Institut für Ungarische Geschichtsforschung in Wien; Collegium Hungaricum (Web)
Time: 11.-12.11.2024
Venue: Collegium Hungaricum Wien, Hollandstr. 4, 1020 Vienna
Registation by: 08.11.2024
Programme (PDF)
Keynotes: by Johanna Gehmacher and Judith Szapor
Women’s Movements and Activists in the Habsburg Period. Continuities and Ruptures in International Networks in the Habsburg and Post-Habsburg Periods
- with Chiara Paris, Dóra Fedeles-Czeferner, Agatha Schwartz, and Peter Becker
Women Activists, Organizations, and Networks in Minority or Stateless position
- with Julia Bavouzet, Isidora Grubački, Alla Shvets, Alexandra Ghiţ, and Beáta Márkus
The Role of Press and Translation in Women’s Movements
- with Marián Gladiš, Marta Verginella-Urška Strle, Žarka Svirčev, and Zsófia Lóránd
Alternative Networks: Peace Activists, Socialists, Psychoanalysts
- with Peter Moser, Lea Horvat, Lea Horvat, Anna Borgos, Lydia Jammernegg, Christa Hämmerle, Ingrid Sharp, Therese Garstenauer, Clara Anna Egger, and Gergely Romsics
Concluding discussion and Closing reflections
- with Ingrid Sharp, Iván Bertényi Jr., and Dóra Fedeles-Czeferner
The participants will transgress state borders which historically cut different activists and activisms apart from each other. Contributions will adopt an interdisciplinary approach with examining the relationship between local, national, and transnational/international dynamics of women’s activism in the territory of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and in its successor states. By discussing these issues, a more comprehensive picture on women’s activism in the Monarchy and in the successor states will be received. Furthermore, the relation of women’s movements to nation-building in the multi-ethnical setting of the Monarchy will also become more visible. The workshop will feature panel presentations and discussions and keynote lectures, providing opportunities for an intensive dialogue and to synthetize the latest research and scholarship in the field.
Registration by November 8, 2024 at 12 noon at: