CfP: Work in a Globalising World: Gender, Mobility, Markets (Event: 04/2013, Bielefeld); DL: 18.11.2012

Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology (BGHS) (Web)

Time: 08.-10.04.2013
Venue: Bielefeld University, Germany
Deadline: 18.11.2012

The concept of work has been a key topic in both history and sociology since the early days of these disciplines. Up to the end of the 20th century the sociology of work as well as social history and the history of labour analysed work within the framework of the nation state and national institutional settings. During the last decade, however, it has become clear that this perspective is too narrow:

Global history has shown that work is too heterogeneous a concept to be understood within national or regional borders. During the epochs of colonisation and industrialisation, … read more and source

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