Konferenz: Die Evidenz der Familie zwischen Wissenschaft, Alltag und Politik im 20. Jhd./What happened to the nuclear family in the 20th century? 31.01.-02.02.2013, Münster

Seminar für Volkskunde/Europäische Ethnologie: Elisabeth Timm; in Kooperation mit dem Historischen Seminar: Isabel Heinemann, Emmy-Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe (Website)
Zeit: 31.01.-02.02.2013
Ort: Universität Münster
Anmeldung bis 31.01.2013; Programm als PDF
Family and kinship have attracted a new scientific attention. What the early as well as the current revisions of the research in all disciplines share is that they have shown the family/nuclear family (with a heterosexual pair of parents) to be an ethnocentric construct of the West and the socio-centric norm of bourgeois milieus. At the same time it was pointed out that the empirical analysis of the manifestations of “family” needed to be further refined and more precisely situated epistemologically.
The conference is to draw up both approaches to the theme – put briefly: the question of the empirical proof of familial lifestyles in the process of historical change and in the current variants on the one hand, and the reflection of analytical categories and definitions of the research subject on the other – as not being mutually exclusive. It is intended rather to bring these into contact with one another, inasmuch as “the family” will be regarded as a central and productive “epistemic object” (L. Daston, H.-J. Rheinberger) of the investigation of social and cultural forms.

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