Monthly Archives: Juli 2009

7. Treffen der „Konferenz der Einrichtungen für Frauen- und Geschlechterstudien im deutschsprachigen Raum“ (KEG), 16.-18.07.2009, Klagenfurt

„Konferenz der Einrichtungen für Frauen- und Geschlechterstudien im deutschsprachigen Raum“ (KEG)
Zeit: 16. bis 18. Juli 2009
Ort: Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
Am ersten Tag, dem 16. Juli 2009, wird eine Fachtagung zu dem Thema „Inclusion-Exclusion. Demokratie, Minderheiten und Geschlecht“ abgehalten. In Workshops und anhand von Kurzvorträgen werden Themen wie Minderheitenrechte, Frauenrechte und Verwirklichung der Geschlechterdemokratie, queere und alternative Gesellschaftsmodelle, Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit, u.v.m. diskutiert.
Im Anschluss an die Fachtagung wird am 17. und am 18. Juli die Arbeitstagung der „Konferenz der Einrichtungen für Frauen- und Geschlechterstudien im deutschsprachigen Raum“ (KEG) stattfinden. Diese Konferenz ist ein offener Zusammenschluss von Zentren, Lehrprogrammen und Koordinationsstellen an Universitäten, sonstigen Hochschulen und außerhalb von Hochschulen sowie Einzelpersonen im deutschsprachigen Raum, die sich mit Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung befassen. Continue reading

CfP: Transgender Studies and Theories: Building up the Field in a Nordic Context (18-20.11.09, Linkoeping, Sweden); DL: 08.09.09

Department of Gender Studies, Linköping University, Sweden
November 18-20, 2009
Papers are invited for an international conference on transgender studies and theories in a Nordic context. Within the Nordic context there are already a number of activists and researchers from different disciplines focusing on transgender questions. However, at present, there is no network to connect people with an interest in trans questions. This conference aims to:

  • collect and share transgender knowledge
  • develop interdisciplinary perspectives on transgender questions
  • create networks and establish contacts between researchers
  • discuss collaborative work between different interested groups

KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Gayle Salamon, Allucquére Rosanne Stone, Del LaGrace Volcano, Stephen Whittle
Supported by funding from Vetenskapsrådet and Linköping University, this conference will combine keynote presentations by internationally renowned experts, seminar presentations and discussions, a performance by a drag king group, and an art exhibition by Del LaGrace Volcano. A special issue of the Continue reading

Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium: Postcolonial und Gender Studies, 16.-17.07.2009, Trier

Centrum für Postcolonial und Gender Studies (CePoG); Jun.-Prof. Dr. Alexandra Karentzos, Universität Trier, Kunstgeschichte; Sarah Hilterscheid, M.A., Universität Bielefeld, Graduiertenkolleg „Weltgesellschaft – Die Herstellung und Repräsentation von Globalität“ Trier
Zeit: 16.-17.07.2009
Ort: Universität Trier
Das Centrum für Postcolonial und Gender Studies bietet in Kooperation mit dem Internationalen Graduiertenzentrum ein Kolloquium an der Universität Trier an, in dem Dissertations- und Forschungsprojekte vorgestellt und diskutiert werden können, für die Fragen und Methoden der Genderforschung, der Transkulturalität und des Kulturtransfers eine Rolle spielen. Es bietet Gelegenheit, disziplinäre Arbeiten vor einem interdisziplinären Horizont zu diskutieren und die aktuelle Entwicklung differenztheoretischer Paradigmen zu verfolgen. Im Mittelpunkt sollen Fragen der transdisziplinären Begriffs- und Kategorienbildung sowie der theoretische Rahmen stehen, in dem unterschiedliche Materialien und Fallstudien verhandelt werden. Gäste sind herzlich willkommen!
16. Juli 2009
18 Uhr c.t., Universität Trier, Raum A 7
Vortrag von Ass. Prof. Dr. Liesbeth Minnaard (Universität Leiden, Literaturwissenschaft)
Female Flanerie, or Getting Lost in Paris and Amsterdam. Jean Rhys’ „Good Morning, Midnight“ and Emine Özdamar’s „Fahrrad auf dem Eis“ Continue reading

CfP: Journal for the Study of Radicalism; DL: 01.09.2009

JSR: Journal for the Study of Radicalism invites article submissions for a special issue on anarchism. We particularly are interested in articles that analyze a particular individual, group, or current within the broader subject. We encourage articles on lesser known aspects of contemporary or historical manifestations of anarchism, as well as contested areas within anarchism. Topics might include black bloc tactics, the history of _Fifth Estate_, _Green Anarchy_ and other periodicals, conflicts between anarchist perspectives, violence and non-violence in anarchism, histories of anarchism, anarchist communities, or international aspects of contemporary anarchism.

Generally speaking, the journal’s historical focus is from the early modern period to the present, and the geographic range is global, so we’d be interested in articles discussing groups or individuals whose influence is international, though this is not essential. JSR is an interdisciplinary journal, and we encourage articles from a range of disciplinary backgrounds. We are especially interested in articles that include some original fieldwork, for instance, interviews or use of archival sources.

Submissions should be Continue reading

CfP: Mothering and Migration: (Trans)nationalisms, Globalization, and Displacement (Event: Puerto Rico, 02/2010); DL: 01.09.2009

Association for Research on Mothering (ARM) and the University of Puerto Rico are hosting a conference on Mothering and Migration: (Trans)nationalisms, Globalization, and Displacement
February 18-20, 2010, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico

We welcome submissions from scholars, students, activists, government agencies and workers, artists, mothers, and others who work or research in this area. Cross-cultural, historical and comparative work is encouraged. We encourage a variety of types of submissions including academic papers from all disciplines, workshops, creative submissions, performances, storytelling, visual arts and other alternative formats.

Topics can include (but are not limited to):

Representations/images of mothers and migration and (trans)national issues; globalization of motherhood; empowering migrant mothers; reproduction and movement of mother workers; migrant and (trans)national mothers and capitalism; migrant and (trans)national mothers and activism; public policy and migrant and (trans)national mothers; legal responses to migrant and (trans)national mothers; transnational movement and (anti-) racism in parenting; LBGT migrant and (trans)national mothers and social justice issues; Continue reading

Symposium: „Distinctions and Authority: Specifying and Contextualizing the Orders of Distinction and the Recognition of Authority“ (8-9.10.09, Linkoeping, Sweden); DL: 01.09.09

Call for participation: one-day GEXcel Symposium:“Distinctions and Authority: Specifying and Contextualizing the Orders of Distinction and the Recognition of Authority“. Deadline for registration: September 1, 2009.
A one-day symposium on“Distinctions and Authority: Specifying and Contextualizing the Orders of Distinction and the Recognition of Authority“ will be held on October 8-9 2009, at T Building, Linköping University (Sweden). The event is organized as part of GEXcel Theme 3: Distinctions and Authorization (for more details on Theme 3).
The emerging new global division of labor is both gendered and based on ethnic divisions. It is also creating new class structures which are complicated by regional difference and educational stratification, as well as the gender division of labor and migration. This development coincides with the tertiarization of work and new employment arrangements that could be connected with the shift in power relations between socioeconomic groups.
This development calls for a more intensive discussion of the new distinctions or social categories of various kinds and how to study them simultaneously. The analytical value of the gender concept has increasingly been problematized in gender research and debate. Today this relativizing may be said to have reached new depths in the call for Continue reading