The 2nd Vienna Ethnography Lab of the Dep. of Methods in the Social Sciences: Tatjana Thelen in cooperation with the Dep. of Social and Cultural Anthropology: Bernhard Hadolt, the Dep. of Political Science: Birgit Sauer and the Dep. of Development Studies: Petra Dannecker at the University of Vienna
Venue: Vienna
Time: 25.-27.09.2015
Application by 15.04.2015
Over the last decades, care has received increasing attention in public discourse and scientific debates. This is not coincidental, but reflects the perception of a shift in the distribution of Care obligations between state, market and families as well as new forms of globalisation and migration. These debates around commodification and commercialisation of reproductive labour surrounded by an aura of crisis embedded in the current demographic trend toward aging societies in particular in the so-called Global North. As a result care has moved from being a concern of mostly feminist researchers to a central topic of various social science disciplines. Besides pointing to various inequalities along the lines of gender, ethnicity/nationality and class, care has been proven useful to explore the intersection of the “public” sphere of economy, and the supposedly private area of kinship. Read more (PDF)