Konferenz: Subject Matters. Subjects, Artefacts, Bodies, 07.-09.02.2013, Oldenburg

DFG Graduiertenkolleg 1608/1: Selbst-Bildungen. Praktiken der Subjektivierung in historischer und interdisziplinärer Perspektive
Zeit: 07.-09.02.2013
Ort: Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Anmeldung bis zum 27.01.2013
Although it is disputable whether the ‘cultural turn’ and its dizzying siblings such as the ‘practice’ or ‘somatic/ body turn’ bring truly new phenomena to light, it has already come to pass that these have at least brought forth new perspectives on the ‘site of the social’ (Schatzki). One such perspective is a praxeological theory of subjectivation that does not see the fully formed social actor as the starting point for theoretical analyses, but as a social achievement whose observation and explanation is equally, if not more important for the understanding of social life than the modelling of the decisions of a rational actor. Talking about subjectivation means to talk about the self?making process of working oneself and slipping into subject forms of everyday life.  Weiterlesen und Quelle (Website)

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