CfP: Feminist Politics of Knowledge in Times of Globalisation: Epistemologies, Strategies and Conditions (Event: 12/2016, Bochum); DL: 30.09.2016

Chair of Sociology/Social Inequality and Gender at the Ruhr-University Bochum

Venue: Bochum
Time: 01–02 December 2016
Proposals by: 30.09.2016

Contemporary societies are frequently described as ‘knowledge societies‘ where all kinds of knowledge are supposed to play an important role for the social, economic and political development under the conditions of globalisation. The system of knowledge production and dissemination as well as knowledge itself becomes more and more important for these societies. However, reflections about the ongoing changes and its influences on knowledge rarely pay attention to social and epistemic inequalities in knowledge production and dissemination.

This observation marks the starting point for the international workshop which will focus on feminist politics of knowledge in times of transnationalisation and globalisation. Read more … (Web)