CfP: Women’s Organisations and Female Activists in the Aftermath of the First World War: Central and Eastern Europe in National, Transnational, International and Global Context (Event: 05/2013, Budapest); DL: 07.12.2012

Ingrid Sharp, University of Leeds and Matthew Stibbe, Sheffield Hallam University

Time: 17.-19.05.2013
Venue: Budapest, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
Deadline: 07.12.2012

Recent developments in the social and cultural history of modern warfare have done much to shed new light on the experience of the First World War, and in particular how that experience was communicated in popular and high culture, and in acts of remembrance and commemoration after 1918. The post-war period (ca 1918-1923) is distinctive, both within individual nations and as a point of international comparison. It is characterised by the often troubled transition from a wartime to a peacetime society; continued conflicts over the repatriation of refugees and POWs; revolutionary and… read more and source.

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