Conference: Women and Work in a Public History Context Conference/ Le rôle des femmes et de leur travail dans le contexte de l’histoire publique, 26.10.07, Ottawa

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Building on the momentum generated by the October 31, 2006 workshop, “New Directions in Women’s Material Culture and Public History,” this conference seeks to address questions related to the study of women and public history in Canada. It will bring together museum professionals (from large and small institutions), public historians, public art historians, community groups, scholars, authors, genealogists, playwrights, actors, artists, archivists, students and others interested in exploring the theme of women and work in the public history context. How is women’s history being presented? How do we present women’s work (paid and unpaid, acknowledged and unrecognized, visible and invisible, valued and marginalized) in a public history format? What successes have we had? Where do we need to go? What do we need to do?
Mettant à profit l’élan donné par l’atelier tenu le 31 octobre 2006, New Directions in Women’s Material Culture and Public History (Nouvelles orientations relatives à la culture matérielle des femmes et l’histoire publique), ce symposium se penchera sur les questions liées à l’étude du rôle des femmes dans l’histoire publique au Canada. Il rassemblera des muséologues (provenant de petites et de grandes institutions), des historiens publics, des historiens d’art public, des groupes communautaires, des érudits, des auteurs, des généalogistes, des dramaturges, des acteurs, des artistes, des archivistes, des étudiants et d’autres personnes intéressées à explorer le thème du rôle des femmes et de leur travail dans le contexte de l’histoire publique. Comment l’histoire des femmes est-elle présentée? Comment présentons-nous le travail des femmes (payé ou non payé, reconnu ou non reconnu, visible ou invisible, apprécié ou marginalisé) dans l’histoire publique? Quelles ont été nos réussites? Comment devons-nous nous orienter? Que devons-nous faire?
Women and Work in a Public History Context
Conference Schedule
26-28 October 2007
Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario
Presented by the Canadian Association for Women’s Public History
Sponsored by the Department of History, Carleton University, the Carleton Centre for Public History, the Canadian Museum of Civilization, and Parks Canada.
Registration and pre-payment required by the 5th of October. All checks must be made out to the Canadian Association for Women’s Public History. Mail check and the completed registration form (found at the end of this document) to Jennifer Lonergan, National Historic Sites Directorate, Parks Canada, 5th Floor, 25 Eddy Street, Gatineau, Quebec, K1A 0M5. Please contact Jennifer Lonergan (jennifer.lonergan[at] or Rhonda Hinther (rhonda.hinther[at] / 819-776-7028) for more information.
All participants, including presenters and commentators/chairs, must register for the conference.
Friday, October 26
8-8:30: Registration
8:30-10:15: Panel I – Preservation Activism, Past and Present Krista Cooke, Canadian Museum of Civilization. “Using Material Culture to Document Women’s Second World War Home Front Experiences” Crystal Sissons, University of Ottawa. “Write It Down and Save It, So We Can Tell Someone Before We’re Forgotten” Dianne Dodd, Parks Canada. “Katharine McLennan (1892-1975), Heritage Activist”
Chair/Commentator: Sharon Reilly
10:15-10:30: Break
10:30-12:15: Panel II – Representing Women’s Labour History and Activism
Franca Iacovetta, University of Toronto. “The Challenges of Doing Working-Class Women’s History as Public History” Catherine C. Cole, Catherine C. Cole and Associates. “Piece by Piece: The GWG Story”
Catherine Roy, Royal Alberta Museum. “Women’s Work in the Government of Alberta Data Centre, 1958-1968” Amber Lloydlangston, Canadian War Museum. “Eva Sanderson and Canadian Women’s Peace Activism after the Second World War (1948-75)”
Chair/Commentator: Rhonda L. Hinther, Canadian Museum of Civilization
12:15-1:00: Lunch
1:00-3:00: Shannon Lecture and Reception
Sherry Farrell Racette, Concordia University. “Nimble Fingers and Strong Backs: the Marginalized Labour History of Aboriginal Women in Fur Trade and Rural Economies”
3:00-5:00: Plenary
5:00-9:00: Pub Night – location to be announced
Saturday, October 27
8:30-10:15: Panel III – Constructing/Contriving the Past
Pamela Peacock, Queen’s University. “Finally the Tables are Starting to Turn: Women’s Work at Fort Henry – Then and Now” Valentina Capurri, York University. “What’s Lost in the Hero: Nellie McClung as a Myth in Canadian Memory” Carol Payne, Carleton University. “‘Guns, Gams, and Glamour: Reading the Gendered Subject in Photographs of WWII Women Munitions Workers” Brigitte Violette, Parcs Canada. « La mise en valeur et la diffusion de l’histoire des femmes sur le site Internet de Parcs Canada: un exemple d’application des nouvelles technologies en histoire publique »
Chair/Commentator : James Opp, Carleton University
10:15-10:30: Break
10:30-12:15: Panel IV – Gendering Space/Gendering Objects
Suzanne Beauvais, Musée des sciences et de la technologie du Canada. « Le véhicule de Monsieur et celui de Madame : une étude sure les véhicules hippomobiles et la genre » Anna Adamek, Canada Science and Technology Museum. “The Inventor, his Wife, her Silent Servant, and his Lover. A Perfect Marriage of an Engineer.” Lara Pascali, Parks Canada. “Women and Work in the Italian Immigrant Home with Two Kitchens.” Chair/Commentator: Jennifer Lonergan, Parks Canada
12:15-1:15: Lunch
1:15-3:00: Panel V – Finding Place in a Hostile Paradigm
Hayley Andrew, University of Leicester. “Specialism or Separatism”: Women’s History and the Culture of Difference in Museums”
Josette Brun, Universite de Laval. « Le site internet des archives de Radio-Canada et les femmes en 2007 » Marcia McLean, Alberta Museums Association. “Reproducing Women’s Work: Domesticity as the Subject of Museum Exhibits” Anne Marie Lane Jonah, Parks Canada. “A Woman’s Place: Presenting Women’s History at the Fortress of Louisbourg NHSC” Commentator/Chair: Katherine Taylor, Parks Canada
3:00-3:15: Break
3:15-5:00: Panel VI – Women History Through Art and Objects: Reading the Visual
Pam Tracz, St Francis Xavier University. “Women and the Space to Create and Learn” Susan Berry, Royal Alberta Museum. “Personal Objects, Personal Histories: Exploring First Nations and Métis Women’s Lives through their Art” Connie Wawruck-Hemmett, Dalhousie University. “Through Women’s Eyes: Images of Soviet Experiment in Textile Designs of the Late-1920s and Early 1930s” S. Holyck Hunchuck, Independent Scholar. “‘Eat, eat:’ Some Aspects of Traditional Ukrainian Women’s Labour and Public Art.” Chair/Commentator: Joanna Dean
Sunday, October 27
9:00-12:00: Re(viewing) Gender at the Canadian War Museum with Laura Brandon and Amber Lloydlangston
Do you want to know more about women, gender, and war? Join Laura Brandon and Amber Lloydlangston at the Canadian War Museum between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. on Sunday 28 October 2007. Amber looks at representations of gender in the Second World War and post-war galleries. Laura explores the paintings of and by women on display in the museum. Tours begin at 9:00 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. with a break in between. Each tour lasts 1 hour and 15 minutes and involves walking so wear comfortable shoes. Meet at the Information Desk in the main lobby of Canadian War Museum.
Please note: Tours are limited to 20 people, so please sign up in advance at the CAWPH Conference Registration Desk before noon on Saturday, October 27, 2007.
Jennifer Lonergan
Parks Canada
Email: jennifer.lonergan[at]

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