CfP: Drug use and the health consequences for urban women (Publication), Deadline: 01.02.08

Women’s Health & Urban Life: An International & Interdisciplinary Journal Papers are invited for a Special Issue on „Drug use and the health consequences for urban women“, edited by Dr. Diana L. Gustafson, Faculty of Medicine and Dr. Donna Bulman, Faculty of Nursing, Memorial University.

Manuscripts may address the full range of health issues of the journal as they relate to drug use. Particularly welcome are papers that address the social determinants of health for women who inject drugs or for the women who care for those who do. Also welcome are manuscripts that address issues relating to public education, healthy public policy, and health care programs and services that meet the specific needs of diverse groups of women living and working in urban areas.

Women’s Health & Urban Life is located at the Department of Sociology, University of Toronto. The journal addresses a plethora of topics relating to women’s and girls‘ health from an international and interdisciplinary perspective and link health to globalization and urbanization issues. General topics include but are not limited to: Women’s health in general; Health related to reproduction; Health related to sexuality; Health related to paid or unpaid labour; Health related to parenthood; Health and the environment; Health and social policy; and Health related to urbanization and globalization issues. The orientation of the journal is critical, feminist and social scientific. Both qualitative and quantitative manuscripts, and theoretical or empirical works are welcome.
Papers should not exceed 30 pages including all references, tables and appendices. All submissions will be peer reviewed by anonymous reviewers. Deadline for submission is Feb 1, 2008. The Special Issue is scheduled for publication in November 2008.

For more information or to submit a manuscript, send an e-copy followed by four copies of your manuscript to: Dr. Diana L. Gustafson, Associate Professor of Social Science and Health, Division of Community Health and Humanities, HSC 2834, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University, St. John’s, NL A1B 3V6. E-mail: diana.gustafson[at] For more details about the goals, substantive basis and submission guidelines of this journal, please contact: Professor Aysan Sev’er, General Editor, Department of Sociology, University of Toronto at Scarborough, 1265 Military Trail, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada M1C 1A4, Fax: 416-287-7296. E-mail: sever[at]

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