CfP: Gender on the Edge: Crime, Punishment and Regulation of the Female Body (Event: „Big Berks“ 05/2014); DL: 15.12.2012

Berkshire Conference on Women’s History, Toronto, Canada, May 22-25, 2014, Website

Call for panelists from Kendra Moore: I am interested in forming an interdisciplinary conventional panel of three scholars whose work explores legal definitions of gender and the regulation of female bodies on theedges of empires and nations throughout history. My paper will focus on Euro-American legal constructions of the boundaries of „proper“ femininity in the culturally diverse Arizona Territory, exploring the role of the criminalization and punishment of sexual behaviors in legitimizing white masculine power through the regulation of the female body, as well as the struggles and responses of Euro-American women who transgressed those boundaries. I will be submitting this panel under the primary theme of „Law, Family Entanglements, Courts, Criminality, and Prisons“ and the subtheme of „Borders, Encounters, Borderlands, Conflict Zones, and Memory.“ Submissions for the conference are due January 15, so I ask that interested panelists submit an abstract (250 words) and one-page CV to my personal email address no later than December 15, 2012.

More information about the conference can be found at http://**featured/call-for-papers-**histories-on-the-**


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