CfP: TRANS- Women’s Studies Quarterly, Deadline 1.10.2007

Trans: -gender, -national, -racial, -generational, -genic,, -species. The list could (and does) go on. This special issue of WSQ invites feminist work that explores categorical crossings, leakages, and slips of all sorts, around and through the concept „trans-.“ While it centrally addresses the challenges presented to traditional feminist scholarship by the transgender movement of the past few decades, it aims to take feminist scholarship in an even more expansive direction by recasting trans- as a more general conceptual operation, and by articulating the interrelatedness and mutual inextricability of various „trans-“ phenomena.

We invite abstracts from all disciplinary and artistic homes including but not limited to: critical theories of race/gender/sexuality, biomedical fields, literary studies, technology and science studies, legal studies, the social sciences, and the arts and humanities generally.
If submitting academic work, please send abstracts by October 1, 2007 to the guest editors at If accepted, full papers will be due by January 2, 2008. Poetry submission should be sent to WSQ’s poetry editor Kathleen Ossip, at, by January 2, 2008. Fiction, essay, and memoir submissions should be sent to WSQ’s Fiction/Nonfiction editor Kamy Wicoff, at , by January 2, 2008. All art submissions should be sent on CD or floppy disk in a high-resolution (300 dpi or more) JPEG or TIFF image to both of the following addresses:
Paisley Currah
Department of
Political Science
Brooklyn College, CUNY
2900 Bedford Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11210
Lisa Jean Moore
Purchase College
735 Anderson Hill Road

Purchase, NY 10577
Susan Stryker
Studies Department
Simon Fraser University
University Drive,
Burnaby, B.C. Canada V5A 1S

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