CfP: Feminisms in adversity – keeping the flame alive (Event: „Big Berks“ 05/2014); DL: –

Berkshire Conference on Women’s History, Toronto, Canada, May 22-25, 2014, Website

Call for panelists from Lesley Hall: My projected panel would look at how feminism/s have survived and what they were doing in the non-dramatic eras or places in which feminism was considered outdated, irrelevant, a distraction from other struggles, or in which it was about carrying on the struggle in tedious and unflamboyant ways. My own paper, ‚Between the Waves: British feminism’s forgotten decade?‘ will be on British feminism in the 1930s and will examine the writings of several women applying feminist analysis to the problems of the day in the aftermath of the grant of suffrage to women on the same terms as men in 1928, during the economic depression, in the context of the rise of fascism in Europe and a more general backlash against women’s emancipation. I am seeking two other papers, a discussant and a chair; or if there is enough interest, might also consider organising a round-table discussion.

Please contact me at if you are interested http://ocs.library.utoronto.**ca/index.php/bcwh/Berks, for further information on the Berks, themes, deadlines, etc

Lesley Hall


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