Symposium: Othering in der Fotografie. Gender- und rassismuskritische Betrachtungen, 07.07.2023, Siegen

Universität Siegen, Lehrstuhl für Mediengeschichte/Visuelle Kultur (Web)

Zeit: 07.07.2023
Ort: Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen

Der fotografische Diskurs über Andersheit soll um eine theoretische wie kulturgeschichtliche Dimension erweitert werden, wenn wir uns mit dem Begriff des Othering beschäftigen. Unter Berücksichtigung von Diversity- und Genderperspektiven sowie postkolonialen Blickwinkeln werden Visualisierungspraxen, Darstellungsformen und Vertriebswege der Othering-Fotografie besprochen. Diese Veranstaltung bringt Wissenschafter:innen aus verschiedenen Disziplinen und Ländern zusammen, die mit Fotografien arbeiten und neue Quellen aus ihrer Arbeit vorstellen. Mit dem Symposium verabschiedet sich Susanne Regener von der Universität Siegen.


  • Susanne Regener (Siegen): Begrüßung
  • Joseph Imorde (Berlin): Das Andere anschauen. Weltkunst in fotografischen Reproduktionen
  • Dorle Dracklé (Bremen): Die anderen schauen zurück
  • Gesine Krüger (Zürich): „dress / undress – „Nacktheit“ in der Kolonialfotografie“
  • Julia Austermann (München): „Der pädophile Staatsfeind“ – Fotografien homophober Proteste in Polen
  • Dagmar Hoffmann (Siegen): Von unsichtbaren Feen und Schmutzarbeiterinnen
  • Bernd Stiegler (Konstanz): Ins Album verbracht. Eine fotografische Sammlung der Vancouver Islands aus dem 19. Jahrhundert
  • Gunnar Schmidt (Hamburg): „I am an Electric Eel in a Pool of Catfish”. Exzentrizität im Bild: Edith Sitwell
  • Mie Buhl (Kopenhagen): Art on the seabed – a different audience
  • Elke Seeger (Essen): Fotografie und Teilhabe: ein Beitrag aus künstlerischer Perspektive
  • Steffen Siegel (Essen): Fotografische Ostpakete Continue reading

Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium für (Post-)Doktorand:innen in den Postcolonial und Gender Studies, 06.-07.07.2023, Trier

Centrum für Postcolonial und Gender Studies, Univ. Trier (Web)

Zeit: 06.-07.07.2023
Ort: Universität Trier


Do., 06.07.2023, 14:30-16.15 Uhr

  • Begrüßung durch die Veranstalterinnen
  • Anna Rinne (Hamburg): Diskursive Hervorbringungen und Zerrüttungen von Geschlechterregimen zu Trans- und Intergeschlechtlichkeit
  • Annegret Dreher (Düsseldorf): Gender Award Gap – (Un-)Sichtbarkeit von Frauen in den Anerkennungskulturen der Medizin
  • Anna Gonzalez Suero (London): How to rewrite the public fetus using autoethnography
  • Romuald Valentin Nkouda Sopgui (Maroua): Marie Pauline Thorbeckes und Anna Rein-Wuhrmanns Kolonialfotografien aus dem Kameruner Grasland um 1900
  • Mitchell Gauvin (Mainz): Clocks, Calendars, and Postcolonialism: Critiquing Temporality in Colonial History and the Present Tense

18:15 Uhr Diskussion: Wie weiter mit den Gender Studies? Impulse und Moderation: Andrea Geier und Lena Wetenkamp

Fr., 07.07.2023, 9.00-13.15 Uhr

  • Gökay Kanmazalp (Leipzig): Dissecting Linguistic Signifiers: Postcolonial Insights into Galatasaray High School Student Representations
  • Lucky Igohosa Ugbudian (Ebonyi): Women Suffrage: The Nigerian Perspective
  • Sudha Rawat (New Delhi): Women’s Bodies as a Site of Conflict: Tamil Women in the Sri Lankan civil war Continue reading

CfP: Structures of Power, Oppression and Resistance in food and food systems (Event; 11-12/2023, Jyväskylä); by: 31.07.2023

The 20th ETMU Days Conference, 2023 (Web)

Time: 29.11.–1.12.2023
Venue: Univ. of Jyväskylä, Finland
Proposals by: 31.07.2023

