Monthly Archives: Jänner 2010

Conference: “Network Analysis and History. Approaches, tools, problems” / „Netzwerkanalyse und Geschichte. Ansätze, Instrumente, Probleme, 25.-27.02.2010, Lausanne

Organisation: Sandro Guzzi-Heeb, Thomas David, Stéphanie Ginalski, Frédéric Rebmann
Place: University of Lausanne
Time: 25.-27.02.2010
Deadline: 20.02.2010
This international conference will bring together researchers in various disciplines such as history, sociology, anthropology and demography, in order to compare the approaches, methods and tools used in network analysis. One of the aims of this Conference is to highlight the contribution of the network analysis for the historians, as this method has been relatively neglected by this discipline so far.
The discussion will be articulated around five main topics:

  • Family and kinship
  • Methods
  • Mobilisation and social movements
  • Social networks and business elites
  • Cultural networks Continue reading

CfP: Women’s Liberation Movement @ 40: Changes and Continuities (Event: 03/2010, Oxford); DL: 05.02.2010

Bringing together a multiplicity of voices to celebrate 40 years since the first Women’s Liberation conference at Ruskin.

Time: 12-13th March 2010
Place: Ruskin College, Oxford
Deadline: 5th February 2010

More than a retrospective, the aim of this conference is to create a space for debate about the issues facing feminists today and celebration of feminist work. WLM@40 will capture the energy, vibrancy and vision of the first conference, building on the foundations that it laid. The conference will reflect on the historical significance of the 1970 (and later) conferences, share information and skills for contemporary feminist activism, create and celebrate feminist art and look to the future of feminism(s). Speakers will cut across boundaries of age, class, location and sexuality and voices that were originally absent will now be heard. Continue reading

New Call for Panels for the 2011 Berkshire Conference on the History of Women (06/2011, Amherst)

2011 Berkshire Conference on the History of Women (Web)

Time: June 9-12 2011
Place: University of Massachusetts in Amherst

Call for Panels

  • Panel: Representations of Women’s Education; DL: –
  • Panel: Modernity, Aging, and Health; DL: 01.03.2010
  • Roundtable on teaching women’s leadership; DL: 01.03.2010

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CFPanelists: 2011 Berks–Representations of Women’s Education

Hi all, I am interested in finding contributions for the following panel: „Representations of Women’s Education“. I am seeking panelists who explore the representation of women’s education in a variety of texts–literary, visual, historical, among others. Continue reading

Workshop und Tagung: „Frauenbilder – Schwesternbilder“, 06.-07.03.2010, Wien

Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversität WienVeranstaltungen zum Internationalen Frauentag 2010

Samstag, 6. März 2010, 14.00 – 17.45 Uhr

  • Pre-Workshop

Elisabeth Vykoukal – Begrüßung
Jeanne Wolff Bernstein – Zur Idee des „Sinthoms“ bei Jacques Lacan. Ein klinischer Workshop zum Lustbegriff der Symptome.
Am Anfang seines Werkes beschrieb Jacques Lacan das Symptom als eine Schrift, die es zu entziffern gilt. Jedoch entwickelte Lacan in seinem späteren Werk die viel radikalere Idee, dass das Symptom die Jouissance (Genießen) des Subjekts einschließt und zugleich ausdrückt. Anstatt das Symptom als eine metaphorische Botschaft zu verstehen, wird das Sinthom als Kern des Genuss-haften verstanden, das dem Menschen die Möglichkeit bietet seine Lust ganz individuell zu gestalten. Egal wie zerstörend das Sinthom sein mag, es entpuppt sich immer wieder als die notwendige Basis jedes Lebens. Insofern beinhaltet das Ende jeder Analyse die Aufgabe mit seinem Sinthom leben zu können. Continue reading

CFP: Gender and Governmentality (Event: Chicago 11/2010); DL: 01.02.2010

Social Science History Association 2010 Meeting (Web)35th Annual Meeting
Dear Colleagues, I am working to construct a session for the 2010 Social Science History Association meeting (Chicago, 18-21 November) around Gender and Governmentality. There are currently two papers attached to the session, one analyzing the transmission of early modern, cameralist concepts through economics, sociology, and bureaucratic initiative into the modern German welfare state, and one on about the Hindu Code bill fight in India just following independence. We are open to other potential papers with any chronological or geographic scope that engage with „gendering“ the Foucauldian concept of governmentality.
This year’s conference theme is „Politics and Power,“ and more information about it and the association may be found at The deadline for submissions is February 15 and we would like to finalize this session by February 1. Please reply to me off-list at if you are interested in joining such a session. Thanks, Marynel Ryan Van Zee

