CfP: Contemporary British Masculinities, 15.9.07, New York

39th Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)
April 10-13, 2008, Buffalo, New York
„Identity is the primal form of ideology“ (Adorno, Negative Dialectics 148)
In an era of post-feminist approaches to both narrating and interpreting gender, questions of social performativity and overdetermination remain as relevant to our understandings of individual and cultural identity as ever.
This session welcomes abstracts or completed essays on any topic related to the fictional depiction of contemporary British masculinity. Issues include, but are certainly not limited to:
-‚The Man‘ v. the men (masculinities and authority)
-Masculinity in „crisis“
-Masculinity and/as narrative
-New masculinities (subversive/assimilative subcultures)
-Masculinity and commodity culture
-The Englishman’s others: Scottish, Welsh, and Irish masculinities
-Postcolonial masculinities
-Borders and masculinities (geographic or age-based)
-Popular masculinities
-Queer masculinities
-Female authors‘ depictions of masculinities
-Masculinity theory and its relation to other theories
Theodore A. Miller
English Dept.
441 East Fordham Rd.
Bronx, NY 10458
Tel: 203.988.3011
Email: millertheodore[at]
Visit the website
Quelle: AKHFG Newsletter

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