Food systems, from labour to consumption, is an “international nexus of capital, colonialism, white supremacy” that cuts across “immigration, labour, human rights and international trade laws” (Harris, 2021; p. xii). It encompasses intersections of capitalist accumulation, imperialism, dispossession, knowledge on health, animals and the environment.
For instance, global food systems rely on precarious and underprotected labour performed by migrants, including seasonal workers, those displaced and/or in undocumented situations, and racially minoritized people (Allen, 2016; Dines & Rigo, 2016). Their underprotection and precarity was highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic (Elver & Sharpiro, 2021). Slaughterhouse workers, often racially minoritized and migrants, are traumatised by working with and seeing large scale mechanized killing of animals within industrial farming (e.g Holdier 2016). Indigenous food sovereignty remains undermined through settler colonialism, and the expansion industrial agriculture and animal industry contribute to land grabs and climate change (Westhoek et al. 2014; Robin et al., 2016, Notess, 2018). Moreover, oppression manifest through food consumption norms like appropriation and commodifying “other-ed” cuisine; Nordic cuisine is linked to race, gender and class oppression (hooks, 1992; Rossi, 2009; Andreassen & Ahmed-Andresen, 2013).
Nevertheless, resistance and solidarity are also performed through and with food, ranging from community-led programs, marginalized knowledge of food brought to the forefront, and refusal of food. This workshop welcomes research that problematizes structural issues surrounding food and food systems translocally, and more importantly, finds solutions and possibilities of resistance – inside and outside of academia. The organizers welcome submissions in English that challenge dominant knowledges across diverse contexts using the following, but not exclusively, approaches: Read more and source …. (Web)

CfP: The cost of labour in historical perspective: Social protection, taxation and labour market(s) (Event; 11/2023, Pisa); by: 21.07.2023

Giacomo Canepa; Scuola Normale Superiore, Sciences Po Center for History, Univ. Franco-italienne (Web)

Time: 02.-03.11.2023
Venue: Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa
Proposals by: 21.07.2023

The second globalisation has raised the issue of the cost of labour as a key variable in the competitiveness of economies. Confronted with the extension of value chains and the emergence of new global players in Asia, European governments have chosen to deregulate labour markets, contain wage growth, and lower the cost of labour. More recently, the resurgence of inflation has brought back to the fore the 1970s debates on the Phillips curve and the effects of the labour market on price increases. The emergence of the centrality of labour costs points to the need to examine them as a long-term historical object to understand economic and social policy choices throughout the 20th century. Wages cannot be reduced to a variable for adjusting supply and demand on the labour market: They are also an instrument for selecting and training the workforce, and a subject of negotiation – and, possibly, contention – between employees and employers, often regulated and supervised by the State.
Furthermore, during the 20th century, wage setting became a matter of social policy. The development of social protection and the construction of social rights required the introduction of social contributions on both employers and employees, as well as steeply progressive taxes on earned income. The cost of labour, understood as both wages and indirect costs (taxes, social contributions, non-monetary benefits), is a fundamental element of public policy in the second half of the twentieth century. Not only does it affect the production process and the distribution of income but it also has an impact on export competitiveness, on the attraction of foreign investment, and on the creation and consolidation of domestic markets.
Conceived as a first step in the preparation of a journal issue or a collective work, this workshop proposes a historical reflection on labour cost by combining economic history, the history of the welfare state, and the history of labour. The aim is to contribute to the understanding of issues related to the cost of labour through the study of their … read more and source (Web).

CfP: Exploring Gender-Based Violence and Femicide in XX and XXI-Century Music Theatre (Event; 03/2023, Bern); by: 15.07.2023

Univ. of Bern, Institute of Musicology; Lena van der Hoven and Luis Velasco-Pufleau (Web)

Time: 06.-07.03.2024
Venue: University of Bern
Proposals by: 15.07.2023

Since Catherine Clément’s seminal work on the intertwining of opera plots and violence against women,a growing number of musicologists have critically engaged with the representation of sexual violence against women in canonical operas and their stagings, and questioned the persistence of rape culture in new productions. This scholarship has successfully examined rape as a ‚violent performative of systemic, gendered power‘. Building on this scholarship, this two-day conference aims to broaden the perspective and specifically examine not only rape of women in opera, but also femicides and sexual violence against men and non-binary people, under the theme of gendered violence in music theatre in the 20th and 21st centuries.
Particularly in light of the recent increased awareness of gender-based violence against women through phenomena such as the #MeToo movement and the COVID-19 pandemic, the organizers want to explore if and how these events have influenced the commissioning of new music theatre productions on the themes of rape, femicide and gender-based violence, or the staging of opera and music theatre repertoire from the 20th century. Assuming that the #MeToo movement and the COVID-19 pandemic have increased public awareness and sensitivity to the issue, the conference aims to explore whether there has been an increase in funding strategies for commissioning music theatre or staging music theatre productions on these themes.
The conference will also discuss whether and how new compositions and new stagings of 20th century repertoire reflect current discourses on power and gender-based violence – also against men – and refuse to re-stage problematic power relations. In addition, the conference aims to broaden the previously exclusive perspective of the Global North to include discussions of productions from the Global South and their social significance. Read more and source … (Web)

