University of Oxford, Philosophy Faculty (Web)
Venue: University of Oxford
Time: 27.-29.06.2016
Proposals by the 23.04.2016
In the last twenty years, there has been a flowering of interest in the historically neglected philosophy of ‚race‘. Work produced in the philosophy of race spans the divide between ‚theoretical‘ and ’normative‘ philosophy with questions about the metaphysics of race being addressed alongside worries about the place of racial groups and identities in political theory. In many cases thinking philosophically about race looks to even challenge the subdisciplinary boundaries of professional philosophy. However, there is something of a lacuna in the emerging literature: much of it assumes, either tacitly or explicitly, an US-American audience, and addresses the phenomena of race and racism primarily salient to a distinctively US-American context. But, arguably, race and racism are just as salient to, say, European political and social life as to their US-American equivalents. In order to help close this lacuna, the Oxford conference aims to widen the conversation beyond the context of the US. It seeks … read more (Website).