CfP: The Modern Lesbian (Event: 02/2013, Brighton); DL: 14.09.2012

20th Annual Lesbian Lives Conference

Time: 15-16th February 2013
Venue: University of Brighton
Deadline: 14.09.2012, CfP-PDF

The theme for the 20th Annual Lesbian Lives Conference is The Modern Lesbian. Conference conveners of this two-day international and interdisciplinary conference now welcome proposals from academics, scholars, students, activists, documentary and film-makers, writers and artists.

This year’s keynote speakers and guests include: Sarah Schulman, Lisa Downing, a book launch of Laura Doan’s Disturbing Practices: History, Sexuality and Women’s Experience of Modern War, 1914-18, Rachel Adams (The Modern Lesbian photography project), plus special screening/panels from the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation). … read more (PDF)

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