CfP: The tensions and temporalities of pride politics. Transnational travels and situated locales (Journal lambda nordica); by: 15.01.2021

lambda nordica; Special Issue Editors: Mia Liinason and Olga Sasunkevich (Web)

Abstracts due: 15.01.2021 (PDF)

The idea of pride continues to travel across the globe to promote visibility and validity of LGBTI+ people. Yet, as a political movement and community of belonging, pride politics takes shape as a contested field in situated locales, at once challenged and cherished, bringing forth critical questions of the agendas, tactics and visions of its ever-increasing popularity.

This special issue invites papers that draw on various types of ethnographic, empirical and theoretical approaches, with the aim to scrutinize the emergent tensions and temporalities of pride politics through its many shifting times and contexts, transnationally as well as locally. By exploring the tensions and temporalities of pride, this special issue is interested in reaching deeper insights around how scale and place matter for the meaning attached to pride related events. The editors are inspired by scholars who have problematized and challenged the legacy of pride politics as oriented towards a specific form of visibility in urban space and towards legal recognition. Possible topics might include, but are not limited to:

  • How do the temporal and transnational travels of pride politics resonate with developments in global, national and/or local contexts?
  • What does global/transnational pride politics impose, erase or embrace in local contexts?
  • How is the risk of romanticizing the local challenged, transformed or reiterated in localized pride-related events and organizing?
  • What multiple dynamics of visibility/invisibility are brought forward in pride-related events in various locales?
  • How are tensions between the urban and the rural challenged or re-articulated through pride politics in various settings?
  • How are the intersections of race, sexuality and class expressed in pride-related events and organizing?
  • How are post/decolonial pride politics expressed in local contexts or transnational travels?
  • How are myths and stories reworked or renarrated in pride-related events? What approaches do actors involved in Continue reading

Klicktipp: „Family Matters: How the 20th century changed family life“ (Europeana)

Europeana (Web)

A comprehensive dossier on „Family Matters: How the 20th century changed family life“ with seven individual chapters on different topics was published on the Europeana website. The chapters contain highly interesting historical image and even some video (!) sources from all over Europe.

Description: „If we’d ask you to share a picture of your family, we’d end up with a breathtaking gallery with all kinds of constellations of people forming a network of love and support. One word, a million meanings: family stands at the very core of our existence. Looking back at the 20th century as a Century of Change, this exhibition explores different family concepts and discourses, zooming in on important events that shaped our homes and lives.“

Dive into more stories about the 20th Century on Europeana (Link)


  • Laws and regulations
  • The weight of war
  • Kith and kin
  • Changing rols
  • The century of the child
  • The chosen family
  • Memories of a lifetime


CfP: Women’s Labour Activism in Eastern Europe and Beyond, 19th and 20th Centuries (Event, 10/2021, Vienna); by: 25.01.2021

ZARAH: Women’s labour activism in Eastern Europe and transnationally, from the age of empires to the late 20th century (Web)

Time: 14.-15.10.2021
Venue: Central European University, Vienna
Proposals by: 25.01.2021

This call aims to initiate and strengthen scholarly collaboration, resulting in a highly visible international publication that showcases cutting-edge research on women’s labour activism in Eastern Europe, adjacent territories and internationally. The organizers aim for acollaborative process which brings together scholarly expertise and historical knowledge on many Eastern European and international contexts. They would like to provide a forum for mutually beneficial conversation, contribute to connecting scholars and researchers of various backgrounds, and engender further research and collaboration.

The papers explore a topic in women’s labour activism in and beyondEastern Europe, addressing the malleable connection ,and sometimes tension, in women’s labour activism between gender, class and other categoriesand factors. They generate new knowledge on and develop creative approaches to studying women’s labour activism. They explore either a topic which has been underresearched so far, or discussone or more better-known activisms, organizations or contexts from a new perspective.

The proposed papers should address the topic of activisms in diversifying or converging historical contexts and circumstances, adhering to one or more of the following design principles:

  • Use periodizations transgressing historical political rupture (e.g. 1912, 1918, 1945, 1953, 1989);
  • Pursue a long-term historical perspective;
  • Transgress organizational, political and other boundaries which historically have setdifferent activistsand activisms apart from each other or divided them;
  • Adopt a multi-scale approach by exploring the relationship between local, national and trans-or international dynamics of women’s labour activism in Eastern Europe and adjacent territories.