Ausstellung „Who cares?“ beim „Angewandte Festival“: Wer und was ist in Museen und Archiven sichtbar. Wer und was nicht?, 27.-30.06.2023, Wien

Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien – Angewandte Festival (Web)

Zeit: 27.-30.06.2023, 11.00-21.00 Uhr
Orte: Gebäude der Univ. für Angewandte Kunst Wien

Ausstellung „Who cares“? (Web – hinunterscrollen)

Die Ausstellung „Who cares?“ ist Teil des „Angewandte Festivals“. „Who cares?“? Museen und Archive sind Räume des Sammelns, Erzählens, Darstellens. Ihr Zeugnis und Beitrag zur Geschichtsschreibung erfolgen durch die gleichzeitige Beleuchtung und Überschattung von Ereignissen, Inhalten und Prozessen. Was betrachten wir und warum? Wer spricht? Für wen? Aus einer kollektiven Reflexion über die Aufgaben der musealen und archivarischen Institution wuchs das Interesse an dem Begriff „care“ und der Vorstellung eines gemeinsamen Gedächtnisses.
Mit diesem Projekt möchten die Ausstellungsmacher:innen verschiedene institutionelle Ansätze betrachten und kritisch hinterfragen. Die Auseinandersetzung mit Spannungen zwischen dem Sichtbarmachen – und dem ihm enthaltenen Unsichtbarmachen – führt sie zu alternativen Räumen: Wie lässt sich anders sehen, erzählen, denken? „Who cares?“ ist nicht als abgeschlossener Zirkel zu verstehen, sondern als fruchtbarer Boden für künftige Gespräche und kollektive, kritische Auseinandersetzungen.

In diesem Rahmen befragt Konstantina Hornek exemplarisch die Arbeit der Sammlung Frauennachässe am Institut für Geschichte der Universität Wien. Eine zentrale Rolle spielt dabei der Ratenkauf von einem Staubsauger in den 1950er-Jahren:

  • Konstantina Hornek ist vor Ort: 28.06.2023, 11-15.00 Uhr und 30.06.2023, 16-21.00 Uhr im Seminarraum 26, Vordere Zollamtstr. 7, Erdgeschoss, 1030 Wien

Die Ausstellung wurde von den Studierenden der Abteilung „Expanded Museum Studies“ erarbeitet.

Klicktipp: Meister des Augenblicks. Der österreichische Fotograf Lothar Rübelt (Onlineausstellung)

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (ÖNB), Bildarchiv und Grafiksammlung (Web)

Beschreibung: „Lothar Rübelt (1901-1990) gilt bis heute als renommiertester österreichischer Sportfotograf der Zwischenkriegszeit und als österreichischer Pionier der ’schnellen‘ Fotografie, die vor allem durch den Einsatz der Leica-Kamera ermöglicht wurde. Daneben hat er auch eine große Anzahl zeitgeschichtlich bedeutender Fotografien hergestellt, die sich ebenso durch eine eigene Ästhetik und einen eigenen Stil auszeichnen.
1936 fotografierte er als offizieller Bildberichterstatter bei den Olympischen Spielen in Berlin. Seine fotografische Karriere setze er bruchlos in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus fort. Der Bedarf der NS-Propagandamaschinerie an routinierten Bildberichterstatter*innen, die in der Lage waren, mit ihren Aufnahmen die Gefühle der Massen anzusprechen, kam den Fähigkeiten und Ambitionen Lothar Rübelts entgegen. Er kam Adolf Hitler so nahe wie kein anderer österreichischer Fotograf.
Zwischen 1948 und 1964 war er erneut bei allen Olympischen Spielen als akkreditierter Fotograf tätig. Zahlreiche Auslandsreisen führten Lothar Rübelt unter anderem 1958 als Begleitung von Bundeskanzler Raab nach Rom, Moskau und in die USA. Aufgrund der vielfältigen Thematik seines fotografischen Œu­v­res und der langen Berufstätigkeit ist er ein bedeutender Bildchronist der Zeit zwischen 1920 und 1965.

Das fotografische Werk von Lothar Rübelt umfasst mehr als 45.000 Positive, 54 Ordner Kleinbildnegative und ca. 20.000 Glasplatten sowie über 8.000 Dias. Dazu kommen noch Ordner mit Korrespondenzen und Rechnungen, die gemeinsam mit Belegexemplaren, Büchern, Fotozeitschriften und persönlichen Gegenständen sein berufliches Leben dokumentieren. Der Nachlass Lothar Rübelts ist 2002 als Leihgabe an die ÖNB gelangt, der gesamte Kleinbildbestand und eine Auswahl an Glasplatten bzw. Positiven ist digital über die Portale der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek zugänglich.“

Die neue Website präsentiert eine Auswahl aus dem großen Bestand. Sie ist gegliedert in die Kapitel: Sport | Politik | Gesellschaft (Web)

