Conference: The Queen’s Resources: Examining the lands, revenues, networks, and economic power of premodern royal women, 04.-06.09.2022, Winchester and virtual space

Projekt ‘Examining the Resources and Revenues of Royal Women in Premodern Europe’ (Web)

Time: 04.-06.09.2022
Venue: Winchester and virtual space

Programme (PDF)


  • Katrin Keller (Vienna): Of Donations, Debts and Domains. Economy and Finance as Spaces of Agency for Princely Women in the Holy Roman Empire


  • Account Books as Sources | Queens’ Lands and Administration | Administration and Finances | Dowers and Dowries | Credit | Economic Resources

Lightning rounds

  • Tudor Queens | Death and Widowhood | Power, Councils, and Households

The conference (hybrid format) seeks to examine the economic agency and activity of royal women across premodern Europe. It brings together the themes of previous workshops on lands, resources, affinities, and administration, and covers other areas related to the financial practices of royal women. The conference also includes a workshop where participants will work together to map the next phase of the project and develop future plans for collaborative research. Read more … (Web)

Registration for the conference is now open (Web). There are a range of options including residential packages.