Genesis. Rivista della Società Italiana delle Storiche, 2016, 1 (Web)
Proposals not later than: 15.05.2015
Genesis invites contributions for a forthcoming issue on total mobilization in European societies during the First World War. The issue aims to discuss women’s participation to the Great War, and its long-term consequences in relation to processes of nationalization, politicization and modernization, in a transnational perspective. Participation is understood both as involvement, direct and indirect, and as resistance, active and passive.
International historiography has long investigated the qualitative and quantitative aspects of women’s participation in the war and in the workforce (both as paid and voluntary workers) during and after the war. Studies have focused on the organization of civil mobilization (and its role in linking battle-front and home front), on gender relations in the labour market, on the forms of opposition to the conflict that contributed to create new forms of welfare, on the activities, the divisions and contradictions of the feminist movement and among women’s associations. Read more … (PDF)