CfP: Thinking Gender, Imagining Reparations (Event, 02/2017, Los Angeles); DL: 10.10.2016

27th Annual Thinking Gender Graduate Student Research Conference, hosted by: UCLA Center for the Study of Women (Web)

Time: February 9-10, 2017,
Venue: UCLA, Los Angeles
Proposals by: October 10, 2016

The UCLA invites submissions of paper, poetry, spoken word, film, mixed-media, performance, and poster proposals. This year’s conference theme engages contemporary social, scholarly, and literary movements that push to reimagine and retheorize what freedom, justice, health, and care can look like.

Historically, reparations have taken financial form with governments recognizing victims of perceived injustice by awarding them money. Such practices have depended on and have defined the law and dominant ideas of justice within states and empires. By contrast, marginalized groups today are reframing reparations as capable of addressing historical and ongoing abuses, evident in law itself and manifest in biological, environmental, educational, technological, institutionalized, political, and diplomatic violence. The daring to imagine new forms of reparative justice emerges from raced, gendered, and sexualized subjectivities, which inform movements that devastate the binary between theory and practice in their struggle to be whole. A broad and intersectional investment in reparations challenges the assigning of rights and privileges in the past, and it is an important tool in recasting the structures that impact our daily lives. Read more … (Web)