CfP: Expanding Intersex Studies (Event; 01-02/2024, Brussels); by: 30.06.2023

Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels (Web)

Time: 31.01.-01.02.2024
Venue: Brussels|Bruxelles
Proposals by: 30.06.2023

Intersex studies are an emergent field that developed in the 1990s and early 2000s. This field has changed the ways intersex people and their bodies are addressed. As such, it articulates the debate, and brings into focus issues such as rights, autonomy, subjectivity, and social movements. It insists on intersex people’s knowledge and epistemologies and questions the medical authority over intersex bodies. This growing body of literature in sciences and humanities has started a new conversation on intersex issues, arguably one directed towards a more ‘critical’ approach that goes beyond the scope of medical practices and clinical research. Critical intersex studies aim to show how the medicalization of intersex bodies and the jurisdiction of medical power classify intersex variations as ‘disorders’ and intersect with other systems of oppression, such as gender, race, class, disability and religion which restrain the rights and autonomy of intersex people. This conference aims to bring together researchers in the field of critical intersex studies from multi- and interdisciplinary approaches to show the current state of intersex research.
For the larger part of the 20th century, intersex people have only been seen and understood through medical lenses. From the ‘optimal gender policy’ to the Chicago Consensus Statement, intersex bodies have been institutionalized within the medical discipline. As research indicates, intersex people face numerous challenges and barriers throughout their lives. One of the main abuses and claims, as social movements highlight, is the unnecessary and non-consensual medical interventions aimed to ‘normalize’ their bodies and a lack of recognition of their human rights as well as stigma and discrimination. Despite this, intersex-related research has mostly focused on the medical and clinical fields, leaving other approaches behind or invisible until recently. Read more and source … (Web)

Workshop: Queering Modernization in Eastern Europe: Deviant Sexualities, Gender Regimes, and the Limits of State Control, 29.-30.06.2023, Vienna

Workshop by the Research Platform „Transformations and Eastern Europe“, Univ. of Vienna (Web)

Time: 29.-30.06.2023
Venue: Univ. Wien, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien, Marietta Blau-Saal

This two-day workshop invites doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers to reflect on the impact that the modernization of states and societies in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) had on the construction of sexual and gender identities and experiences, as well as the notion of sexual deviance. While the 20th century was marked by increasingly modern – secular, science-based, medicalized, etc. – conception of sexuality across Europe, this new understanding interacted in complex ways with traditional and religious notions of morality and sin. Furthermore, the 20th century in CEE was marked by multiple regime and ideological changes, which also impacted the ways people lived and understood their personal lives, gender identities, and sexual experiences. Considering the limitations of the Foucauldian narrative of the history of sexuality in the West, the workshop invites participants to reflect on the methodological and theoretical tools that are needed to interrogate the continuity and change of sexual discourses and practices in CEE.

Programme (Web)

Panels: Identity, Community, State, and Homosexuality | Socialist Modernity and Sexual Deviance | Literary Escapes and Rebellions

In particular, the workshop invites participants to reflect: Can we see gender as one of the central categories of analysis in understanding the construction of hetero- and cis- normativity and morality, even in societies which prided themselves on achieving gender equality? How do we approach the categories of class and race in relation to sexuality, Continue reading

Workshop: Making Science of Things. Objects and Knowledge in and between the Natural and Human Sciences, 29.06.-01.07.2023, Vienna

Institute for Economic and Social History at the Univ. of Vienna; Brooke Penaloza-Patzak and Tamara Fernando (Web)

Time: 29.06.-01.07.2023
Venue: Univ. Wien, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien, „Green Lounge“

Programme (PDF)

Work on how material objects and collections are involved in the stabilization, transfer, loss, and transformation of knowledge has become one of the most dynamic spheres of inquiry in the history of science. This notwithstanding, conversation still tends to be overly determined by contemporary disciplinary boundaries and enlightenment-mode preoccupations about who and what constitutes science. There is a curious lack of discourse between scholars working on objects, specimens, and collections in what we now consider natural history and the natural sciences on one hand, and the human sciences on the other. And while research into the former is increasingly becoming a mainstay in the history of science, the latter is only still largely dismissed as the purview of anthropologists working on the history of their own discipline. These trends obscure vitally important information about how objects intertwine ideas and practices in different spheres of knowledge. The time is ripe to talk about how object-based practices and ideas figure into the history of knowledge in, and more emphatically between, the natural and human sciences broadly conceived.
This special issue brings historians of science focused on natural history, botany, ethnography, biogeography, environmental and social and economic history, together with scholars in archaeology, paleontology and cultural anthropology to talk about how objects, specimens, and collections have been involved in the transfer, loss, and transformation of specialized knowledge around the world from 1000 BCE to today.
Special areas of interest include but are not limited to the ways and means by which objects: Continue reading