CfP: A critique of our own? On the epistemic habits of academic feminism (Publication: Dutch Journal of Feminist Studies); DL: 20.11.2016

dutch-journal-of-feminist-studies_1Special Issue of the Dutch Journal of Feminist Studies (Web); Autumn 2017; Guest Editors: Marianne Liljeström, Professor of Gender Studies, Univ. of Turku, and Salla Peltonen, MA, Gender Studies, Åbo Akademi Univ., Finland; Founding Editor: Sally R Munt, Univ. of Sussex UK
Proposals by: November 20th 2016
This special issue of the Dutch Journal of Feminist Studies on feminist critique and epistemic habits focuses critically on current discussions within the field of gender studies and the state of feminist critique. The editors are looking for submissions that identify, discuss, air, and interrogate the topical question of critique and its relation to feminist knowledge production. The theme issue aims to address questions such as:

  • How is critique currently understood, defined, envisioned and practiced within feminist academic frameworks.
  • What is at stake in the politics of feminist knowledge production when it comes to unravelling its epistemological foundations?
  • What role does, for example, suspicion, deconstruction, de-familiarisation, destabilisation, denaturalisation, and antinormativity have as analytical concepts, and methods of feminist critique?
  • What about affirmation, affect and the politics of temporality and futurity?

  • How can we think about the decolonization of knowledges and methods within the field of academic feminism?
  • What role does the undoing of the old and the envisioning of the new play in a political, ethical and epistemological sense?
  • How can we develop and apply the concept of intersectionality in new directions?
  • What role does critique play in the aftermath of the legacy of the hermeneutics of suspicion, Foucauldian historicism, and Butlerian performativity?
  • What role does the frameworks of new materialist and Deleuzian feminism play in rethinking critique?
  • How do queer feminists of color critiques address the epistemic habits of white academia?

Further, the special issue investigates if, for example, the aforementioned concepts have become routinized methods, thinking habits, and reading techniques, that overdefine feminist knowledge production and critique. Thus, the issue will discuss the effects of the critical stance of academic feminism: what expectations are connected to feminist critique as effective, affective, operational and working for political changes in and outside academia?
Any contributions that critically approach questions of the disciplinary apparatus of academic feminism, are welcome. We particularly welcome submissions that deal with ‘race’/ethnicity, and also contributions from scholars working in the global south.
The Dutch Journal of Feminist Studies aims to promote excellence in feminist research. We welcome articles that engage with political and cultural issues, and that seek to challenge social norms of gender, sexuality, race/ethnicity, class and disability, and which promote themes of equality, diversity, and social justice.
The Dutch Journal of Feminist Studies encourages interdisciplinarity, and the use of feminist methodologies in research. Articles to be submitted should be grounded in the empirical and theoretical exploration of gender and its lived experience within a range of cultural contexts. We also welcome research on narrative, representation, and discourse that critically analyses the construction, maintenance and reinforcement of gendered normativities. The journal particular encourages articles that provide information on historical and current political struggles, activisms, and critical social engagements.
Articles to be submitted for peer review should be between 7,000-9000 words in length, including all references, footnotes, and accompanying material. If illustrations are included, please allow 250 words per figure and ensure that you have copyright permissions. For general enquiries please email to the managing editor via
See our electronic submission guidelines at
Manuscript submission (6,000-9,000 words) February 1st 2017.
Please send abstracts to: and/or