Conference: Confronting the Violence(s) of History: Critical Methods, Epistemologies, and Engagements, 07.-08.04.2016, New Brunswick/NJ

Rutgers University: The History Department’s (Web), 38th Annual Susman Graduate Student Conference

Veneu: Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
Time: Thursday and Friday, April 7 and 8, 2016

  • Keynote Speaker: Laura Ann Twagira, Assistant Professor of History and Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies at Wesleyan University
  • Opening Address: Marisa Fuentes, Assistant Professor of History and Women and Gender Studies at Rutgers University

This conference asks scholars to jointly consider violence/resistance and critique/ repair as possible sites that can provide alternative theorizations and approaches to the past. While this conference is interested in exploring the variety of quotidian forms that violence and resistance have taken in the past, it is equally concerned with, and challenges scholars to consider how, engagement with this history can lead to new epistemologies, methods, and ethics of scholarly practice. Further, this conference locates the everyday as a significant site for investigating the multiplicities of violence, as well as producing the necessary critical tools and theories, in which to counteract those violences. “Confronting the Violence(s) of History” leads to questions such as:

  • How does thinking about the points of intersection between violence and resistance question our normative understandings of these categories?
  • Can violence ever be a generative space, as well as a space of trauma?
  • What ethical obligations do scholars have to their historical subjects and objects, if any?
  • What kind of ethical/moral historical practices can possibly emerge in the present when we think about violence/resistance in the past?

We welcome graduate students to submit proposals that explore any time period or geographical location related, but by no means limited, to the following themes and subthemes:

  • Everyday Forms of Violence, Politics, and Repair: Material violence/bodily violence; violence, ecologies, and the non-human; the violence of capitalism and commodification; rhetorical violence and resistance in the past; state-sanctioned violence
  • Alternative Genealogies of Violence and Resistance: Temporalities of violence and resistance; critiques of modernity and progress narratives; politics of (de)colonization; violence and the postcolonial studies; universalims and localisms in theory and practice
  • The Violence of Resistance: Politics of (non)violence; sovereignty and borderlands; the public/ private as sites of violence/resistance; the carceral state; sovereignty, biopolitics and bare life; loss, grievable lives and (un)recognizability
  • Epistemologies of Violence in the Archive and Academe: Resistance in knowledge production; the archive as fiction, fiction as the archive; the roles of oral history and memory studies; quantification and qualitative forms of historical method and narrative

Proposals were due by 11:59 p.m.

Each year, the Susman planning committee invites a graduate of the Rutgers doctorate program in History to present a keynote address. Laura Ann Twagira received her Ph.D. in African History from Rutgers University in 2013. Her article “Robot Farmers and Cosmopolitan Workers: Technological Masculinity and Agricultural Development in the French Soudan (Mali)” was published as a part of a special issue of Gender & History on gender, imperialism, and global exchanges in 2014. She is currently working on a book manuscript entitled The Taste of Development: Women Re-Engineering the Foodscape in 20th Century Rural French Soudan.

Marisa Fuentes received her Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley. Her forthcoming book is entitled Dispossessed Lives: Enslaved Women, Violence and the Archive, and will be published by University of Pennsylvania Press in the spring of 2016. She has written extensively about gender, violence, and the use and limits of archives in Caribbean slavery.


Source: H-Net Notifications