Monthly Archives: November 2010

Vortrag/Workshop: Das Theorie-Praxis-Verhältnis in Feminismus und Frauenbewegung – wo stehen wir heute?, 11.11.2010, Innsbruck

AEP – Arbeitskreis Emanzipation und Partnerschaft, Netzwerk österreichischer Frauen- und Mädchenberatungsstellen (Web)Zeit: Donnerstag, 11. November, 17-21 Uhr
Ort: TREWI – Treffpunkt Wilten, Michael-Gaismair-Straße 7, Innsbruck

17.00 Uhr: Begrüßung

17.15 Uhr: Vortrag und Diskussion
Univ.-Prof. Angelika Wetterer, „Spielarten von Geschlechterwissen“
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Buchpräsentation: Lanzinger, Barth-Scalmani, Forster, Langer-Ostrawsky: Aushandeln von Ehe. Heiratsverträge der Neuzeit im europäischen Vergleich, 03.12.2010, Bozen

Veranstaltet von Dr. Sabina Kasslatter Mur, Landesrätin für Bildung und deutsche Kultur, dem Südtiroler Landesarchiv und dem Böhlau-Verlag

Zeit: Freitag, 3. Dezember 2010, um 18.00 Uhr
Ort: Abteilung Denkmalpflege, Ansitz Rottenbuch, 2. Stock, Armando-Diaz-Straße 8, Bozen
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Dr. Sabina Kasslatter Mur (Landesrätin für Bildung und deutsche Kultur), Dr. Christine Roilo (Direktorin des Südtiroler Landesarchivs)
Präsentation des Bandes (L’HOMME Archiv 3):
Dr. Margareth Lanzinger, Universität Wien Ellinor Forster, Universität Innsbruck
Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gunda Barth-Scalmani, Universität Innsbruck
Dr. Gertrude Langer-Ostrawsky, Niederösterreichisches Landesarchiv, St. Pölten
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CfP: 5th postgraduate course on Feminisms in Transnational Perspective (Event: 5/2011, Dubrovnik), DL: 20.01.2011

The Zagreb Centre for Women’s Studies in collaboration with Faculty of Modern Languages, University of Udine, Italy; Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Croatia; Department of Gender Studies, CEU Budapest, Hungary; Center for the Study of Gender and Culture, Lahore, Pakistan

Date: 23-27 May 2011
Venue: Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik, Croatia
Proposal deadline: 20 January 2011
Call for papers and details as PDF

This year’s theme is „Women narrating their lives and action“. The intellectual impulse for the fifth feminist course in the seminar on Feminisms in transnational perspective comes from Hannah Arendt’s statement that “lives without words and action are dead for the world”. Extensive scholarship has established links between gender and genre in women’s (auto)biographical discourses, while feminist theorizing has offered political and activist perspectives on the wider socio-cultural frame of positing, producing, communicating, and manipulating women’s selfrepresentations. The exploration of autobiographical ethics and „first-person plural subjectivities“ involved in national identity formation in turbulent times and politically charged contexts has been particularly fruitful. Now we may ask, how do the contexts and communitarian vocabularies of selfhood intervene in pervasive  eoliberal structures of power/knowledge and capitalist reification in the transnational negotiation of feminisms?

CFP: Jewish Studies and Gender Studies. Testimonies and Teaching: New Sources and Methodologies for Jewish Studies (Event: 03/2011, Budapest); DL: 09.01.2011

Curriculum Resource Center (CRC), Central European University (CEU), Budapest

Date: 21.-25.03.2011
Venue: Central European University (CEU), CRC Office, Nador u. 9, 1051 Budapest, Hungary
Deadline for proposals: 09.01.2011

Jointly with departments of the Central European University (CEU), CRC organizes one-week course design sessions in Budapest for university teachers during which they can access human and material resources of the CEU, work in the library, consult with colleagues, purchase books, and participate in round-table discussions/workshops on course development issues.

This CRC workshop will be structured around the extensive Visual History Archive of the USC Shoah Foundation, which contains interviews with 52,000 people: 

The CEU Library has recently been given access to this remarkable resource, and the CRC workshop will explore ways in which this database can be useful in designing university courses. Participants will be able to consult with CEU faculty in Jewish Studies and Gender Studies. During the session they will also have the opportunity to use the Visual History Archive. University teachers of history, sociology, anthropology and gender studies are encouraged to apply. 
NOTE: Applicants are requested to submit an 800-word statement of intention on how they are planning to use the Visual History Archive in their teaching.

Contact: Melinda Molnar, Curriculum Resource Center (CRC), Nador u. 9, 1051 Budapest
phone: (36-1) 327-3189;

Ausstellungseröffnug: Die Bibliothek des Vereins „Frauenwohl“ „…was dem Fortschritt dient und dem Ganzen frommt“, 29.11.2010, Berlin

frauenwohl-kopie3Gemeinschaftsprojekt der Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin mit der Fachhochschule Potsdam

  • Eröffnungsvortrag: Dr. Karin Aleksander, Leiterin der Genderbibliothek am Zentrum für transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: „Sie werden hier nur sehr lückenhaftes Material finden.“ : Welche Lücken füllen Frauenbibliotheken?

Zeit: Montag, 29. November 2010, 19.00 Uhr
Ort: Haus Berliner Stadtbibliothek | Berlin-Saal | Breite Str. 30/31 | 10178 Berlin
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Wenn sich der Verein Frauenwohl mit der Frauenbibliothek zum Ziel setzte, „alles, was Deutschland und das Ausland an bedeutenden Leistungen auf dem Gebiete der Frauenfrage hervorgebracht haben“ zu sammeln Continue reading