Monthly Archives: Juli 2008

CfP: Gender, the Body, and Sexuality (Publication: Aspasia 4), Deadline: 15.10.08

Aspasia – International Yearbook of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European Women’s and Gender History

Over the last few decades, the body has become the focus of much critical scholarly attention. We are interested in innovative, interdisciplinary work about the histories of gender, the body and sexuality/ies in Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe.

  • How were bodies constructed and gendered there from antiquity onwards through the twentieth century?
  • How was sexuality socially and politically normalised?
  • How did individuals negotiate the sexual/bodily selves in their societies, in daily life and in specific contexts — from religion and work to healthcare and sports?
  • What did it mean to be a mainstream versus a sexually deviant person, and what consequences did such categories have for individuals and them communities they lived in?
  • What role did the body play in constructing the ideal communist subject?
  • How did bodies in the various contexts of Continue reading

Kolloquium: „Lebenswelten“ in der Nachkriegszeit (1945-1970) – Quellenlage und Auswertungsmöglichkeiten, 07.11.08, Heidelberg

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg und Universität Heidelberg – Historisches Semiar, Heidelberg
Zeit: 07.11.2008
Ort: Stiftung Reichspräsident-Friedrich-Ebert-Gedenkstätte
Mit dieser Veranstaltung, die sich an HistroikerInnen wie ArchivarInnen gleichermaßen wendet, wird der Dialog zwischen Archiven und Forschung fortgesetzt: Quellenlagen wirken sich auf Forschungsmöglichkeiten aus. Forschungsfragen wiederum bedingen entsprechende Überlieferungsentscheidungen.
10.15 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Robert Kretzschmar, Präsident des Landesarchivs Baden-Württemberg: Begrüßung
10.30 – 11.00 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Edgar Wolfrum, Universität Heidelberg: Lebenswelten und Wertewandel in der Nachkriegszeit. Forschungsüberblick – Tendenzen Continue reading

CfP: Latina/Chicana Mothering (Publication), Deadline: October 31, 2008


Demeter Press
is seeking submissions for an edited collection on

Latina/Chicana Mothering

Publication Date: Spring 2011 Editors: Dorsía Smith Silva and Janine Santiago

We are very excited to edit an interdisciplinary book on mothering in the Latina and Chicana communities. We seek papers that examine the narratives, histories, practices, and theories of Latina and Chicana mothering as they reflect the realities and complexities of diverse perspectives. Latina and Chicana mothering is a rich experience, which engenders a sense of identity, multiple viewpoints, and cultural orientations. Here, the Latina/Chicana mothering experience seeks to provide a site for inquiry of those life histories and legacies, which have been marked by undergoing childbirth, raising children, or becoming mothers, as well as transatlantic mothers. One of the main goals of this text will be to examine the complex representations of Latina and Chicana mothering and to address the space where Latina and Chicana perspectives are in many cases rendered invisible.
We encourage varied approaches from across the humanities and social sciences including, but not limited to topics as the following: theoretical, historical, cultural, feminist, maternal, transgender, and gender studies; personal and reflective essays; ethnographies; oral histories Continue reading

Buchpräsentation: Für Führer und Vaterland. Das Salzkammergut von 1938-1945, 16.08.08, Strobl

Zeit: Samstag, 16. August 2008, 19:30 Uhr
Ort: Deutschvilla in Strobl am Wolfgangsee / Salzburg
Mit dem Buch „Für Führer und Vaterland“, herausgegeben von Raimund Bahr, beginnt eine Reihe, die sich mit der Geschichte, Gegenwart und Zukunft der Region Salzkammergut beschäftigt. Gerade für den Zweiten Weltkrieg gibt es wenig Bewußtsein vor allem für die Vertreibungen und Lager vor Ort. Die Texte sind ebenso vielfältig wie das Thema selbst. Der Zusammenhang von Religion und Nationalsozialismus wird erstmals in einer größeren Arbeit von Karl W. Schwarz dargestellt. Klaus Kienesberger, einer der Kuratoren der oö. Landesausstellung in Strobl, zeigt wie ein Widerstandskämpfer unter der Propaganda der DDR zum Helden aufstieg. Sepp Plieseis ist im Bewußtsein des Salzkammergutes gut verankert. Michael Kurz setzt sich mit dem Autor Franz Kain auseinander, der mit Arnolt Bronnen bekannt war und in seinen Texten immer wieder den Zweiten Weltkrieg thematisierte. Helmut Kalss publiziert hier erstmals ein Interview mit einer Widerstandskämpferin aus dem Salzkammergut und zeigt so, daß Widerstand nicht immer nur den Kampf mit der Waffe bedeutet, sondern vor allem auch ein weibliches Gesicht hat. Continue reading

CfP: Gendered Cultures at the Crossroads of Imagination, Knowledge and Politics (Event: Utrecht June 2009), Dealdine: 15.09.08

7th European Feminist Research Conference

The 7th European Feminist Research Conference is an international event based on cutting-edge scholarship. The conference reflects the diversity of women’s and gender studies, incorporating interdisciplinary perspectives on imagination, knowledge and politics. The focus is on the way in which imagination, knowledge and politics inform gendered cultures in contemporary Europe.

