Monthly Archives: Feber 2013

CfP: Celebrating Women’s Stories (Event: Romania 10/2013); DL: 15.03.2013

The North University Centre, Baia Mare, Transylvania, Romania, Department of Philology and Cultural Studies

The 5th International Anniversary Conference: Celebrating Women’s Stories: 50 Years since the publication of Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique, and 30 Years since the publication of Alice Walker’s Our Mother’s Gardens: Womanist Prose

Venue: The North University Centre, Baia Mare, Transylvania
Time: 10-13 October 2013
Deadline: 15 March 2013

The 2013 Baia Mare international anniversary conference will be dedicated to two major books (and their authors, of course), in the idea of encouraging multi-disciplinary scholars to come and ‚tell their stories‘, under an un-conventional, non-dogmatic, relaxed and future-oriented academic umbrella. Our idea is to look back at some important moments in the development of anything that could be labeled as Women studies, Gender studies, Feminism(s), Womanism, to Continue reading

Buchpräsentation: Gender Initiativkolleg: Gewalt und Handlungsmacht. Queer_Feministische Perspektiven, 05.03.2013, Wien

Stichwort. Bibliothek und Archiv der Frauen- und Lesbenbewegung
Zeit: Dienstag, 5. März 2013, 19:00 Uhr
Ort: Stichwort Gusshausstraße 20/1A+B, 1040 Wien

  • Buchpräsentation und Diskussion mit Herausgeberinnen: Mitgliedern des Gender-Initiativkolleg der Universität Wien sowie mit Autorinnen
  • Moderation: Susanne Hochreiter

Feministische Interventionen führten in den letzten Jahrzehnten zu politischen und institutionellen Maßnahmen gegen bestimmte Formen vergeschlechtlichter Gewaltverhältnisse. Dieser gesellschaft-lichen Entwicklung steht eine wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung gegenüber, die den Blick zunehmend auf Handlungsmacht/Agency von Frauen gerichtet und die Debatte um queere sowie postkoloniale Sichtweisen erweitert.
Der kürzlich erschienene Sammelband beschäftigt sich mit Continue reading

Book Launch: Judith Szapor, Andrea Petö, Maura Hametz, Marina Calloni (eds): Tradition Unchained: Jewish Intellectual Women in Central Europe, 1860-2000, 14.02.2013, Vienna

Venue: Bibliothek des Instituts für Geschichte der Univ. Wien
Time: Donnerstag, 14. Februar 2013 19.30 pm, PDF

  • Keynote: Pamela Nadell, American University, Washington, DC: „Making Women’s History“
  • Discussion with Andrea Petö, Central European University, Budapest
  • Chair: Eleonore Lappin-Eppel, Universität Graz

Pamela S. Nadell holds the Patrick Clendenen Chair In Women’s and Gender History at American University, where she Continue reading

CfP: Feminist Resistance – Resistance to Feminism (Publication: NORA); DL: 01.05.2013

NORA. Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research (Web). Editors: Kirsten Hvenegård-Lassen & Pauline Stoltz: 20th anniversary issue (1993-2013), slated for publication in Autumn 2013

Deadline: 1 May2013

Feminism has been contested in different ways in the Nordic countries during recent years; one opinion that is loudly broadcast is that feminism has won the struggle, and is now either outdated or “hysterical”. In addition, the equality agendas of feminisms are projected onto the Nordic nation states as if these are inherently gender equal in their character. Feminists are hence faced with a complicated situation of both cooption and resistance, which raises questions about what we resist as well as whom and in what ways. Read more (PDF)

CfP: Global Gender Equality Politics. Since the 1960’s (Event: 09/2013, Stockholm); DL: 01.03.2013

2013 Stockholm Conference on Global Gender Equality Politics

Venue: Stockholm University
Time: 10-11th September 2013
Deadline: 01.03.2013

The theme of the conference addresses ongoing gender equality politics as well as legislation against gender discrimination as part of transnational transformations. The concepts of human rights, gender equality and anti-discrimination legislation have gradually become more and more accepted on a comprehensive global level and have been given a prominent position in the official rhetoric. In most Western states, gender equality politics and “state feminism” have become a self-evident part of political development, including legislation, gender equality reforms, measures and institutions such as gender equality ombudsmen. However, the criticisms of the concepts of human rights, gender equality and anti-discrimination as colonial, racial and Western concepts expose Continue reading