Workshop: Space and the Countryside: Approaches, Questions, and Problems, 12.-13.02.2016, Leipzig

Dietlind Hüchtker, Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas (GWZO) an der Universität Leipzig (Web); Claudia Kraft, Universität Siegen
Zeit: 12.-13.02.2016
Ort: Universität Leipzig
The event is the second within a series of workshops that are organized by the research group “Rural Societies” at the GWZO and provided in cooperation with the interdisciplinary network “Love, Work, and Violence”. This forum actively tries to transcend conventional boundaries of epochs and wants to discuss the output and limits of theoretical perspectives in connection with profound empirical studies. Love, work and violence are keywords for this endeavor. They allow the group to translate theoretical concepts into different empirical contexts. The network offers several possibilities of working formats and cooperation in the field of rural studies.
At the centre of this year’s workshop are different approaches that address conceptualizations and constructions of space. The workshop attempts to combine two working formats or procedural methods. The first part of the meeting is dedicated to the discussion of concepts and different theoretical approaches whereas the second examines their applicability and heuristic strength on the basis of empirical studies. A collection of theoretical readings on the one hand, as well as presentations of empirical studies carried out by network colleagues on the other, serve as basis for our discussions.
Friday, February 12, 2016
Welcome and Introduction
Keynote: Michael G. Müller (MLU Halle-Wittenberg): Multiple Spaces, Transient Spaces. Conceptualizing Space in a Historical Perspective
Comment: Werner Nell (MLU Halle-Wittenberg )
15.15–18.45 (with coffee break)
Moderation: Tomasz Wislicz (PAN, Warszawa): Article based discussions on Space/Time – The Global – The Region – Microhistory

  • Dobrochna Kaswa (UW, Warszawa)
  • Sabine von Loewis (Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin)
  • Eunice Blavascunas (Whitman College, Walla Walla)
  • Ernst Langthaler (IGLR, St. Pölten)
  • Weiterlesen und Quelle … (Web)