European Feminist Research Conferences usually have more than 500 participants from both inside and outside of Europe. The Conference has a track record of presenting innovative feminist scholarly work with critical perspectives on contemporary Europe.

The 7th edition of the European Feminist Research Conference will be interdisciplinary in several ways. Firstly, it will employ the Utrecht expertise of crossing the boundaries of the scholarly and the artistic through a focus on, and a review of, literary, visual and artistic representations. Secondly, it will work with a matrix of intersecting themes rather than with singular conference strands. Thus participating scholars, students and artists are asked to situate themselves in this crosscutting matrix. Continue reading

Conference: (Re)constructing the aging body: Western medical cultures and gender 1600-2000, 26.-28.09.08, Mainz

Zeit: 26.-28.09.2008,
Ort: Atrium Hotel, Flugplatzstrasse 44, 55126 Mainz
Deadline: 15.08.2008
With an ever growing proportion of elderly people in many Western societies, and modern medicine promising to prolong life and well-being, the aging body has become an increasingly common image in current society. ‚Anti-aging‘ has developed into a popular movement for promoting activity, mobility and lifestyle choice instead of conventionally held stereotypes of decline and decrepitude. Current theoretical contributions argue that the aging body cannot completely be reduced to culture and stand up for a materialistic deconstructionist perspective considering the elderly’s experiences and the interaction of mind, body and society. It is the meaning attached to gendered aging bodies by medical cultures that needs further investigation. Continue reading

CfP: Queering Parenting (Publication), Deadline: 31.10.08

Collection of essays to be published by Demeter Press fall 2009
edited by Susan Driver and Zoe Newman
Deadline for papers is October 31, 2008

A proliferation of experientially based essays, media stories, documentary films, television profiles, photographic essays and do-it-yourself manuals featuring lesbian mothers and gay dads have emerged to mark out cultural discourses in which to understand lesbian and gay families. But while these images and narratives enable positive representations that counter invisibility and marginalization, they often work to delimit transformative mode of thinking and acting beyond normalizing categories. For LGBTTT2Q communities in Canada, the US, and Europe, family has been a site of struggle and invisibility, and has also been constructed as a site of transformation and pride, sometimes with the result that we have sidelined interrogations of how ‘queer families’ are normative and exclusionary. It is those troubling, ambiguous and unintelligible subjects that do not fit neatly into parental discourses that need to enter into public dialogues as part of a comprehensive project of queering parenting.
This book adopts a range of critically queer theoretical perspectives to rethink the parameters of Continue reading

Exhibition in Vienna’s Otto Wagner Hospital: Der Krieg gegen die „Minderwertigen“, Vienna

Zur Geschichte der NS-Medizin in Wien

Ort: Otto Wagner Spital, Pavillon V, Sozialmedizinisches Zentrum Baumgartner Höhe 1, 1140 Wien

Deutsche Version weiter unten

In the National Socialist system, medicine took on a new task: the ‚weeding out‘ of people designated as ‚inferior‘. There was no room in the performance-orientated Volksgemeinschaft for the handicapped, the mentally sick, for members of social fringe groups and nonconformists. They were persecuted, imprisoned and abandoned to destruction.
The Heil- und Pflegeanstalt ‚Am Steinhof‘ (today’s Otto Wagner Hospital) developed in the years after the Anschluss of 1938 into the Viennese centre of National Socialist medical murder which was to take the lives of far more than 7,500 Steinhof patients: Continue reading

MUSEUM_inside_out. Memory Work / Arbeit am Gedächtnis. Bis 10/08, Wien

Deutsche Version weiter unten

A discourse and exhibition project of the Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art

Ort: Laudongasse 15-19, 1080 Wien
Zeit: bis Oktober 2008

Starting on June 15th, you will be able to experience the Austrian Museum of Folk-Life a different way. On three days during the week, you will have the opportunity to see the museum itself at work, live. Thousands of objects from the various collections housed at the museum will move onto shelves, over tables, and through the hands of the museum’s employees. These items will be registered, checked, digitized, evaluated and questioned. Almost the entire personnel of the museum will be at work in the exhibition rooms. The workflow itself dictates that what you see will change and be fresh every day. The emphasis of this project is not on objects themselves but on the many ways a cultural museum works with its varied materiel.

The project itself is experimental, and the process open. Only a few basic procedures have been fixed Continue reading

CfP: Sex/ualities In and Out of Time (Conference: Edinburgh), Deadline: 15.08.08

Zeit: 28-29 November 2008
Ort: Edinburgh, U.K
Einreichefrist Abstract: 15.08.2008

Keynote Speakers: Professor Judith Halberstam & Professor Claire Colebrook

Round Table Participants: Professor Lorna Hutson, Professor Laura Marcus, Professor Gill Plain, Dr Sarah Dillon

Conference Focus: The question of time has become a major concern in critical theory and is proving to be a particularly useful means of approaching gender and sex/uality. Important recent work in the field of gender studies and queer theory has begun to explicitly address and render visible how time comes to structure and determine the meaning of bodily experiences and expressions. Non-normative sex/ualities are commonly delegated out of time, for instance, via the promise of futurity and the negation of historical grounding and traditions. The attempt to locate these very same bodies and their sexual practices in time raises the question whether time can be refigured or manipulated in order to open up the possibility of epistemological and ontological alternatives. This conference aims to Continue reading