Conference: Femininities, 22.-24.04.2010, York

FEMININITIES – Tenth York Cultural History Conference (Web)
Conference organisers: Henrice Altink, Jeremy Goldberg, Hannah Greig, Joanna de Groot
Department of History, University of York
22-24th April 2010
This three-day international conference, organised by the Department of History, marks the ten year anniversary of the department’s annual Cultural History Conference. Focusing on the theme of ‘femininities’ this conference brings together leading international scholars to examine the state of the field in women’s history, gender history and the history of sexuality and consider the past, present and future of the category of ‘femininities’ as a category of historical analysis.
Speakers include Judith Halberstam, Merry Wiesner-Hanks and Barbara Taylor. Postgraduate attendance is particularly encouraged and there is a reduced registration fee for all postgraduate student delegates. Please find further details of the conference theme, programme and booking information at the conference’s website. Email:

CfP: Power and Politics (Event: 11/2010, Chicago); DL: 15.02.2010

Social Science History Association 2010 Meeting (Web) – 35th Annual Meeting

Chicago, Illinois, 18-21 November, 2010

The 2010 Program Committee seeks panel proposals that will focus on Power and Politics. Power is a foundational concept in history and the social sciences, and just as clearly a contested one. Traditionally, the understanding of power as the capacity to enact one’s will against resistance and images of the coercive, central state apparatus held sway, and these are still compelling visions.

More recently, we have seen the emergence of a rather different conception of power as a diffuse set of forces, at work in the practices of everyday life, which may entangle actors in their own subjection. Here, the analysis of power has expanded to include the constitution of domination outside the formal polity, in forms of inequality and difference such as race, gender, or sexuality, or in terms of capillary processes working through classification systems, therapeutic discourses, and other technologies of regulation. Continue reading

New Call for Panels for the 2011 Berkshire Conference on the History of Women (06/11, Amherst)

2011 Berkshire Conference on the History of Women (Web)

Time: June 9-12 2011
Place: University of Massachusetts in Amherst

Call for Panels

  • Panel: Race, Sexuality, Entertainment; DL: –
  • Panel: Health and Medicine; DL: 01.02.2010
  • Panel: Female Husbands; DL –
  • Workshop: ‚Leaving Illnesses Unspoken‘: Women’s Privatizing of the Body’s Problems; DL: –

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  • Panel: Race, Sexuality, Entertainment

Hello, I am looking for interested participants for a panel on race, sexuality, and erformance/entertainment/music. My paper is on the sexual fluidity and ambiguity of blues singers in the 1920s, such as Bessie Smith and Gertrude „Ma“ Rainey. I examine the personal relationships of the blues women, their songs and performances, and the queer milieu of African American entertainment in the 1920s. Continue reading

Vortrag – Brigitte Bargetz: Alltag – modischer Begriff oder politischer Kampfplatz?, 25.01.2010, Wien

Zeit: 25. Januar 2010, 18 Uhr c.t.
Ort: IFK, Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften, Reichsratsstraße 17, 1010 Wien
Als „modischen Begriff“ mit unklarem Gehalt und uneindeutiger analytischer Kraft bezeichnete Norbert Elias 1978 den „Alltag“, wie er in den wissenschaftlichen Debatten der 1970er-Jahre diskutiert wurde. Elias‘ Kritik zielte mitunter auf ein Verständnis von Alltag als gleichsam autonome gesellschaftliche Sphäre.
Einen entscheidenden Beitrag, Alltag gerade nicht als außerhalb von ökonomischen und politischen Verhältnissen zu begreifen, leisteten die Cultural Studies, die ausgehend von alltagskulturellen Praxen Kultur als „a whole way of life“ fassten. Dass Alltag auch ein politischer Kampfplatz ist, zeigte und zeigt insbesonders die feministische Forschung.
Dabei wird Alltag zugleich als Ort vergeschlechtlichter Machtverhältnisse und als Möglichkeit politischen Handelns begriffen. In ihrem Beitrag Continue reading

CfP: Queer Again? Power, Politics and Ethics (Event: 09/2010, Berlin); DL: 31.03.2010

Department of English and American Studies and the Research Training Group „Gender as a Category of Knowledge“

Time: 23.-25.09.2010
Place: Berlin
Deadline: 31.03.2010

The concept of queer is volatile and, at times, difficult to grasp. As a result, we need a continuous review of the fields and debates within Queer Theory. In his 2004 study No Future: Queer Theory and the Death Drive, Lee Edelman manoeuvred queer theory into a kind of aporia and thus deep crisis that persists to this day. Subscription to an „ethics of futility“, as Edelman suggests, signals that the borders of ethical thinking have been reached.

However, in debates following the publication of Edelman’s book (as for instance, in the Social Text issue of 2005 with the programmatic title What’s Queer About Queer Studies Now?) the ethical impetus of queer criticism confronted and challenged the dominance of the so-called antisocial thesis. This ongoing debate and the regular recurrence of the antisocial thesis in its different manifestations reveals a pressing need to reflect anew the relationship between queer and theory, art, ethics, and politics. Continue reading