. of Oslo, Norway)

Proposals by: 28.02.2022

Children belong to one of the most vulnerable groups in societies. This was the case even before the current humanitarian crises around the world which led millions of people and families to flee from wars, terror, poverty and exploitation. Children have been misused as child soldiers, being exposed to human trafficking, slavery, sexual abuse and exploitation. They have been denied basic human rights such as access to education, food and health services. They have been kidnapped, sold, manipulated, mutilated, killed, injured – not seldom by closest family members who should provide stability, security and affection. This occurred and still occurs both in developed and in developing countries and it does not seem as if the situation will improve in near future – rather the present geo-political developments, political and economic uncertainties and instabilities seem to increase this vulnerability of children as the focus of the political agenda is devoted to other “more important” issues.

The aim of this call for abstracts is to address risks children and youth especially in times of transition are exposed to. Papers are welcome that address any group of children in war and post-war societies, for example, children born of war, refugee children, child soldiers, war children, trafficked children, and enslaved children. Papers can be based on historical, quantitative and/or qualitative analyses and they are expected to address how clear responses and responsibilities may reduce the vulnerability of the particular group. Papers that can present positive cases that may serve as best practices are particularly welcome.

The call for abstracts is aimed at scholars from the humanities, law and social sciences. Doctoral students are also cordially invited to submit proposals. Please send an abstract (max. 300 words) in English language and a short CV until February 28th, 2022 to The deadline for handing in the manuscripts is September 15th, 2022. In the spirit of scientific quality assurance the organizers strive to a peer-review process to review the manuscripts.

Source: (Link)

Conference: Challenging Norms and Narrations: Family Planning and Social Change in Europe, 27.-28.01.2022, virtual sapce

Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe (Web)
Time: 27.-28.01.2022,
Venue: virtual space, via Marburg
Social change caused by industrialization and urbanization as well as by cultural and political modernization provoked a re configuration of family conceptions. The demand to determine the number of offspring became a major political claim of women’s rights movements before it became part of “normality” within family life. “Family planning” as a practice was hence a result of value changes caused by social changes: since then, it developed step-by-step from a significant individual practice to a human right. During social, political, and economic crises and periods of rapid social change, “family planning” has become a target of political attacks, for example as revealed by the new Polish anti-abortion law and discussion about sexual education.
Once again, women’s reproductive and sexual rights have become highly politicized, and the question of family planning has become a state interest rather than an individual choice. Today’s changes in political and social beliefs, challenges for gender equality, and obvious attacks on women’s reproductive rights suggest that understanding the past can help identify, analyze, and recommend tools to prevent such populist and undemocratic efforts. Read more and source … (Web)

  • Isabel Heinemann (Münster): Family Planning, Reproductive Decision-Making und Health Feminism


  1. Publicizing the Privacy (Motherhood on the Stage) / Breaking the taboo; Chair: Heidi Hein-Kircher
  2. (Transcultural) Transitions of Knowledge and Norms; Chair: Elisa-Maria Hiemer
  3. Challenging “old” Norms: Between Science, Propaganda and Intimacy; Chair: Denisa Nešt’áková

CfP: Whose choice, whose rights? Global-historical and intersectional approaches to the emergence of reproductive rights after 1945 (Event, 06/2022, Glasgow); by: 07.02.2022

Reproductive Rights International Network; Arts and Humanities Research Council-Project ‚Inventing Reproductive Rights: Sex, Bodies and Population, 1945-1995‘ (Web)

Time: 09.-10.06.2022
Venue: Glasgow
Proposals by: 07.02.2022

At this conference, the paritcipants explore the emergence of notions of reproductive rights, reproductive justice and reproductive choice and autonomy over the course of the second half of the 20th Century. Papers will be focused on the changing status of the reproductive body in public, medical and legal discourse throughout this period, taking post-World War 2 reconstruction as the starting point and the definition of reproductive rights by the United Nations at the International Conference on Population and Development held in Cairo in 1994 as the endpoint. The participants will analyse the emergence of notions of reproductive rights against the backdrop of changing gender roles, sexual revolutions, processes of medicalisation, changing forms of mass communication, and wider contexts such as decolonisation, the emergence of the UN system and human rights discourse, and the globalisation of demographic debate.

Focusing on topics such as birth control, family planning, abortion, assisted reproductive technologies and sterilisation, the paritcipants will explore political, expert and public discourse as well as intimate practices and norms surrounding bodily autonomy, family, and sexual practice. The organizers ask presenters to engage with the key historical shifts in this period: the medicalisation of reproductive bodies, the feminisation of reproductive choice and responsibility, the changing notions of human rights, and the hierarchisation of reproductive subjects according to social markers such as race, social class and ability.

Presenters are encouraged to take into consideration more than one locality or country through a comparative, transnational or global approach. Papers tackling contemporary issues are welcome, but they should engage with longer-term historical developments or genealogies. Full papers should be no more than 15 minutes long. At the conference, papers are presented and then discussed by a discussant, followed by wider debate.

Participants are welcome to submit panel proposals with 3-4 papers. Please indicate clearly which proposals together form a panel, and identify the title of the panel and one convenor who will be one of the paper authors. Read more and source … (Web)