CfP: Liminal Performances: Transnational Histories of Flappers, Dancing Girls and Leisure Culture in the Interwar Period (Event: „Big Berks“ 05/2014); DL: –

Berkshire Conference on Women’s History, Toronto, Canada, May 22-25, 2014, Website

Call for panelists from Einav Rabinovitch-Fox: We are looking for a third panelist for our panel session in the upcoming Berkshires Conference. We want to propose a panel around the theme of: Liminal Performances: Transnational Histories of Flappers, Dancing Girls and Leisure Culture in the Interwar Period.

The first papers looks at the American flapper and the ways in which she used fashion and leisure to construct and redefine the image of the feminist in the 1920s, outside of traditional organized feminism and politics.

The second paper looks at the mythology that arose around the Russian cabaret dancers and waitresses in 1920s and 1930s Shanghai, examining the racial and sexual anxieties behind international campaigns to rescue migrant Russian women from labor believed to be akin to sex work

We are looking for another paper, preferably in a different geographical location, that will fit nicely with the two papers.

If you are interested, please contact Einav at or Philippa at

Einav Rabinovitch-Fox
PhD Candidate
History Department
New York University


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