CfP: Disarming women. Women’s reflection and the anti-nuclear movement from 1945 to the present day (Event, 11/2018, Venice); DL: 07.07.2018

RIVISTA TELEMATICA DI STUDI SULLA MEMORIA FEMMINILE/ONLINE JOURNAL OF STUDIES ON WOMEN’S MEMORY (Web);  Scientific committee for the conference: Bruna Bianchi, Geraldine Ludbrook, Sara De Vido and Rosa Caroli

Venue: Venice
Time: 22-23 November 2018
Proposals due 7th July 2018

Within the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence promoted by the United Nations, the journal DEP. Deportate, esuli, profughe / Deportees, Exiles, Refugees (Link) is organising an international conference on the topic of feminist reflection and the anti-nuclear and geoengineering movement from the first declarations following the launch of the atomic bomb in 1945 to the movements in post-Fukushima Japan.

The conference is divided into two strands:

(1) The first strand will focus on the theme of the formation of the women’s anti-nuclear movements and sets out to examine the activists’ motivations in different countries, to understand a collective mood, to explore decision-making mechanisms, and to reconstruct methods of dissemination of the aims, including songs, theatrical representations, and fictional works.

(2) The second strand will centre on the underlying philosophy of tactics and strategies, on the theoretical reflection that inspired the movements.

Submissions may focus on individual activists and thinkers such as Dorothy Detzer, Dora Russell, Rachel Carson, Kathleen Lonsdale, Dagmar Wilson, Therèse Casgrain, Elisabetta Donini, Helen Caldicott or Rosalie Bertell; on the organisations that promoted the campaigns and the movements that formed spontaneously such as Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Women Strike for Peace, the Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp, Planetare Bewegung für Mutter Erde.

Submissions may also focus on how the movements developed in individual countries. Deadline for proposals (about 500 words, and a CV): 7th July 2018.

Please send proposals to Bruna Bianchi ( and Geraldine Ludbrook (