Papers should be based onoriginal research with primary and secondary sources. Many different types of sources can … read more (PDF).

CfP: Sorgende Männer? (ZS Gender); bis: 24.01.2021

GENDER. Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft (Web), Herausgeber/innen: Simon Bohn, Diana Lengersdorf und Kevin Stützel

Einreichfrist: 24.01.2021

Die Übernahme von unbezahlter sowie bezahlter Sorgearbeit durch Männer ist nicht nur aus einer Gleichstellungsperspektive, sondern auch in Anbetracht der sich verschärfenden Care-Krise von Bedeu-tung. Gerade unter der Corona-Pandemie gewinnt die Frage an Brisanz, wer aus welchen Motiven und unter welchen Bedingungen gesellschaftlich notwendige Betreuungs- und Sorgeaufgaben übernimmt. Tatsächlich steigt der Anteil männlicher Beschäftigter in den traditionell frauendominierten Care-Berufen und auch im Privaten übernehmen Männer häufiger Sorgeverantwortung. Aber welche Männer sind es, die Care-Berufe ergreifen oder häusliche Sorgearbeit übernehmen und welche Schlussfolgerungen las-sen sich daraus für die Care-Debatte ziehen?

Der Heftschwerpunkt fragt danach, was sich im Care-Sektor und in der häuslichen Sorgearbeit verän-dert, wenn Männer in höherem Maße Care-Tätigkeiten ausüben. Welche Bedeutung hat die Präsenz von Männern in sozialen Berufen und inwiefern transformieren sich dadurch etablierte Berufsbilder und stereotype Kompetenzzuschreibungen? Wie rahmen Männer Sorgearbeit und wie integrieren sie diese in ihr Selbstkonzept? Kommt es durch sie zu einem Wandel hegemonialer Geschlechtervorstellungen? Gefragt wird weiterhin, welche soziostrukturellen Gegebenheiten die Übernahme von Care-Tätigkeiten begleiten und wodurch Care-Arbeit für Männer attraktiv wird? Aus einer intersektionalen Perspektive interessiert zudem, welche Merkmale etwa hinsichtlich Migration, sozialer Klasse oder Alter in Bezug auf Männer als Care-Arbeitende deutlich werden. Im Themenheft sollen darüber hinaus Beiträge Platz finden, die sich aus einer kultur-, medien- oder literaturwissenschaftlichen Perspektive mit Männlichkeit und Care beschäftigen. Weiterlesen … (PDF).

Workshop: Mapping Gender in the Near East. What’s New and What’s Ahead in Ottoman and Turkish Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, 09.-10.12.2020, virtual space

Orient-Institut Istanbul (OII) and Sabanci Univ. Gender and Women’s Studies (SU Gender), in collaboration with Koç Univ.’s Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (ANAMED), and the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul (SRII) (Web)
Time: 09.-10.12.2020
Venue: virtual space
Bringing together an interdisciplinary group of scholars in the humanities and social sciences, this workshop will establish, consolidate and sustain a network of academics who share an interest in women’s and gender studies with regard to the Ottoman world and modern Turkey. Leading scholars across several major fields – including history, literature, and interdisciplinary studies – will examine recent theoretical discourses and challenges in the area of women’s and gender studies and contribute to steering the field in innovative directions.
This workshop is designed to address two problems in women’s and gender studies: the lack of transnational and comparative scholarship, as well as the dearth of interdisciplinary collaboration. This workshop responds to the fact that the scholarly literatures in women’s and gender studies in the Ottoman-Turkish milieu and in the Arab and Balkan world have been, on the whole, kept tightly segregated from each other. Consequently, the four panels of the workshop are centered around key approaches that would benefit from being in dialogue. … Read more (Web).
Four roundtable panels:

  1. Mapping the Field: Literary Approaches to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies in Turkey and the Near East.
  2. Mapping the Field: Historicizing Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies in Turkey and the Near East.
  3. Mapping the Field: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies on the Region.
  4. New Directions: The Academy, Solidarity, and Public Outreach.

