Vortrag im Rahmen von GESCHICHTE AM MITTWOCH
Fatima HARRAK ist Gastprofessorin für „Neuere Geschichte mit dem Schwerpunkt islamische Kultur“ am Institut für Geschichte der Universität Wien
Ort: Universität Wien – Institut für Geschichte, HS 45
Zeit: Mittwoch, 28. Mai 2008, 18.00 c.t.-20.00 Uhr
Moderation: Marlene Kurz
Abstract: Family Law serves as a powerful symbol in Muslim modern societies, for its codification – which is a social construction – raises fundamental questions about participation in political life and representation of Islam in the public sphere. This communication will examine the various attempts at reforming the Moroccan Code of Personal Status (mudawwanat al ahwal al shakhsiyya) between 1957, the date of its elaboration, and 2004, when the new Family Code was voted by Parliament.
Zur Person: Ph.D. in History from SOAS, University of London. Research Professor of History and former Director of the Institute of African Studies, University Mohammed V, Rabat. Themes of interest: Islamic Reform Movements, Women and Islam, History of Islamic Religious Institutions. Regional focus: North and West Africa. Period of interest: late modern era.