Symposium – Feminisms: Past, Present and Future, 20.06.08, London

FWSA 21st Anniversary Symposium
Friday 20th June (11:00 – 17:30)
Women’s Library, London Metropolitan University, 25 Old Castle Street, London E1 7NT
This one-day symposium celebrates the 21st Anniversary of Feminist and Women’s Studies Association (UK and Ireland) and the launch of the FWSA Archive at the Women’s Library. The event will explore a range of themes related to the history, development, and futures of feminist, women’s and gender studies in the UK. Keynote Address: Lynne Segal (Birkbeck College).
The programme will include:

  • Official launch of FWSA Archive
  • FWSA Annual General Meeting
  • Lunch and Wine Reception
  • Talks by past and present FWSA executive members on the theme of feminisms: past, present and future: Jackie Stacey (University of Manchester), Margrit Shildrick (Queen’s University Belfast), Alison Assiter (University of the West of England), Chris Corrin (University of Glasgow), Clare Hemmings (LSE) and Stacy Gillis (University of Newcastle).

This event is free and open to all, however, please e-mail to reserve a place in advance, as space for the event is limited. See for further details.
This event is sponsored by the FWSA and The Women’s Library.
The launch of the FWSA archive has been made possible by a grant from the Feminist Review Trust.
The FWSA promotes feminist research and teaching, and women’s studies nationally and internationally. Through its elected executive committee, the FWSA is involved in developing policy on issues of central importance to feminist scholars in further and higher education, supporting postgraduate events and enabling feminist research.
The Women’s Library is the oldest and largest collection of women’s history in the UK. It aims to document and explore women’s lives in Britain in the past, present and future, inspire learning and debate and to act as an international resource for research into women’s history.

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