Monthly Archives: September 2013

Conference: The Material Side of Marriage. Female Goods and Women’s Economic Role in the Domestic Sphere in Greek, Roman and Byzantine Times, 21.-23.11.2013, Roma

PD Dr. Sabine R. Huebner (FU Berlin, IRF Rome); Dr. Ria Berg (IRF Rome)
Time: 21.-23.11.2013
Venue: Institutum Romanum Finlandiae (Villa Lante), 00165 Roma
The organizers propose to study women’s economic role in the domestic sphere focusing on the domestic economy, marriage and family in Greek, Roman, and Byzantine times. In practice the themes will include a wide variety of practices that materialize the gendered economies of the ancient Mediterranean cultures, from betrothal and dowry practices, material goods in the domestic context, division and maintenance of resources, women’s economic contribution to the household and inheritance and gift giving practices. Read more and source …

Konferenz: „Der Deutsche Mann ermattet nicht, wenn Gefahren ihn umtoben!“: Interdependenzen von Geschlecht, Ethnizität und Klasse in der Geschichte der Deutschen in Polen im 19. und 20. Jhd., 03.-05.10.2013, Siegen

Kommission für die Geschichte der Deutschen in Polen e.V.; Professur für Europ. Zeitgeschichte; in Kooperation mit dem Zentrum Gender Studies an der Univ. Siegen; Claudia Kraft (Siegen); Markus Krzoska (Berlin); Isabel Röskau-Rydel (Kraków)
Zeit: 03.-05.10.2013
Ort: Artur-Woll-Haus, Am Eichenhang 50, 57076 Siegen
Anmeldung bis 20.09.2013
Es wird die Geschichte der Deutsche in Polen im 19. und 20. Jhd. mit den Perspektiven der Geschlechtergeschichte und der postkolonialen Studien in den Blick genommen und auf diese Weise die Vielfalt der Konflikt-, aber auch Koexistenzsituationen beschrieben, um zu einem ausgewogeneren Bild der Selbst- und Fremdbeschreibung sowie der Handlungsmöglichkeiten von historischen AkteurInnen und Kollektiven in einem sprachlich und konfessionell heterogenen Umfeld zu kommen.
Zum Programm: weiterlesen und Quelle …

CfP: Gender in Twentieth-Century Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union (Publication); DL: 13.10.2013

Volume, edited by Catherine Baker

Deadline: 13.10.2013

This call for papers seeks contributors to an edited volume (ca. 80,000 words) on the gendered histories of eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union during the twentieth century, aimed primarily at an undergraduate/taught postgraduate readership. Drawing on current research into a broad range of societies and experiences within the scope of the volume, it aims to explore whether or how far the course of the twentieth century has made it possible to speak of a common history of gender in this part of the world. Since the early 1900s, the region has witnessed the collapse of multinational empires into nation-states; the human devastation and divided legacies left by the Second World War and the Holocaust; the transformation of society and Continue reading

Conference: Beyond the Univocal / Jenseits der Eindeutigkeit, 17.–19.10.2013, Berlin

Graduate Research School “Gender as a Category of Knowledge” at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Time: 17.–19.10.2013
Venue: Berlin
Programm als PDF / Deutsche Version
The conference addresses central research questions of contemporary gender studies and brings them into newer and further fields by presenting significant research results in dialogue with renowned scholars. The research topics include: the gendered encoding of knowledge and its visualisation, the interrelation between individual and collective bodies, as well as the interdependency of gender and other categories of difference. These lines of questioning arrange themselves into four panels:
1. Visuality – Power – Knowledge; 2. Individual and Collective Bodies; 3. Queer in Motion/ Queer Emotion; 4. Religion and Gender within (trans-)national Processes of Transformation

Workshop: Amateur* – Archiv – Alltagskultur, 13.09.2013, Berlin

DFG-Projekt „Medienamateure in der homosexuellen Kultur“ (Web) in Kooperation mit dem Schwulen Museum* Berlin (Web)
Zeit: 13. September 2013
Ort: Berlin
Programm als PDF
Wie kommt der Amateur* ins Archiv? Wieso werden Materialien von Amateur_innen gesammelt, wo werden sie aufbewahrt? Wann und in welchem sozio-politischen Kontext werden sie zu bedeutungsvollen Quellen?
Im Forschungsprojekt „Medienamateure in der homosexuellen Kultur – Fotografische Selbstdarstellungen von Männern im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert“ sind private und amateurische Quellen das Thema, die in sehr unterschiedlichen Archiven und Archivsituationen beheimatet sind. Der Ausgangsort war dabei das Schwule Museum* Berlin, an dem auch – am Ende der von der DFG geförderten Forschungszeit – ein Workshop veranstaltet wird. Weiterlesen (PDF)

CfP: Writing Women’s Lives: Auto/Biography, Life Narratives, Myths and Historiography (Event, 04/2014, Istanbul); DL: 30.11.2013

Women’s Library and Information Centre Foundation (WLICF) (Web) and Yeditepe University

Time: April 19–20, 2014
Venue: Istanbul, Yeditepe University
Deadline for submission of abstracts: November 30, 2013

The symposium calls for papers from a broad, interdisciplinary field of women’s life writing including biography and autobiography, letters, diaries, memoirs, family histories, case histories and other ways in which women’s lives have been recorded. The call is open to various genres and national, regional and global cultural traditions of women’s life writings as well as to papers on the related areas of women’s oral traditions, oral history research, testimonies, and the representation of women’s lives in all possible verbal and non-verbal art forms, such as documentaries, video, art, etc.

WLICF was founded in Istanbul in 1989 and the library was opened to the public on April 14, 1990. It was the first and is still the only library in Turkey dedicated to Continue reading