Source: H-Net Notifications

Vortrag: Julia Paulus: Die Geschlechterfrage in den neuen sozialen Bewegungen, 09.12.2020, virtueller Raum

Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster: „Forschungskolloquium Neuzeit“: Isabel Heinemann, Christoph Lorke und Hinnerk Onken: Vortragsreihe: Zeitgeschichte als Geschlechtergeschichte, bis 02.2021
Zeit: mittwochs, 18.15 bis 19.45 Uhr
Ort: virtueller Raum, via Zoom
Die in der BRD betriebene Zeitgeschichte hat die Ungleichheitskategorie „Geschlecht” lange Zeit eher stiefmütterlich behandelt. Das unterscheidet sie etwa von der anglo-amerikanischen Forschung. Angesichts der Blindstellen herkömmlicher Liberalisierungs- und Pluralisierungsnarrative stellen sich Fragen nach der Bedeutung von Sex und Gender, Weiblichkeits- und Männlichkeitskonzepten, Familienwerten und Geschlechternormen mit neuer Dringlichkeit. Im „Forschungskolloquium Neuzeit“ diskutieren Historiker/innen aus Deutschland, Europa und den USA ihre aktuellen Forschungen und loten die Potentiale der Themen für weitere Forschungen aus.
Die Veranstaltung findet wöchentlich als Zoom-Videokonferenz statt. Die Zugangsdaten erhalten sie Sie von Isabel Heinemann:
Kommende Vorträge
Julia Paulus (Münster): Die Geschlechterfrage in den neuen sozialen Bewegungen
Britta-Marie Schenk (Kiel): Alleinstehend, arm und verantwortungslos? Familienkonstellationen in der Straßenobdachlosigkeit der 1970er bis 2000er Jahre
Jürgen Martschukat (Erfurt): Gewaltgeschichte in den USA: Männlichkeit – Geschlecht – Intersektionalität
Friederike Apelt (Hannover): Globale Schwestern – ungleiche Schwestern? Bundesdeutsche Solidaritätsaktivist/innen und ihre Auseinandersetzungen mit dem sandinistischen Nicaragua in den 1980er Jahren
Imke Schmincke (München): Die Wellen des Feminismus und seine Body Politics Continue reading

Lecture: Mieke Verloo: Taking Radical Feminism Seriously: Learning about Bodies, Sex, Intimacy and Kinship from Second Wave Feminism, 10.12.2020, virtual space

Forschungsplattform GAIN – Gender: Ambivalent In_Visibilities: GAIN Gender & Agency Lecture (Web)

Time: 10.12.2020, 18.00 Uhr
Venue: virtual space, via Vienna
Verleihung der GAIN Gender & Agency Forschungspreise 2020

  • Ausgezeichnet werden die Masterarbeiten von Mina Fahimi, Stefanie Freitag, Linda Raule, Carmen Ruf, Elisabeth Salletmaier und Cornelia Schobert sowie die Dissertationen von Elisabeth Lechner und Maria Sagmeister
  • Laudationes von Nikolaus Benke, Marlen Bidwell-Steiner und Birgit Sauer

GAIN Gender & Agency Lecture mit Mieke Verloo
The legacy of radical feminism has much to offer for current times. I see at least three major reasons. A first one is that gender equality policymaking continues to show large absences when it comes to core feminist issues that were put on the agenda by radical feminists (think abortion, family law, sexuality). Another one is that many issues stemming from that legacy are at the heart of anti-feminist opposition (think abortion, family law, motherhood, feminist education). And a last one is that many of these issues are among the most contested within feminism (think prostitution, pornography, surrogacy, motherhood). In combination, taking radical feminism seriously means we can work towards improving gender equality policies, unpack and maybe overcome feminist contestations, and be better prepared to face anti-feminist opposition.
Der Zoom-Link wir zeitnah zur Veranstaltung auf der GAIN-Facebook Seite und der GAIN-Website veröffentlicht (Web).

CfP: Rural History 2021 Conference (08/2021, Uppsala); by: 15.01.2021

Division for Agrarian History at the Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences (Uppsala) and the Department of Economic History at Uppsala University (Web)

Time: 23.–26.08.2021
Venue: Uppsala University and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Proposals by: 15.19.2021

The Call for Sessions for Rural History 2021 has been very successful resulting in over 90 proposed sessions whereof several proposed as double sessions. The organizers now launch the Call for Papers to fill the accepted sessions with papers.

All researchers interested in presenting papers at the Rural History 2021 are invited to submit their paper proposals choosing one of the accepted session proposals. This also applies to those researchers who have already accepted to take part in proposed sessions. See list of accepted session proposals and organisers at the conference website (Link).

