Session SS28 at the 14th EAUH International Conference on Urban History; Antje Dietze, University of Leipzig and Alexander Vari, Marywood University (Web)
Venue: Roma Tre University
Time: 29.08.-01.09.2018
Abstract Submission: 05.10.2017
The role that dance halls, cabarets and variety theatres, and cultural imports like the cakewalk, tango and jazz played in the rise of a pan European and global commercial popular culture, has been addressed either from the perspective of a single city or a comparison between Western and North American metropolises. Thus while London, Berlin, and Paris and their connections especially to New York have attracted scholarly attention, less is known about how other European cities like Lisbon, Barcelona, Milan, Rome, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest, Athens, Cracow, St. Petersburg, Copenhagen and Stockholm, to mention just a few, have included both original genres and sources, and have been connected through their emerging nighttime entertainment industry to global trends within the sphere of urban popular culture.
With this in mind, this session aims to explore several sets of questions: What was the local impact of turn-of-the-century and interwar global popular cultural trends? Why were some popular culture genres that … read more and source (Web).