Division for Agrarian History at the Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences (Uppsala) and the Department of Economic History at Uppsala University (Web)
Time: 23.–26.08.2021
Venue: Uppsala University and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Proposals by: 15.19.2021
The Call for Sessions for Rural History 2021 has been very successful resulting in over 90 proposed sessions whereof several proposed as double sessions. The organizers now launch the Call for Papers to fill the accepted sessions with papers.
All researchers interested in presenting papers at the Rural History 2021 are invited to submit their paper proposals choosing one of the accepted session proposals. This also applies to those researchers who have already accepted to take part in proposed sessions. See list of accepted session proposals and organisers at the conference website (Link).
Paper Proposal Guidlines:
A paper proposal must include a title, the full name(s) and affiliations(s) of the author and co-author(s), a short abstract (up to 400 words) introducing the topic, its scope and approach. Participants are asked to limit themselves to a maximum of two papers in different sessions. Each session will last two hours and consist of 4 (or maximum 5) papers with a chair and a discussant. Decision on acceptance will be taken after the deadline and notification of acceptance will be sent out at the latest on 15 February 2021.
Please, choose a session, and a second-alternative if applicable, and submit your proposal via Website (Link).
The conference’s website: https://www.ruralhistory2021.se/
Source: Rural History Newsletter 145/2020-150/2020