Paper Proposal Guidlines:

A paper proposal must include a title, the full name(s) and affiliations(s) of the author and co-author(s), a short abstract (up to 400 words) introducing the topic, its scope and approach. Participants are asked to limit themselves to a maximum of two papers in different sessions. Each session will last two hours and consist of 4 (or maximum 5) papers with a chair and a discussant. Decision on acceptance will be taken after the deadline and notification of acceptance will be sent out at the latest on 15 February 2021.

Please, choose a session, and a second-alternative if applicable, and submit your proposal via Website (Link).

The conference’s website:

Source: Rural History Newsletter 145/2020-150/2020

Tagung: Haus – Geschlecht – Sicherheit. Diskursive Formierungen in der Frühen Neuzeit, 07.-08.12.2020, Tagung

Teilprojekt C03 „Das ‚Haus‘ als Sicherheit und die (Un)sicherheit der Geschlechter“ im SFB TRR138 „Dynaamiken der Sicherheit“ (Web)
Zeit: 07.-08.12.2020
Ort: Marburg
Als Nucleus der politischen (und göttlichen) Weltordnung besaß das Haus eine zentrale Bedeutung für die Organisation der frühneuzeitlichen Gesellschaft. Seit dem 15. Jhd. war es in ökonomischen, erzieherischen, gemeindlichen und ästhetischen Zuständigkeitsbereichen der maßgebliche Garant sozialer Stabilität. Insbesondere wurde dem Haus eine zugleich formende wie absichernde Funktion für die Geschlechterordnung zuteil.
Hinsichtlich der ihm zugeschriebenen Sicherheitsleistungen bedeutete die Mehrdimensionalität des Hauses (Gebäude, soziale Gruppe, gesellschaftliches Ordnungsmodell) aber auch eine hohe Ambivalenz. Die Analyse dieser Zusammenhänge, ihrer diskursiven Ausgestaltung in der Verklammerung unterschiedlicher gesellschaftlicher Teilbereiche (Ökonomie, Recht, Theologie, Politik, visuelle Kultur, Kunst) stand bislang aus und ist Gegenstand der Tagung.
Montag, 07.12.2020

  • 09:00 Uhr: Begrüßung und Einführung: Sigrid Ruby und Inken Schmidt-Voges

 Sektion 1: Konzepte, Problemstellungen der Forschungsfelder in den Disziplinen

  • Chair: Heide Wunder (Bad Nauheim)
  • 9:30 Uhr: Inken Schmidt-Voges (Marburg): Haus – Privatheit – Sicherheit. Konjunkturen und Ambivalenzen historiographischer Konzepte
  • 10:30 Uhr: Daniela Hammer-Tugendhat (Wien): Haus – Geschlecht – Unsicherheit
  • 11:30 Uhr: Daniel Schläppi (Bern): Key note lecture: Sicherheitsrisiko Mann. Der Rat der Kleinstadt Zug und seine „Sozialarbeit avant la lettre“ im Infight mit Übelhausern, Säufern, Schlägern und notorisch Renitenten (17. und 18. Jhd.). Weiterlesen und Quelle … (Web)

Lecture: Nicolas Delalande: United against Capital. European Workers and the Practice of Transnational Labour Solidarity (c. 1860–1914), 30.11.2020, virtual space

Universität Basel: Institute for European Global Studies (Web)
In cooperation with the Department of History and the Basel Graduate School of History (BGSH)
Time: 30.11.2020, 18.15 Uhr
Venue: virtual space, via Basel and Paris
In the late 19th century, European workers struggled to build transnational solidarity practices. It all started with the foundation of the International Workingmen’s Association in 1864, in a context marked by the increasing circulation of people, goods, and money. British, French, German, Swiss, and Italian workers would share information, coordinate strikes and demonstrations, and send money abroad when other workers were in need.
But promoting international solidarity proved to be a tough challenge, ridden with potential tensions, misunderstandings, and failures. The practice of internationalism was closely related with larger intellectual and political debates, which shaped the history of European labour movements until World War One and beyond.
Nicolas Delalande is an associate professor at Centre d’Histoire SciencesPo in Paris. He holds a PhD from Paris 1 University. His research focus lies on the history of the state and political economy in the contemporary era.
This lecture will take place online. In order to participate, please sign up with Patricia Hertel: Event flyer (PDF).