Venue: Bibliothek des Instituts für Geschichte der Univ. Wien
Time: Donnerstag, 14. Februar 2013 19.30 pm, PDF
- Keynote: Pamela Nadell, American University, Washington, DC: „Making Women’s History“
- Discussion with Andrea Petö, Central European University, Budapest
- Chair: Eleonore Lappin-Eppel, Universität Graz
Pamela S. Nadell holds the Patrick Clendenen Chair In Women’s and Gender History at American University, where she is also Chair of the Department of History. She is the author of, among others, Women Who Would Be Rabbis: A History of Women’s Ordination 1889-1985, which was a finalist for a National Jewish Book Award.
Andrea Petö is an Associate Professor at the Department Of Gender Studies. Her books include: Women in Hungarian Politics 1945-1951 (2003), Geschlecht, Politik und Stalinismus in Ungarn. Eine Biographie Von Júlia Rajk (2007). She Is serving as the co-president for atGender, European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation.