Workshop: Socialist Masculinities. Men in Eastern Europe – Ruptures, Transformations, and Continuities in the 20th Century, 15.-16.09.2017, Paris

Programme_keyser.inddEcole des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), Centre d’étude des mondes russe, caucasien et centre-européen (CERCEC); Coordination: Peter Hallama (PDF)
Venue: EHESS Paris
Time: 15-16 September 2017
Programm (PDF)
The international workshop aims to gather scholars working on socialist masculinities in Central and Eastern Europe. The main objectives are to reconsider the state of the art and discuss new ways for writing a history of masculinities under socialism. The organizers wish to engage in a transdisciplinary discussion, involving historians, sociologists, anthropologists, demographers, art historians, political scientists, and scholars from neighbouring fields of research. The central questions of the workshop are:

  • Which role were men and fathers to play in the construction of a „new“ socialist family?
  • How where masculinities transformed in socialist movements and state-socialist countries?

The workshop is interested, on the one hand, in the ideologies and the utopian reflexions of the place of men in a future communist society. On the other hand, it aims at questioning the everyday life of socialist men and fathers, as well as the everyday life of men and fathers living under socialism. Read more … (PDF)