Vortrag Eileen Trauth: Gender and the Global Information Society, 02.06.08, Klagenfurt

Zeit: 02.06.2008 / ab 18:00
Ort: Raum z.129 / Omansaal, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

In the twenty-first century the majority of human work will involve the manipulation and use of information. Consequently, the health of a nation’s economy will increasingly depend upon the availability of sufficient human capital to participate in its information society. Of considerable concern in many countries is the issue of einclusion: the under representation of certain groups in society. Women constitute the largest group who are under represented, both as consumers and as developers of the tools and systems employed in the information society. Further, the growing trend toward outsourcing, off shoring, and dispersion of work across national boundaries means that the twenty-first century information technology workforce must also be prepared to deal with a global client base and global colleagues. This includes understanding the gender diversity of colleagues, clients and users from different countries. In this lecture Dr. Trauth will discuss the socio-cultural factors that both inhibit and enhance the equal participation of women in the information society. In doing so she will draw upon her field studies of women in the information technology workforce in the USA and other countries.

Eileen Trauth, PhD
Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Gender Studies 2008

Zentrum für Frauen- und Geschlechterstudien
Sterneckstraße 15
9020 Klagenfurt
Raum S.203 & S.209
Tel.: +43 (0)463 2700 1022/1023
Fax: +43 (0)463 2700 1098
E-Mail: gender.zentrum@uni-klu.ac.at
Homepage: www.uni-klu.ac.at/gender

aus: female@jku.ac.at

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