CfP: Journal Gendered Perspectives on International Development (MSU)

Gendered Perspectives on International Development, Publication Series, Michigan State University
Gendered Perspectives on International Development (GPID) publishes scholarly work on global social, political, and economic change and its gendered effects in the Global South. GPID cross-cuts disciplines, bringing together research, critical analyses, and proposals for change.
Our previous series, MSU WID Working Papers (1981-2008) was among the first scholarly publications dedicated to promoting research on the links between international development and women and gender issues. Gendered Perspectives on International Development recognizes diverse processes of international development and globalization, and new directions in scholarship on gender relations. The goals of GPID are:

  1. to promote research that contributes to gendered analysis of social change;
  2. to highlight the effects of international development policy and globalization on gender roles and gender relations; and
  3. to encourage new approaches to international development policy and programming.

Individual papers in the series address a range of topics including gender, violence, and human rights; gender and agriculture; reproductive health and healthcare; gender and social movements; masculinities and development; and the gendered division of labor. We particularly encourage manuscripts that bridge the gap between research, policy, and practice. Published WID papers can be accessed at:
Gendered Perspectives on International Development Working Papers are article-length manuscripts by scholars from a broad range of disciplines. They disseminate materials that are at a late stage of formulation and that contribute new understandings of women and men’s roles and gender relations amidst economic, social, and political change.
The Gendered Perspectives on International Development Forum features short research and project reports and policy analyses of importance in the field. It disseminates papers that are brief or at an early stage of development and that contain insights that can inform scholarship and influence development policy and programs. The Forum also publishes methodological papers and reflections on the state of feminist, gender, development and globalization scholarship.
If you are interested in submitting a manuscript to the Working Papers series, please send a 150 word abstract summarizing the paper’s essential points and findings to Dr. Anne Ferguson, Editor, or Anna Jefferson, Managing Editor, at If the abstract suggests your paper is suitable for the Working Papers, the full paper will be invited for peer review and publication consideration.

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